I don’t know when these pictures are from…they all kind of blend and blur into each other…into an awkward pile of useless shit that occupies my brain….when really I should be focusing on other things that are more important…like getting girls to send me nude pictures…see cuz staring at some pregnant ex-popstar….all weathered is barely fun, stimulating or entertaining even when she’s pushing up her milk-filled tits intensely for us all to care about her for the final few months of her career….you know cuz she’s all proud that she has an explanation for her over eating and fatness she’ll never bounce back from…and she wants all the men in the world to recognize….and appreciate….so here’s her soon to be mom tits…cuz you weirdos are into this shit…and I guess so am I….except for the whole being built like a fucking school bus part…that her tits allow me to divert focus from…
Excerpt from:
Jessica Simpson’s Big Old Mom Tits of the Day