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Jon Stewart Defends Republicans From Claims They Planted Alvin Greene

Going mysteriously opposite to contentions by some liberal media members, comedian Jon Stewart on Monday actually defended Republicans from claims they planted the hapless Alvin Greene in the South Carolina Democrat primary.  After a lengthy discussion concerning the absurdity of Greene’s victory, “The Daily Show” host played clips of media and Democrats alleging this was all a GOP plot. “This is the Republicans’ fault?” Stewart asked satirically. “This is the political equivalent of running yourself a warm bath, falling asleep next to it with your hand in the tub, wetting yourself, and then blaming the Republicans” (video follows with transcript and commentary, h/t Right Scoop ): JON STEWART, HOST: So out of nowhere a mysteriously uncommunicative man wins the Democratic primary for Senate in South Carolina with 60 percent of the vote. He crushed the other guy. I wonder how the Democrats in South Carolina are going to explain this. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) UNIDENTIFIED CNN REPORTER: Allegations that a winning candidate was planted by Republicans. STATE REPRESENTATIVE BAKARIA SELLER (D-S.C.): I think that there’s something nefarious maybe going on. DICK HARPOOTLIAN, FORMER SOUTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIR: The problem here is not going to be in how the votes were tallied. It’s going to be how he got into the Democratic primary. REPRESENTATIVE JAMES CLYBURN (D-S.C.): I saw in the Democratic primary elephant dung all over the place. (END VIDEOTAPE) STEWART: Welcome to South Carolina. This is the Republicans’ fault? Really? Even if they fronted the patsy, y’all voted for him. They didn’t trick you. They didn’t enter a guy with a misleading name like Grit Gravy Biscuit or Nascar Johnson or Robert E. Leebowitz. It was Greene, Greene versus Rawl and 100,000 Democrats walked into a polling place and said, “I don’t know either of these guys. I guess I’m ill-informed and I could easily not vote BUT f–k it, I like the color green more than the color rawl.” Did the Republicans spend a lot of money on ads for Alvin Greene? No. Did they spend any money on ads for Alvin Greene? No. Did they ask Alvin Greene to leave his father’s basement once during the campaign? No. This is a prank? No. This is the political equivalent of running yourself a warm bath, falling asleep next to it with your hand in the tub, wetting yourself, and then blaming the Republicans. Isn’t it fascinating how an admittedly liberal comedian can understand the absurdity of Democrats blaming the Republicans for this matter, but a cable news network not only didn’t get it, but also propagated the Left’s pathetic claims with straight faces? Of course, maybe this explains why so many liberals believe they’re getting “news” when they watch “The Daily Show.” After all, despite the humorous content, Stewart regularly shows that the REAL JOKE on cable is MSNBC. 

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Jon Stewart Defends Republicans From Claims They Planted Alvin Greene