SMH. Sounds like someone forgot to take their meds: A racist, pistol-packing ex-con was gunning for the head of the Anti-Defamation League in New York when cops caught him in Arizona last week, police said. They said Danny Lee Warner, nicknamed “Tombstone” and a leader of the Silent Aryan Warriors during his 10 years in prison in Utah, had been plotting against ADL national director Abraham Foxman. The suspect told his wife he was “going to New York to kill some people,” one source said. He sent her a letter while on the lam in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, saying he was “headed down South to kill some n—ers and Jews until the government gets me — hopefully, I’ll get enough to make it all worth it before I go.” He was charged with a parole violation, gun possession and possession of stolen property. The feds also hit him with ammunition charges. Let’s hope they catch this crazy person, pronto!! Source