Ireland Baldwin is pretty fuckin solid…and I am not just saying that because she’s 6 foot 3 and 180 pounds, I am saying it because she just gives off this vibe of relatively intelligent, but still dumb enough to want the fame and fortune, to make it on her own, in the world of modeling, the most vapid of fucking professions… It’s like her parents are rich as fuck actors, she has all the resources she needs to do anything in life, even produce great movies that she writes herself, because she’s in the circle…but instead…she wants to be a fucking model… What’s wrong with instagram, or this world, that these girls all want to be fucking models…when did modeling become more than just demonstrating the clothing you are going to buy, and turn into the most coveted profession… There are so many more interesting ways to spend your day, and let’s face it, acting isn’t that much different than modelling, is her issue that she’s too tall to get cast in movies? I don’t know… What I do know is that in her 18 year old identity crisis, from surf wife to interracial lesbian with an angry lesbian lover, to this dark haired titty flasher, I think she’s great… Here are some other pics from her instagram…the only modeling she’s done, but not the only modeling she’s ever do… The post Ireland Baldwin is Fun and Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Ireland Baldwin is Fun and Topless of the Day