I am a little slow to the gate on this one…it happened 5 days ago and according to internet protocol…5 days is the equivalent of 10 years ago…but still not in the realm of “it didn’t happen at all because you can still google it to cross reference it with her latest social media work”…that’s why we are all ADD idiots who focus on useless things like other people’s lives, and making our shitty lives seem more interesting…something I only really like when it involves girls being slutty, or exhibitionists, because anything else is just nonsense I can’t jerk off to… So Jaime King….star of My Bloody Valentine 3D….who is 35 posted this ass picture, and it’s not that bad…because it is an ass picture…and it doesn’t look 35…because she’s all hollywood, even though she’s barely hollywood, but I remember the name, so there must have been at least 5-10 minutes for her, where she was deep throating producers, as girls in hollywood do, provided the producer has a big enough penis to constitute “deep throating”…when most are probably tiny penises overcompensating with shitty movies and lots of money…not that it matters…what matters is that all girls need to flash their asses…Jaime King is just taking the lead on a movement I endorse…
Read the rest here:
Jaime King Ass for Instagram of the Day