Comedian Jon Stewart Wednesday pointed out an inconvenient truth about this week’s General Stanley McChrystal incident: the media “kind of suck” for getting scooped by Rolling Stone magazine. As “The Daily Show” host addressed the day’s events involving the General and President Obama, he showed clips of various press members expressing disgust that Rolling Stone would get such access to McChrystal and staff. These included CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper as well as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. After the final clip of CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr asking, “What on earth was he thinking giving an interview to Rolling Stone,” Stewart quipped, “At approximately 11:04 Eastern Standard Time, the American news media finally realized they kind of suck” (video follows with more highlights and commentary): Stewart next showed some real investigative reporting at CNN: Rick Sanchez talking about his kids having a party in his basement. The Comedy Central star derided, “I’m not sure the unfiltered, over the top musings of the Commanding General undermining the now nine year mission in Afghanistan is quite analogous to your kids hanging out in the basement lighting farts.” No, but it does tell us the state of today’s television news media. As NewsBusters has been reporting since its inception, there isn’t a lot of real investigative journalism going on in our nation anymore, especially if it could be harmful to Democrats. Traditional media were totally scooped by the National Enquirer concerning former Sen. John Edwards’ affair. Just this week news outlets were also bested by the Enquirer’s report concerning former Vice President Al Gore making unwanted sexual advances on a masseuse in 2006. As it pertains to Obama, NewsBusters has chronicled for years stories the mainstream media ignored during the campaign and since his inauguration that would have been embarrassing as well as politically damaging to him and his administration. As such, it shouldn’t be at all surprising to anyone that a news outlet outside the mainstream logged this report concerning McChrystal, as most Americans have known for quite some time the media “kind of suck.”
Read more here:
Jon Stewart: Media ‘Kind of Suck’ for Getting Scooped by Rolling Stone