Tag Archives: rick sanchez

Stephen Colbert Slams Rick Sanchez: His Endorsement Could Get Me Tens of Supporters

Comedian Stephen Colbert on Thursday ridiculed Rick Sanchez, the much-maligned CNN personality that deservedly is the butt of many jokes. After telling his “Colbert Report” viewers that Jon Stewart’s Washington rally next month has been endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, Colbert informed them that he too has gotten a “major media figure” in his corner. Upon learning the endorsement is from Sanchez, Colbert said, “Wow. Rick Sanchez. The coveted Sanchez bump. That could get me tens of supporters.” After showing a clip of the CNNer making a fool of himself on the air, Colbert panicked, “Oh, my God. It’s like I’m a freshman and I’ve just been befriended by a loser upper-classman” (video follows with transcript and commentary, h/t Right Scoop ): STEPHEN COLBERT: Whoop-dee-doo, Jon. Oprah tweeted about you. It just so happens that I got a tweet from Gail. She even re-tweeted it to the authorities. And guess what? Guess what, Jon? I have just been informed that I’ve gotten my own endorsement from a major media figure, too. I’m so excited. Who could it be? Jimmy. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) RICK SANCHEZ: Keep fear alive. BROOKE BALDWIN: Yeah, keep fear alive. SANCHEZ: I love that. Here’s what we’re going to do. Let’s start ignoring the other guy, I’m not even going to say his name, and give all the emphasis to Stephen Colbert… BALDWIN: Okay. SANCHEZ: …because he’s a true American. We’re not even going to talk about the other guy. (END VIDEOTAPE) [Laughter] COLBERT: Wow. Rick Sanchez. The coveted Sanchez bump. That could get me tens of supporters. Take that, Jon. You know what, Jimmy, give me a little taste of this Cracker Jack, nimble-minded newsman. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) SANCHEZ: Up next, ad-lib a tease. That’s what it says right here. Now, I’m supposed to ad-lib about something that I should know about, right? (END VIDEOTAPE) COLBERT: Oh, my God. [Laughter and applause] COLBERT: It’s like I’m a freshman and I’ve just been befriended by a loser upper-classman. Now I have to eat lunch with him the whole year. Snap out of it, Colbert, snap out of it. Look at this positively. Rick Sanchez is kind of like Oprah for people who like to watch Rick Sanchez getting tased. Right, Rick? (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) SANCHEZ: Do it. (Groans in agony.) COLBERT: I can’t believe — (groans in agony) — never became his trademark signoff. So, Rick, Rick, my friend, if you really want to help me get my Facebook total up, come to my march, stand on stage with me, and let me tase you. For America. CNN should be so proud that one of its anchors is the focus of so many jokes.  Just imagine how comedians are going to go after Eliot Spitzer and Piers Morgan once their programs start.

Excerpt from:
Stephen Colbert Slams Rick Sanchez: His Endorsement Could Get Me Tens of Supporters

Rick Sanchez Apologizes After Labeling Obama the ‘Cotton-Picking President’

CNN’s Rick Sanchez quickly apologized on his Rick’s List program on Monday after inadvertently labeling Barack Obama the ” cotton-picking president of the United States .” Sanchez used the racially-tinged term in response to the President recently addressing the significant percentage of American population who believe he is Muslim or was born outside the U.S. The anchor raised President Obama’s recent comment about his birth certificate with correspondent Jessica Yellin 21 minutes into the 3 pm Eastern hour. Yellin explained that “this is the first time he’s talked about it since the polls showing how many Americans believe him to be Muslim came out” and that “you get the sense that he’s been sort of through this. He wants to set the record straight, but he really does seem to accept that he’s not going to convince everyone, and he’s not going to spend a lot of time and energy on something that’s not going to change.” Sanchez replied to Yellin full of frustration: ” I’m just sitting here just shaking my head. He is the cotton-picking president of the United States! ” He continued with another slighter gaffe: ” If the president of the United States doesn’t have enough of a bully pulpit to convince people of a lie- that a lie is a lie, I should say, then- you know, where are we? What kind of planet are we living on? What the hell is going on here? ” To her credit, the CNN correspondent brought up the many people on the left who refused to believe Obama’s predecessor: “The assumption is there are a certain number of people that just don’t buy it. You know, there are people who didn’t think George Bush was telling the truth. You know, there are all those bumper stickers that said, ‘George W. Bush is a liar.’ ” Even with this, Sanchez continued with his frustration: “Here’s the point. I can understand 5%. I can maybe understand 10%. I can maybe understand 15%. We’re talking about- what was the latest number? A third of the American people or more?” Moments later, after taking a commercial break, Sanchez came back with an apology, crediting his Twitter followers for spotting his error: SANCHEZ: This is great. This is what works about having a conversation with my viewers throughout this newscast, because you know that I’m here on Twitter and I read what you write during the commercial breaks. And many of you are pointing out a fault that I just- a faux pas that I just made, and I want to apologize for it, because I obviously didn’t mean any disrespect or anything when I said that . But I was having that conversation with Jessica Yellin, and I think I said something to the effect- it’s so frustrating that people are lying about the president of the United States, that people are saying these things and it seems like he is defenseless to try and deal with it- although this weekend, the President came out and defended himself . And we had a very ample conversation about what it is that the President did, what he didn’t do, what his detractors say about him and what he can or can’t do. In the middle of that conversation, at one point, I said, why can’t the president of the United States seem to figure this out? After all, he is the cotton-picking president of the United States. Well, soon after I said that, I started getting some Tweets from some of you, saying, you just said ‘cotton-picking president of the United States’ about the first black president of the United States? Without even realizing it? I’ve was just saying ‘cotton picking’ because it’s a term that I’ve used because I grew up in the South. It’s a point that’s often used to illustrate frustration- not in any way shown to use- used to show any kind of disrespect. However, I apologize nonetheless for using it, in case it was taken by anyone as an act of disrespect . So, there you go. And, by the way, thank you! I got about ten Tweets right away from people on Twitter saying- hey, be careful using comments like that. So I do, and I apologize for it. This isn’t the first time Sanchez had to apologize for something he said on the air. On October 16, 2009, the CNN anchor gave an on-air apology for running an unconfirmed quote attributed to Rush Limbaugh earlier that week . As for other on-air gaffes, just during the course of 2010, Sanchez wasn’t sure who was protesting at the annual March for Life , misidentified the Galapagos Islands as Hawaii , “joked” that it was “too cold” in Iceland “to have a volcano there,” and incorrectly guessed that the Nixon/Kennedy debate took place in 1962 . The transcript of the relevant portion of the segment from Monday’s Rick’s List: SANCHEZ: Take us now through what is being described as the President becoming defensive this weekend in that interview with NBC. I mean, not only did he talk about- look, what do I have to do? Go around with my birth certificate on my fore- pinned to my forehead, to get people to stop believing that I’m a Muslim? JESSICA YELLIN: Right- SANCHEZ: And then he also addressed the Glenn Beck rally- YELLIN: Right. SANCHEZ: This group of people who got together for Glenn Beck up in Washington. What did he say about that? YELLIN: Well, first of all, on the Muslim question, this is the first time he’s talked about it since the polls showing how many Americans believe him to be Muslim came out. And so, these are the first comments from him. He is right. It came up a lot during the campaign. I was covering him and there were endless e-mails voters were getting from- you know, a friend who was e-mailing something that another friend had sent, saying that he’s Muslim, and people would come up to me and ask me about it on the trail. So you get the sense that he’s been sort of through this. He wants to set the record straight, but he really does seem to accept that he’s not going to convince everyone, and he’s not going to spend a lot of time and energy on something that’s not going to change- SANCHEZ: But that- you know that- YELLIN: There’s a certain amount of the American public that’s going to believe- go ahead. SANCHEZ: I’m just sitting here just shaking my head. He is the cotton-picking president of the United States- YELLIN: Right- SANCHEZ: If the president of the United States doesn’t have enough of a bully pulpit to convince people of a lie- that a lie is a lie, I should say, then- you know, where are we? What kind of planet are we living on? What the hell is going on here? YELLIN: Well, there will be a certain, I suppose- the assumption is there are a certain number of people that just don’t buy it. You know, there are people who didn’t think George Bush was telling the truth. You know, there are all those bumper stickers that said, ‘George W. Bush is a liar.’ SANCHEZ: Yeah. YELLIN: So maybe there’s a certain amount of the population- they accept- that just, you’re never going to reach them and that’s how it is. SANCHEZ: But- you know, but- but here’s the point. I can understand 5%. I can maybe understand 10%. I can maybe understand 15%. We’re talking about- what was the latest number? A third of the American people or more? YELLIN: I think- there’s- it depends who you ask. I think our polling had 18%. Look, we keep reporting- he keeps saying, it’s something that you’ve got to just sort of accept at some point is, and move on. We tell the facts. We’ll continue to tell the facts like they are. SANCHEZ: Yeah, yeah. Well and- look, it’s- as much as it is our job, it’s also the White House’s job, right? I mean- I guess it comes down to this question, and this is just a matter, I suppose, of common sense that people can figure out. I don’t know. I’ve never been the president of the United States. (Yellin laughs) I know what it’s like to be lied about. People lie about me every single day, and it just comes with being a public figure. But if I was the president of the United States and someone was just making a bald-faced lie like that one about me, would my impetus be to have a news conference to stand on top of the highest mountain, as my Mom and Dad always used to say, and just tell the truth? And it’s frustrating- as Americans, as we look at all of these things, whether it’s a lie about a Republican or a Democrat or whoever the heck this is going on about, it’s difficult to look at it and say what a shame that it can’t be remedied, that it can’t be fixed. You get my drift? YELLIN: I do. I do. You know, they blame us for talking about it so much. So go figure. (laughs)

Originally posted here:
Rick Sanchez Apologizes After Labeling Obama the ‘Cotton-Picking President’

CNN Joins Media Speculation on NYC Stabbing’s Connection to Mosque Debate

CNN’s Deborah Feyerick joined the media guessing game as to the motivation behind the stabbing of Muslim taxicab driver in New York City, emphasizing the possibility it may have been ” connected to this big Ground Zero controversy, where we’re hearing so much anti-Muslim sentiment .” Feyerick raised this hypothesis during reports on Thursday’s Rick’s List and The Situation Room. The correspondent’s first report on the attack aired 12 minutes into the 4 pm Eastern hour of Rick’s List. Anchor Rick Sanchez played a clip from victim Ahmed Sharif’s press conference on Thursday before introducing Feyerick. She began by stating that when “Michael Enright, the suspect, was arrested, he had numerous journals and notebooks on him, all of them filled with writings, some of it completely illegible. That is now with authorities, all of that being vetted and looked through to see whether, in fact, there was anything indicating that he had undergone some sort of a mental or emotional change.” Feyerick did mention that Enright “ironically…was a volunteer working for a non-profit organization that promotes peace,” but didn’t mentioned that the organization, Intersections International, actually supports the planned mosque near Ground Zero . She continued with the speculation over the possible motivation of the attack, including the “anti-Muslim” charge: FEYERICK: So, there are two very, very different pieces of the puzzle that investigators are now trying to figure out. Was this simply a crime that occurred because of some emotional stress, like PTSD, or i s it connected to this big Ground Zero controversy, where we’re hearing so much anti-Muslim sentiment? Was that the trigger? The CNN correspondent gave a more thorough report on the stabbing over two and a half hours later during the bottom half of the 6 pm Eastern hour of The Situation Room. Feyerick interviewed a representative from Intersections International, whose affiliation was identified on-screen, but again didn’t explicitly mention the organization by name or its support for the planned mosque. She twice raised the possibility of “anti-Islamic sentiment” during this second report: FEYERICK: The executive director of your group said- quote, ‘The transformative experience an impressionable mind can have in five short weeks- there are intense emotions surrounding that.’ Did anyone see a change in him? JOSEPH WARD, INTERSECTIONS INTERNATIONAL: Michael has been a responsible volunteer for our organization, and he was very consistent in that, in the whole year that we worked with him. FEYERICK (voice-over): Enright volunteered for a non-profit group promoting peace between different races and religions . He helped soldiers deal with the trauma of returning home. But what caused Enright to snap? The death of a soldier he met, maybe- or, perhaps, growing anti-Islamic sentiment fueled by controversy over the proposed Islamic center and mosque? Maybe it was something else entirely. Sharif says Enright asked if he was Muslim, seconds before allegedly shouting, “Salaam aleikum [Arabic for, ‘Peace be upon you’]- consider this a checkpoint,’ then stabbing the defenseless cab driver. AHMED SHARIF: Of course, it was for my religion. FEYERICK: Prosecutors have charged the attack as a hate crime, but are investigating what caused Enright to allegedly snap. FEYERICK (live): Now, investigators are looking into a number of personal journals that Enright was carrying when he was arrested after this assault. They also say that inside his backpack was an empty bottle of Scotch. He was intoxicated when he was arrested. Now, as for Enright’s attorney, we placed some calls to him- we are waiting to hear back. He does face a long sentence if convicted of this hate crime, and that’s what this is being charged as. Suzanne? MALVEAUX: And Deborah, is- does anybody say that he snapped? Is he saying that, or his attorneys, or- where is that coming from? FEYERICK: It seems so out of character- what he did; why he did it; this, sort of, mounting need or desire. So it’s unclear whether he saw something when he was- you know, in the theater of war, or- there’s so much, sort of, anti-Islamic sentiment now because of this mosque- a lot of authorities are saying it’s- people have to be very, very careful, because it’s the kind of hate speech that could lead people to do things. So they’re really monitoring very closely whether there is a rise in hate crimes, and this is considered a hate crime. Just over a month earlier, on July 21, Feyerick actually conducted a hardball interview of mosque developer Sharif el-Gamel, where she asked, “Why not have a prayer space for Buddhists or Jews or Christians…why must it be Muslim?” When el-Gamel initially replied, “There are Jewish community centers all over the country,” the correspondent interrupted, “But the Jews didn’t take down two towers.” The developer continued that “there are YMCA’s all over the country,” but she gave a similar reply: “But the Christians didn’t take down two towers.”

View original post here:
CNN Joins Media Speculation on NYC Stabbing’s Connection to Mosque Debate

Daily Kos Creates Petition To Abolish Filibuster

A petition is beginning to show up in e-mail inboxes across the country thanks to the left-wing website Daily Kos. The goal? Ending the practice of filibuster completely and letting Senators pass news laws with a 50 plus 1 vote. For those who paid attention to Senator Scott Brown (R-Mass.) becoming the infamous “number 41,” the implications are all too clear. The Senate passed Obamacare on Christmas Eve in 2009 only because there were exactly 60 votes to stop a Republican filibuster. Brown’s election weeks later dropped Democratic control to 59 and virtually stopped them cold. Democrats are now expecting to lose the House in November and keep the Senate only with a slim majority. The folks who run Daily Kos, apparently thinking 49 Republican votes should not matter, are trying to change the rules to make it easier for Democratic agendas to sail through. Behold the thought process of today’s Machiavellian liberals who will do absolutely anything to get their way (h/t NBer choselife3x): Today we’re launching a campaign to end the filibuster. Join this campaign by clicking the link below and signing the petition that appears: We’ll deliver the petition to every Democratic nominee for Senate and every returning Democratic Senator. When we do, we’ll get them on record about whether they agree that the rules of the Senate can, and should, be changed with a simple majority vote on the first day of Congress next year. Once 51 returning and potential Senators have come out in support, we’ll have proven that changing Senate rules is possible with a simple majority vote. Sign the petition, prove change is possible! There’s no bigger decision Senate Democrats will make next year. The Senate is where good legislation goes to die. Democrats can either change a system that allows a tiny unaccountable minority to thwart the will of the country, or they can continue being part of the problem. So even though Republican Senators ostensibly represent 41 percent of America now, and are predicted to represent even more states in 2011, the Daily Kos calls them “a tiny unaccountable minority.” And even though the majority of Americans repeatedly tell pollsters they reject Democratic agendas, it’s Republicans who “thwart the will of the country.” On each of those issues, the Daily Kos came down on the side against the will of most Americans. And now the plan is to make it even easier to ram things down Americans’ throats. Democrats will presumably be able to squeak into the Senate with a bare 51 votes and then pass whatever they want even when the public loudly protests. The filibuster has been an important part of Congress since the very beginning of this country. Film director Frank Capra used the procedure in the iconic 1939 movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” proudly displaying the means by which a minority can protect itself from a bullying, overconfident majority. Ending the filibuster would be a drastic departure from our nation’s founding and a radical change in the meaning of representation. As of this writing, Daily Kos is not displaying the petition on its front page. Yet one Kos member by the name of garscosi posted this rather embarrassing diary pleading with the website’s owners to reconsider, followed by a slew of comments in agreement. For a website that habitually trumps up popularity for unpopular ideas, it’s just so fitting.

Read the original post:
Daily Kos Creates Petition To Abolish Filibuster

CNN Lets Pro-Abortion PAC Spout Its Anti-Palin Talking Points

CNN’s Jessica Yellin, a one-time ” prominent feminist activist ,” helped forward the talking points of the pro-abortion lobby by devoting part of a segment on Tuesday’s Rick’s List to EMILY List’s new anti-Sarah Palin ad. Yellin aired their left-wing accusations against the Republican and her endorsed candidates without providing the other side and/or fact-checking them . Anchor Rick Sanchez introduced the issue by bringing up the Republican’s recent “mamma grizzly” ad: “It seemed like a very effective ad that Sarah Palin had put out . I mean, professionally speaking, it was very clean, very well put together – the whole ‘grizzly mom’ ad that everyone was talking about- and, apparently, there’s some blowback on this now. What is that?” Before playing the PAC’s video, which featured women dressed and made-up to look like bears, in mockery of Palin’s “mama grizzly” term, the CNN correspondent noted that EMILY’s List is a ” political action group that raises money for Democratic women pro-choice candidates , and they are now unveiling a new get-out-the-vote effort that’s hitting back on this idea that Sarah Palin speaks for women voters…EMILY’s List’s campaign is called ‘Sarah Doesn’t Speak For Me,’ and they’re taking the whole idea of ‘momma grizzly’ quite literally.” She then played a clip from the ad. During the clip, the unnamed women launched standard attacks from the left against the former Alaska governor and her endorsed candidates: ” Want to know what threatens me? My daughter not having the right to choose. The fact that if you were in charge of this country, my little cubs wouldn’t have health care….Unemployment benefits…something that you and your gang of candidates want to do away with .” Sanchez and Yellin shared a laugh over the ad, and the correspondent continued that EMILY’s List is “trying to drum up interest among Democratic voters who aren’t that energized right now, compared to Republicans, by taking on this whole idea, and with a little bit of humor.” Neither CNN personality provided any response from a pro-life organization or individual, something that CBSNews.com brought up in their Tuesday article about EMILY List’s campaign: Anti-abortion rights group the Susan B. Anthony List , which recently concluded a 23-city bus tour designed to spotlight its support for candidates who oppose abortion rights, quickly hit back with a statement suggesting “EMILY’s List is running scared.” “EMILY’s List is busy perpetuating what it purports to abhor: using women candidates with whom they disagree as punching bags,” said Susan B. Anthony List president Marjorie Dannenfelser. “On the eve of the 90th anniversary of women’s suffrage, the SBA List calls upon EMILY’s List to come to grips with reality.” Yellin also said nothing of whether Palin and her endorsed candidates actually are against health care for children and seek to “do away with unemployment benefits.” Obviously, the former governor and most, if not all, of her picked candidates are pro-life. It’s not surprising that Yellin would omit doing this, given her past as a leader of Harvard-Radcliffe Students For Choice , and, as The Harvard Crimson described her , a “prominent feminist activist in her own right .” During an April 10, 1992 interview with The Crimson , she actually lamented the apparent opposition to women’s studies at Harvard when she was an undergraduate there (Yellin was a political science and women’s studies double major): “For people interested in women’s issues or gender studies, this is an overtly hostile environment .” The transcript of the relevant portion of Jessica Yellin’s segment on Tuesday’s Rick’s List, beginning at the 19 minutes into the 3 pm Eastern hour mark: SANCHEZ: Let me ask you about the Sarah Palin situation going on, because- you know, we saw the ad, and I thought- and I had said on television- in fact, you and I were watching this- that it seemed like a very effective ad that Sarah Palin had put out. I mean, professionally speaking, it was very clean, very well put together- the whole ‘grizzly mom’ ad that everyone was talking about, and, apparently, there’s some blowback on this now. What is that? YELLIN: That’s right. Well, that Sarah Palin ‘momma grizzly’ ad has caught a lot of attention, and driven a lot of media interest, at least in Palin and this movement of women candidates she’s endorsing. But EMILY’s List is a political action group that raises money for Democratic women pro-choice candidates, and they are now unveiling a new get-out-the-vote effort that’s hitting back on this idea that Sarah Palin speaks for women voters who are- quote, ‘conservative momma grizzlies.’  EMILY’s List’s campaign is called ‘Sarah Doesn’t Speak For Me,’ and they’re taking the whole idea of ‘momma grizzly’ quite literally. Watch this. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE 1 (from EMILY’s List ad): When my cubs are threatened- (unidentified woman roars like an animal) UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE 2: But want to know what threatens me? My daughter not having the right to choose. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE 3: The fact that if you were in charge of this country, my little cubs wouldn’t have health care. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE 4: When the salmon stopped coming down the stream and I didn’t work for three months, guess how we survived? Unemployment benefits, which is something that you and your gang of candidates want to do away with. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE 5: You know, Ms. Palin, that really gets under my skin and my-   SANCHEZ (live): (Yellin laughs) Oh, my God. Did we have to stop it there because the bear was going to really get mad? (Sanchez laughs) YELLIN: It was going to climb out of the TV screen and get you. (Sanchez laughs) So, you see what they’re doing. It’s a get-out-the-vote campaign. That’s on their website. They also ask people to go in and sign a pledge that they’ll turn out to vote. Obviously, they’re trying to drum up interest among Democratic voters who aren’t that energized right now, compared to Republicans, by taking on this whole idea, and with a little bit of humor- SANCHEZ: Yeah. YELLIN: I think that’s humorous. SANCHEZ: Humor both ways- we will let the viewers decide. My thanks to you, Jessica.

Go here to read the rest:
CNN Lets Pro-Abortion PAC Spout Its Anti-Palin Talking Points

CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Nixon/Kennedy Debate Took Place in 1962?

Rick Sanchez stumbled again on-air on his CNN program on Monday, getting the year of the famous Kennedy-Nixon television debate wrong by a margin of two years. Sanchez, who was trying to describe South Carolina Democratic senatorial candidate Alvin Greene’s first public speech as the “converse” of the debate, initially guessed 1962 as the year of the debate , but then broadened his answer to ” early ’60s ” . The anchor, who misidentified the Galapagos Islands as Hawaii during CNN’s live coverage of the February 27, 2010 Chilean earthquake, and “joked” that it was too cold in Iceland for volcanoes on April 15, brought on correspondent Jessica Yellin to discuss Greene’s speech. Twenty-one minutes into the 4 pm Eastern hour, Yellin mentioned how she had “talked to the audience [at the speech] beforehand….Every single person I spoke to was a skeptic before, and almost all of them said they’d vote for him afterwards or support him.” This detail surprised Sanchez, who then launched his comparison between Greene’s speech on Monday and the historical Nixon/Kennedy debate: RICK SANCHEZ: Really!? YELLIN: Yeah- SANCHEZ: You know, this is like the converse of the Nixon thing. Remember how people watched the speech there after Nixon- YELLIN: Right. SANCHEZ: Debated Kennedy- 1962? Nineteen-sixty- anyway, early ’60s . Yellin smiled and nodded uncomfortably after her CNN colleague gave that wrong answer, but didn’t explicitly correct his gaffe afterward. Sanchez continued with his recollection of history: SANCHEZ: When Kennedy debated Nixon, everybody who was in the audience said- oh, my God, Nixon killed him- just destroyed him, wiped the floor with him. Yet, everyone at home said- no, Kennedy won that by a mile, and it’s because they could see Nixon’s perspiration, and the camera goes in so tight, and you saw the stubble and the- you know, the five o’clock shadow- YELLIN: (unintelligible) (laughs) Right. SANCHEZ: Well, we were watching this guy here on television and he did come across- jumpy, nervous, jittery, inexperienced, and sweating like he was- like, sweating too much. YELLIN: Right. You know, it was- SANCHEZ: Is that what’s going on here? The CNN anchor, who sparred with this author after the Iceland “joke” back in April, did get a kick out of a Tweet I made after correspondent Brooke Baldwin spilled her secret about her recent engagement, ” stealing [his] thunder ,” as I put it. Sanchez read and displayed my Tweet on-air after a commercial break. Here’s looking at you, Rick!

Here is the original post:
CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Nixon/Kennedy Debate Took Place in 1962?

CNN’s Yellin Cites Her Own Liberal Harvard Days in Defense of Kagan

On Tuesday’s Rick’s List, CNN’s Jessica Yellin harkened back to her college days at Harvard as she defended Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan against charges by conservatives that she is anti-military: “When I was at Harvard, a full decade before she was dean of the law school, there was already institutional opposition to ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’….it steeps the whole university.” Yellin, actually, was a key left-wing student agitator during her time at the university, as she revealed in several interviews with The Crimson, the student newspaper at Harvard. She was labeled a ” prominent feminist activist in her own right ” in a June 10, 1993 profile of Sheila Allen , her first-year roommate and self-proclaimed “dyke of the Class of ’93.” The then-student certainly earned this label, as she helped resurrect Harvard-Radcliffe Students for Choice after a “relatively inactive period,” was a women’s studies major, and, in an April 10, 1992 interview , bemoaned how Harvard was apparently opposed to her feminist agenda: “For people interested in women’s issues or gender studies, this is an overtly hostile environmen t.” In a May 1, 1992 article , Yellin expressed how the acquittal of the four police officers involved in the controversial Rodney King arrest was ” the most blatant evidence of the indelible racism… in this country .” Anchor Rick Sanchez brought on the correspondent just after the top of the 4 pm Eastern hour as the nominee continued her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committe. Sanchez first referenced how Senator Jeff Sessions was “grilling Kagan about banning military recruiters from an on-campus recruiting facility when she was Harvard Law dean.”  He then asked the correspondent, “Is it fair, based, Jessica, on what happened at Harvard, to charge, as Sessions seems to be saying- or alluding to or suggesting- that Elena Kagan has a bias against the military?” Yellin defended  Kagan from the very beginning and immediately cited her time at the Ivy League school: YELLIN: I think that’s apples and oranges, Rick, because, when I was at Harvard, a full decade before she was dean of the law school, there was already institutional opposition to ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ It was alive and well . So, beginning in 1979, when Harvard instituted this no-discrimination policy, there were people in ROTC- the Reserve Officers Training Corps- who could not train and drill on campus because, initially- a holdover from Vietnam- it continued because of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ That was a decade before she was there. Then, when General Colin Powell was invited to speak at graduation in 1993, there were massive protests over ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ I can’t emphasize enough how this- it steeps the whole university . She was continuing with prevailing beliefs on campus, and this whole debate feels very out of context for someone who was at Harvard, because- to suggest this didn’t predate her- saying that’s a left-wing talking point is like arguing that reality is a left-wing talking point. The correspondent does have a personal memory of the 1993 commencement, as she graduated from Harvard that year. The Clinton administration had introduced the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy just months earlier, shortly after coming to office. Later, the CNN correspondent excused Kagan’s open opposition to military recruiters on the Harvard Law campus as merely a manifestation of the left-wing environment at most “elite” institutions of higher learning: SANCHEZ: She was there in 2003. YELLIN: Yeah. SANCHEZ: Isn’t this about the same time, though, that there was a lot of questions? Michael Moore had this movie that came out about that time [Fahrenheit 9/11], as I recall, where a big part of his movie was questioning whether recruiters had a right to go out there and get people to join the military, and that they were, maybe, not being all that honest with them. I mean, if you put it in the context of that time frame, there were a lot of questions being raised about recruiting by the left. YELLIN: There have been since the Vietnam era, when some of these organizations were kicked off of these elite campuses then. I mean, there are a number of colleges that have resisted allowing military recruitment. But that’s hardly unique to Elena Kagan or to Harvard. It might be- you know, some on the right have argued that that’s the culture of elite universities, that are- you know, anti-military in some way. I don’t buy that. I think that there’s a tension there, but this is- the fundamental point here is that it’s in no way special to her , and there were 24 faculties that joined in the lawsuit against this policy of requiring these military recruiters. Hers wasn’t even one of them. So she wasn’t even leading the charge on this.

Go here to read the rest:
CNN’s Yellin Cites Her Own Liberal Harvard Days in Defense of Kagan

Jon Stewart: Media ‘Kind of Suck’ for Getting Scooped by Rolling Stone

Comedian Jon Stewart Wednesday pointed out an inconvenient truth about this week’s General Stanley McChrystal incident: the media “kind of suck” for getting scooped by Rolling Stone magazine. As “The Daily Show” host addressed the day’s events involving the General and President Obama, he showed clips of various press members expressing disgust that Rolling Stone would get such access to McChrystal and staff. These included CNN’s Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper as well as MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. After the final clip of CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr asking, “What on earth was he thinking giving an interview to Rolling Stone,” Stewart quipped, “At approximately 11:04 Eastern Standard Time, the American news media finally realized they kind of suck” (video follows with more highlights and commentary): Stewart next showed some real investigative reporting at CNN: Rick Sanchez talking about his kids having a party in his basement. The Comedy Central star derided, “I’m not sure the unfiltered, over the top musings of the Commanding General undermining the now nine year mission in Afghanistan is quite analogous to your kids hanging out in the basement lighting farts.” No, but it does tell us the state of today’s television news media. As NewsBusters has been reporting since its inception, there isn’t a lot of real investigative journalism going on in our nation anymore, especially if it could be harmful to Democrats. Traditional media were totally scooped by the National Enquirer concerning former Sen. John Edwards’ affair. Just this week news outlets were also bested by the Enquirer’s report concerning former Vice President Al Gore making unwanted sexual advances on a masseuse in 2006. As it pertains to Obama, NewsBusters has chronicled for years stories the mainstream media ignored during the campaign and since his inauguration that would have been embarrassing as well as politically damaging to him and his administration. As such, it shouldn’t be at all surprising to anyone that a news outlet outside the mainstream logged this report concerning McChrystal, as most Americans have known for quite some time the media “kind of suck.” 

Read more here:
Jon Stewart: Media ‘Kind of Suck’ for Getting Scooped by Rolling Stone

CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Exponentially More Assy Than Usual, Not a Fan of Metric System [Reporters]

Bloggers are now noting CNN’s Rick Sanchez , while covering the Chilean earthquake and oncoming tsunami in Hawaii, acted in a manner befitting “an ejaculation that should have been swallowed .” If you have video of this, shout . Update! We’ve got video. Rick Sanchez, to a scientist: “Nine meters in English is what?” Ha. In Portuguese, now! Also, via Dan “Slim Shady” Abrams’ Mediaite, Drew Grant grabs video . Highlights: 1:37 : Rick Sanchez trying to explain to his viewers, who are apparently too stupid to understand the most basic law of “every reaction” physics: “The yang of that yin..” 1:46 : Rich Sanchez screaming at this poor weather nerd: “I’m not asking you to do 27 to 27, I’m asking you if there’s a drop, will there be an increase?!?” Also, more Rick “No Shit, Sherlock” Sanchez here: 2:20 : ” But what we can say is—tell me if I’m wrong—there is a tsunami there, and it was just detected, that it caused a 27-foot drop. ” Maybe if he lived life like fellow anchor Jeffrey Toobin— Toobinstyle —he wouldn’t be so anal. Or at least, anal like this. If you know what I mean. I’m talking about Jeffrey Toobin being an ass man . An ass sex man. But for now, Rick Sanchez is just an asshole.

Read more from the original source:
CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Exponentially More Assy Than Usual, Not a Fan of Metric System [Reporters]

CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Acting Exponentially More Assy Than Usual, Not a Fan of the Metric System [Reporters]

Bloggers are now noting CNN’s Rick Sanchez , while covering the Chilean earthquake and oncoming tsunami in Hawaii, acted in a manner befitting “an ejaculation that should have been swallowed .” If you have video of this, shout . Update! We’ve got video. Rick Sanchez, to a scientist: “Nine meters in English is what?” Ha. In Portuguese, now! Also, via Dan “Slim Shady” Abrams’ Mediaite, Drew Grant grabs video . Highlights: 1:37 : Rick Sanchez trying to explain to his viewers, who are apparently too stupid to understand the most basic law of “every reaction” physics: “The yang of that yin..” 1:46 : Rich Sanchez screaming at this poor weather nerd: “I’m not asking you to do 27 to 27, I’m asking you if there’s a drop, will there be an increase?!?” Also, more Rick “No Shit, Sherlock” Sanchez here: 2:20 : ” But what we can say is—tell me if I’m wrong—there is a tsunami there, and it was just detected, that it caused a 27-foot drop. ” Maybe if he lived life like fellow anchor Jeffrey Toobin— Toobinstyle —he wouldn’t be so anal. Or at least, anal like this. If you know what I mean. I’m talking about Jeffrey Toobin being an ass man . An ass sex man. But for now, Rick Sanchez is just an asshole.

Go here to see the original:
CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Acting Exponentially More Assy Than Usual, Not a Fan of the Metric System [Reporters]