Jesus Take The Wheel: Teen Grandson Of Chicago Congressman Danny Davis Murdered Over “Gym Shoes”

Congressman Danny Davis’ Teenage Grandson Murdered Over His Shoes In Chicago Greiving grandfather and U.S. Congressman Danny Davis lost his 15-year-old grandson, Jovan Wilson, over “gym shoes and clothes” during a home-invasion at his residence in Chicago last night according to ChicagoTribune . Another tragic instance of a young person losing their life in the embattled city. “He was a typical 15-year-old,” the congressman said. “He liked basketball. If you listened to him he was a basketball star, but he liked basketball and music. All those kinds of things. He was an avid sports fan, he knew all about, you know, the stats of different players.” Two teens, 15 and 17, boy and girl respectively, broke into Davis’ south side home where Jovan, his 3 siblings and an uncle were. Police say the teen assailants targets Jovan and wanted his sneakers (at the risk of being irresponsible, no one would be surprised if these were Jordans). After a brief argument, the 15-year-old boy pulled a pistol and shot Jovan in the head. He was pronounced dead on the scene. “Initially it was that he had been shot and then actually the police commander called me and indicated that, there during a home invasion, he had been shot and it didn’t look good,” Davis said. “Immediately I simply left and came out to the area where it had taken place,” Davis said. “It’s totally disconcerting.” In speaking on the gun violence in his city, Davis revealed a heartbreaking truth: “I guess that I always knew that the possibility existed that it could happen close to me,” Davis said. “As a matter of fact, I thought it was so unfortunate because Jovan had just reached a point, 15, his grades had improved at school. His father had just told me about how proud of him that he was because he was catching on and realizing that all of his life was in front of him.” R.I.P. Javon Wilson. He lost his life over some f**king shoes. We gotta stop this s#!t. Image via U.S. Gov’t

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Jesus Take The Wheel: Teen Grandson Of Chicago Congressman Danny Davis Murdered Over “Gym Shoes”

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Jesus Take The Wheel: Teen Grandson Of Chicago Congressman Danny Davis Murdered Over “Gym Shoes”

Congressman Danny Davis’ Teenage Grandson Murdered Over His Shoes In Chicago Greiving grandfather and U.S. Congressman Danny Davis lost his 15-year-old grandson, Jovan Wilson, over “gym shoes and clothes” during a home-invasion at his residence in Chicago last night according to ChicagoTribune . Another tragic instance of a young person losing their life in the embattled city. “He was a typical 15-year-old,” the congressman said. “He liked basketball. If you listened to him he was a basketball star, but he liked basketball and music. All those kinds of things. He was an avid sports fan, he knew all about, you know, the stats of different players.” Two teens, 15 and 17, boy and girl respectively, broke into Davis’ south side home where Jovan, his 3 siblings and an uncle were. Police say the teen assailants targets Jovan and wanted his sneakers (at the risk of being irresponsible, no one would be surprised if these were Jordans). After a brief argument, the 15-year-old boy pulled a pistol and shot Jovan in the head. He was pronounced dead on the scene. “Initially it was that he had been shot and then actually the police commander called me and indicated that, there during a home invasion, he had been shot and it didn’t look good,” Davis said. “Immediately I simply left and came out to the area where it had taken place,” Davis said. “It’s totally disconcerting.” In speaking on the gun violence in his city, Davis revealed a heartbreaking truth: “I guess that I always knew that the possibility existed that it could happen close to me,” Davis said. “As a matter of fact, I thought it was so unfortunate because Jovan had just reached a point, 15, his grades had improved at school. His father had just told me about how proud of him that he was because he was catching on and realizing that all of his life was in front of him.” R.I.P. Javon Wilson. He lost his life over some f**king shoes. We gotta stop this s#!t. Image via U.S. Gov’t

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Jesus Take The Wheel: Teen Grandson Of Chicago Congressman Danny Davis Murdered Over “Gym Shoes”

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