Ireland Baldwin has messaged me before…her and her dad lost their shit on me and blocked me for being such a good guy…you know the misunderstood hero in this story that is life…and that rejection is probably why I bother looking at her instagram because I prefer girls who hate me. I find it more appealing, but also I don’t have to question what is wrong with them on a psychological level in that they would let me up in them… That said, she’s now an IMG model because she’s 6 foot 5 and big and I guess either in this years SI Swimsuit cuz she matters enough to have her team of agents push her onto magazines catering to a younger audience…because their existing audience is dying and don’t use computers…and I guess part of that becoming a model amongst other titty models involves showing off your tits as hard as you can. TO SEE ALL THE PICS OF THE MODELS FROM THE SI EVENT CLICK HERE
Here is the original post:
Ireland Baldwin at the SI Swim Event of the Day