I can definitely say I am very lucky to have had the chance to meet Justin Bieber on 2 different occasions. The first time I met him was on August 4th of 2010 in Orlando, Florida. For my 14th birthday, my parents got my friend Kylee and I a hotel room at the Hyatt Grand Cypress because we stayed the night in Orlando and we also got tickets to Justin’s concert. My cousin is in the entertainment industry and works with different celebrities so he got us the Meet & Greets. As soon as we arrived at the hotel, we were both freaking out telling all of the workers how we were going to meet Justin Bieber. One of the workers at the front desk even prank called me telling me it was Justin! We were so anxious and decided to get ready a few hours before the concert only there was a problem. The hotel room wasn’t ready because the people staying in our room didn’t check out yet! Kylee and I had to get ready in the hotel bathroom! As soon as we were done getting ready, we headed over to the Amway Arena because the Meet & Greet started at 5:00 and we had to pick up our M&G bracelets at 4:30. Finally, after waiting for what seemed to be hours, we walked into the Arena and saw huge curtains where we were going to meet Justin. We were waiting and waiting, we even met 2 other nice girls in line. Suddenly we heard a few people gasp behind us and I saw someone out of the corner of my eye. I didn’t think much of it but it was JUSTIN BIEBER on his segway a few feet away from me!!! He zoomed past us and headed for the curtains! My sudden reaction was to slap Kylee as hard as I could which I did haha. A few minutes later, Kylee and I were next in line. I took a deep breath as I saw KENNY look at me. He told me, “Whatever you do don’t pass out.” and then he smiled. Then another security guard opened up the curtains as I saw Justin Bieber stand right in front of me. He took of his hat, shook his beautiful hair and put his hat back on as he waved us in. My friend Kylee actually walked in first because she claimed that as soon as I saw Justin, I froze and stood in the same spot for a couple of seconds. Then I walked over to him and he put his arms around me. He was so soft and he smelled like mint! Then I stood right next to him with our arms around eachother, on his right when 2 other girls walked in behind us and got in the picture. Kylee was on his left. As soon as we got our picture taken, I turned over to him and handed him a bracelet that I made for him. He looked at me, smiled, and said thank you very much. He put his arm out for me to tie it on him only it dropped! We both hesitated to pick it up but he ended up getting it and I said, “Nice meeting you, I hope you liked your bracelet!” He said, “Nice meeting you too. I love it.” I was hoping he would wear it during the concert. As Kylee and I were walking out of the curtains, I turned around so I could take my final look at him up close and personal. Kenny was tying my bracelet onto Justin’s wrist! I was in shock and as soon as I walked out, I fell to the floor crying. After the amazing show, Kylee and I rushed over to Justin’s tour bus and saw RYAN GOOD who autographed my hand! He was extremely nice. I can for sure say that August 4th of 2010 was one of the BEST days of my life! Never Say Never. -@ iitshaley Read the original here: I can definitely say I am very lucky to have had the chance to…
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I can definitely say I am very lucky to have had the chance to…