Jessica Alba’s Mom Ass Crack of the Day

Here are some pictures of Jessica Alba playing mom to her kid since she is a mom now…not that you even remember who Jessica Alba is because she’s wronged you by taking the pregnancy plunge and quickly became insignificant….. Which is crazy because her career relied on being the young, hot, half spic pussy who didn’t have a kid so everyone wanted a piece of, fantasizing about trying to give her a kid, but she let her emotions get the best of her and figured she had already made enough money if her career would end and knew she could afford to fade into obscurity if that was the worse case scenario, as long as she was locked into her man who was going to leave her prior to the pregnancy for life, but she is the kind of cunt who probably had an ego that didn’t even let her believe that her career would ever dry up, I mean she was the MTV award winner of best actor at least 10 times….i Either way, like the hot moms on my street who worked back into their stripper bodies, bending their stripper bodies in a variety of hot positions while tending to their half-black stripper offspring, I like to watch but what do you don’t see in these pictures is her violated vagina lips dragging on the city sidewalk….she’s probably thanking god for pants…but I know I’m not… Pics via Bauer

Originally posted here:
Jessica Alba’s Mom Ass Crack of the Day

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