Source: Scott Olson / Staff / Getty Woman Leaves Restaurant Bill For God To Pay For A New Mexico woman took the phrase “Won’t He Do It” to a whole new level on Monday when she ordered food from a Sonic in Las Cruces and fled the scene after telling the server “This one’s on God.” According to police , 30-year old Delia Hernandez rode her bike to the Sonic drive-thru, got her food and dipped off when the waiter asked for payment. Officials say the server also told Hernandez, “That’s not how this works,” but gave her the meal after she charged toward him. Shortly after, police found Delia at a nearby park and arrested her on felony burglary charges, which will most likely be reduced to a petty misdemeanor of under $250. Reports say she will also be forced to pay back the restaurant and will possibly fined an additional fee. All of that for a burger, girl. SMH.