Tag Archives: alvin greene

MRC’s Tim Graham Addresses ‘Mainstream Media Meltdown’ on Fox & Friends

MRC Director of Media Analysis Tim Graham appeared on Saturday morning’s Fox & Friends to discuss the emerging examples of liberal “mainstream” media meltdown over the Democrats being abandoned by the voters – and how the public is now a collection of “spoiled” brats , according to liberal talk show host Bill Press. Fox also highlighted Washington Post columnist/blogger Ezra Klein suggesting the voters are “schizophrenic” when they say they trust Democrats more on issues like the economy, and then say they’ll be voting for Republicans in the fall. What the Post actually found is the full sample trusted Democrats more, 42 to 34, but among likely voters it was 40 percent trusted Republicans more to 39 percent Democrat. Tim suggested Press and others were already sounding life the aftermath of the 1994 elections, when then-ABC anchorman issued a radio commentary denouncing the country being a “nation of uncontrolled two-year-old rage.” (Audio here .) As Tim said, Press was so unhappy with the current mood of the electorate that he said neither Abraham Lincoln nor Franklin Roosevelt could govern this bitter crowd. Democrats are starting to look like losers, and perhaps dramatic losers. This could be a remarkable year to mock the folks who suggested “reality has a liberal bias.” The shoe is on the other foot, and liberals look like the ones denying reality, insisting the economy is terrific, the Gulf will soon by squeaky-clean, and their political fortunes are fantastic.

Original post:
MRC’s Tim Graham Addresses ‘Mainstream Media Meltdown’ on Fox & Friends

ABC, CBS, WaPo, NYT Use Loaded Poll Questions to Tout Dem Unemployment Agenda

The New York Times today touted two polls that supposedly demonstrate support for the Democratic position on unemployment benefits. But a further examination of the poll questions reveals that their findings were inaccurate; the questions misrepresented the issues at play, and the Republican position on the matter. “Two national polls published last week suggest that most Americans are on [Democrats’] side of this debate,” wrote Dalia Sussman . How she knows that fact is a mystery, given that the GOP argument — that benefits should be extended and paid for with unused stimulus funds — was never offered as an option to those polled. Both polls asked, essentially, if respondents thought it was more important to extend unemployment benefits, or to preserve PayGo rules. Majorities said they thought extending benefits is more important. But under the GOP plan, the two are not mutually exclusive. Nowhere in either poll were respondents asked whether they would favor paying for extended benefits with unused stimulus funds. Neither the Times nor anyone else can accurately claim that voters favor one approach over the other since the GOP position was not an option. The first poll , conducted by the Washington Post and ABC, asked the following question: Because of the economic downturn, Congress has extended the period in which people can receive unemployment benefits, and is considering doing so again. Supporters say this will help those who can’t find work. Opponents say this adds too much to the federal budget deficit. Do you think Congress should or should not approve another extension of unemployment benefits? First of all, there are no opponents of an unemployment benefit extension. The only difference between the two parties’ positions on the issue is that Democrats want to borrow more money to pay for the extension while Republicans want to use unspent stimulus funds. It’s an outright falsehood that the GOP opposes extending unemployment benefits due to concerns about the deficit. The second poll , conducted by CBS News, asked: Do you think Congress should extend unemployment benefits for people who are currently out of work, even if it means increasing the budget deficit, or shouldn’t they do that? As in the previous poll, this question misrepresents the potential options before Congress. It offers a yes or no question on the Democratic position, but does not offer the Republican alternative. You can bet that if the questions had been framed accurately, so as to actually present the Republican position on the issue, the results would have been far different. Both polls should have asked, “Congress is going to extend unemployment benefits. Do you think the government should borrow more money to pay for those benefits, or use unspent stimulus funds?” Does anyone seriously doubt that a majority would prefer the latter? Unlike the Democrats’ position on the issue, the GOP favors both extending benefits and avoiding an increase in the federal budget deficit. And according to this same CBS poll, less than a quarter of Americans believe the stimulus created jobs, while almost half think slashing the deficit should be the federal government’s economic priority. The GOP position seeks to extend unemployment benefits while addressing two other pressing national economic concerns — the failure of the stimulus package and the skyrocketing national debt. But the Republican option was not presented to respondents by either of these polls, so neither they nor the New York Times can accurately present those polls’ findings as endorsements of the Democratic alternative.

See the article here:
ABC, CBS, WaPo, NYT Use Loaded Poll Questions to Tout Dem Unemployment Agenda

CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Nixon/Kennedy Debate Took Place in 1962?

Rick Sanchez stumbled again on-air on his CNN program on Monday, getting the year of the famous Kennedy-Nixon television debate wrong by a margin of two years. Sanchez, who was trying to describe South Carolina Democratic senatorial candidate Alvin Greene’s first public speech as the “converse” of the debate, initially guessed 1962 as the year of the debate , but then broadened his answer to ” early ’60s ” . The anchor, who misidentified the Galapagos Islands as Hawaii during CNN’s live coverage of the February 27, 2010 Chilean earthquake, and “joked” that it was too cold in Iceland for volcanoes on April 15, brought on correspondent Jessica Yellin to discuss Greene’s speech. Twenty-one minutes into the 4 pm Eastern hour, Yellin mentioned how she had “talked to the audience [at the speech] beforehand….Every single person I spoke to was a skeptic before, and almost all of them said they’d vote for him afterwards or support him.” This detail surprised Sanchez, who then launched his comparison between Greene’s speech on Monday and the historical Nixon/Kennedy debate: RICK SANCHEZ: Really!? YELLIN: Yeah- SANCHEZ: You know, this is like the converse of the Nixon thing. Remember how people watched the speech there after Nixon- YELLIN: Right. SANCHEZ: Debated Kennedy- 1962? Nineteen-sixty- anyway, early ’60s . Yellin smiled and nodded uncomfortably after her CNN colleague gave that wrong answer, but didn’t explicitly correct his gaffe afterward. Sanchez continued with his recollection of history: SANCHEZ: When Kennedy debated Nixon, everybody who was in the audience said- oh, my God, Nixon killed him- just destroyed him, wiped the floor with him. Yet, everyone at home said- no, Kennedy won that by a mile, and it’s because they could see Nixon’s perspiration, and the camera goes in so tight, and you saw the stubble and the- you know, the five o’clock shadow- YELLIN: (unintelligible) (laughs) Right. SANCHEZ: Well, we were watching this guy here on television and he did come across- jumpy, nervous, jittery, inexperienced, and sweating like he was- like, sweating too much. YELLIN: Right. You know, it was- SANCHEZ: Is that what’s going on here? The CNN anchor, who sparred with this author after the Iceland “joke” back in April, did get a kick out of a Tweet I made after correspondent Brooke Baldwin spilled her secret about her recent engagement, ” stealing [his] thunder ,” as I put it. Sanchez read and displayed my Tweet on-air after a commercial break. Here’s looking at you, Rick!

Here is the original post:
CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Nixon/Kennedy Debate Took Place in 1962?

Jon Stewart Defends Republicans From Claims They Planted Alvin Greene

Going mysteriously opposite to contentions by some liberal media members, comedian Jon Stewart on Monday actually defended Republicans from claims they planted the hapless Alvin Greene in the South Carolina Democrat primary.  After a lengthy discussion concerning the absurdity of Greene’s victory, “The Daily Show” host played clips of media and Democrats alleging this was all a GOP plot. “This is the Republicans’ fault?” Stewart asked satirically. “This is the political equivalent of running yourself a warm bath, falling asleep next to it with your hand in the tub, wetting yourself, and then blaming the Republicans” (video follows with transcript and commentary, h/t Right Scoop ): JON STEWART, HOST: So out of nowhere a mysteriously uncommunicative man wins the Democratic primary for Senate in South Carolina with 60 percent of the vote. He crushed the other guy. I wonder how the Democrats in South Carolina are going to explain this. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) UNIDENTIFIED CNN REPORTER: Allegations that a winning candidate was planted by Republicans. STATE REPRESENTATIVE BAKARIA SELLER (D-S.C.): I think that there’s something nefarious maybe going on. DICK HARPOOTLIAN, FORMER SOUTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIR: The problem here is not going to be in how the votes were tallied. It’s going to be how he got into the Democratic primary. REPRESENTATIVE JAMES CLYBURN (D-S.C.): I saw in the Democratic primary elephant dung all over the place. (END VIDEOTAPE) STEWART: Welcome to South Carolina. This is the Republicans’ fault? Really? Even if they fronted the patsy, y’all voted for him. They didn’t trick you. They didn’t enter a guy with a misleading name like Grit Gravy Biscuit or Nascar Johnson or Robert E. Leebowitz. It was Greene, Greene versus Rawl and 100,000 Democrats walked into a polling place and said, “I don’t know either of these guys. I guess I’m ill-informed and I could easily not vote BUT f–k it, I like the color green more than the color rawl.” Did the Republicans spend a lot of money on ads for Alvin Greene? No. Did they spend any money on ads for Alvin Greene? No. Did they ask Alvin Greene to leave his father’s basement once during the campaign? No. This is a prank? No. This is the political equivalent of running yourself a warm bath, falling asleep next to it with your hand in the tub, wetting yourself, and then blaming the Republicans. Isn’t it fascinating how an admittedly liberal comedian can understand the absurdity of Democrats blaming the Republicans for this matter, but a cable news network not only didn’t get it, but also propagated the Left’s pathetic claims with straight faces? Of course, maybe this explains why so many liberals believe they’re getting “news” when they watch “The Daily Show.” After all, despite the humorous content, Stewart regularly shows that the REAL JOKE on cable is MSNBC. 

See the original post here:
Jon Stewart Defends Republicans From Claims They Planted Alvin Greene

South Carolina Mystery Candidate Alvin Greene Was a Terrible Soldier [Exclusive]

It’s been almost a week since mystery man Alvin Greene inexplicably won South Carolina ‘s Democratic senate primary and yet he is still largely a mystery. We spoke to one of Greene’s former Army colleagues for some insight into the guy. More

The Mysterious Alvin Greene Ends Awkward Video Week With a Bang

How are you enjoying Awkward Video Week at Movieline? No one here could ever have planned such a cringe-y success, and certainly no one anywhere could have imagined it might include such diverse personalities as Salma Hayek , Patrick Stewart , Natalie Portman and Alvin Greene. “Wait,” you say. “Who’s Alvin Greene?” Well, that’s the thing: Nobody effing knows. But Keith Olbermann was determined to find out Thursday night — and that’s when the AVW grand finale got underway.

Excerpt from:
The Mysterious Alvin Greene Ends Awkward Video Week With a Bang