Tag Archives: misunderstood

Ireland Baldwin at the SI Swim Event of the Day

Ireland Baldwin has messaged me before…her and her dad lost their shit on me and blocked me for being such a good guy…you know the misunderstood hero in this story that is life…and that rejection is probably why I bother looking at her instagram because I prefer girls who hate me. I find it more appealing, but also I don’t have to question what is wrong with them on a psychological level in that they would let me up in them… That said, she’s now an IMG model because she’s 6 foot 5 and big and I guess either in this years SI Swimsuit cuz she matters enough to have her team of agents push her onto magazines catering to a younger audience…because their existing audience is dying and don’t use computers…and I guess part of that becoming a model amongst other titty models involves showing off your tits as hard as you can. TO SEE ALL THE PICS OF THE MODELS FROM THE SI EVENT CLICK HERE

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Ireland Baldwin at the SI Swim Event of the Day

Taylor Kitsch’s Super Bowl Ads Needed More Taylor Kitsch

‘Friday Night Lights’ actor, set to break out in ‘John Carter,’ ‘Battleship,’ should have been featured more prominently. By Kevin P. Sullivan Taylor Kitsch in “John Carter” Photo: Walt Disney Pictures Millions of people around the world were introduced to Taylor Kitsch Sunday night. The Canadian actor found himself at the center of two of the Super Bowl’s biggest movie ads for his first two starring roles, in “John Carter” and “Battleship,” but the trailers may not have been the first impression Kitsch was hoping for. Kitsch made a name for himself starring as the misunderstood bad boy Tim Riggins on the beloved but criminally under-watched NBC series “Friday Night Lights.” Riggins grew dear to the show’s viewers because of the charm and likability Kitsch brought to the character, despite a tough exterior. Throughout the show’s run, it was never a stretch to imagine the actor making the crossover to big-budget action movies with his charisma as hard evidence of his bankability. But for his Super Bowl debuts, the studios behind “John Carter” and “Battleship” took the focus off of their star and instead cut special-effects shots together, leaving Kitsch as little more than background noise. The “John Carter” trailer that aired during the game handled its time the most curiously. Beginning with a shot of Kitsch from the film, the footage grew smaller, eventually becoming part of a large collection of footage that formed letters spelling out the title of the film. By the time most of the video appeared on the screen, it was too small to make any sense of it. What many people may not have known was that an extended version of the commercial, one with full-sized footage from the film, appeared online shortly after. That trailer showed off Kitsch during action sequences instead of zooming away from him. The ad for “Battleship” approached promoting a big-budget sci-fi movie in a more traditional way, albeit one that also put Kitsch in the background. The spot played more like a commercial for the other series of movies based on Hasbro toys, “Transformers,” and the scattered nature of it might have left people wondering whether the film stars Kitsch, Liam Neeson or Rihanna . Sure, these are just commercials, but if 2012 is going to be the year that Taylor Kitsch makes the crossover from TV heartthrob to viable action star, studios ought to realize who they’re working with and put the man front and center. Check out everything we’ve got on “John Carter” and “Battleship.” For breaking news, celebrity columns, humor and more — updated around the clock — visit MTVMoviesBlog.com . Related Videos Super Bowl 46: Movie Spots

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Taylor Kitsch’s Super Bowl Ads Needed More Taylor Kitsch

Wu Tang Clan Name Generator

The program named as the ‘Wu Tang name generator’ requires the first name and the last name of the person who is willing to get a Wu Tang name. Then the program uses word merging modus operandi and some communication rules to generate a funny name for the user. The program hosts a huge list of names such as Babyfaced Ambassador, Toney ShoGun, Shyheim The Baptist, Profound Watcher, Insane The Darkman, Othorized Ambassador, Victorian Cow, Misunderstood Destroyer and many more. People are just cra

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Wu Tang Clan Name Generator

‘City’ Stars Whitney Port And Roxy Olin ‘Get Along Seamlessly’

‘Sometimes it comes off as us being catty or bitter,’ Whitney says of their misunderstood friendship. By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Christina Garibaldi Whitney Port and Roxy Olin Photo: Michael Buckner/ Getty Whitney Port and Roxy Olin might be besties on “The City,” but they definitely butted heads every once in a while. Their relationship proved that it’s not always easy being roommates, co-workers and friends all at the same time

‘City’ Stars Whitney Port And Roxy Olin ‘Get Along Seamlessly’