Tag Archives: patsy

*Short story, click to watch full story in this video!Susanna…

*Short story, click to  watch full story in this video ! Susanna and I had heard that there was going to be a Boyfriend Music Video Shoot in Los Angeles on April 21, 2012 from 6:00am-11:00pm. We immediately planned to go. When we got there, we accidentally walked onto set and no one was telling us anything! After walking around and snooping for a little, we decided to try and get on the top of the parking structure that JUSTIN BIEBER was on. When we almost got to the top of the stairs the security guard didn’t let us through. We stayed on the floor right below Justin’s shoot and eventually got yelled at by more security! We went downstairs to these open gates to see if we can see anyone we would know. Thats when we met Jade and Asia, two other beliebers! We stuck together for the rest of the day as well. There were two parking structures right next to each other. One full of the paps and a couple fans, and the other with the crew and music video stuff. You could see EVERYTHING from the parking structure we were on! Long story short, Justin didn’t want to film or get out of his car because of the paps, so Scooter was yelling over to us that if Justin gave them a couple shots for a picture that we would all have to leave. They agreed and Justin came out and started posing. This is when Selena had just gotten to the shoot as well and they were so cute being a couple and all. This SUPER nice lady, Patsy, who was part of Justin’s crew or the filming crew was so nice to us, she kept letting us back on the roof, and ONLY us! Justin even saw us a couple times! We watched him sing and dance and record the video for a long time and got some good pictures! Me, Sue, Jade and Asia were getting kinda tired and was just talking to each other when we look down on the 4 floor of Justin’s structure and notice that JUSTIN WAS TRYING TO TALK TO US BUT WE WERE TOO TIRED TO EVEN NOTICE! Before he got in the elevator we yelled “WE LOVE YOU JUSTIN!” and he smiled at us. So we ran downstairs as fast as we could to go and see him. When he was walking back from his trailer to quickly go back on set to record, only 5-6 fans were outside and he was walking and saying,   “I promise I’ll come back and take pictures and meet you guys! I have to finish this shoot, just give me a couple minutes, I promise!” OMB. I died. We waited for about 2-3 hours, and more and more people started showing up. There was about 30 people now. After a little while I heard, “THATS A WRAP!” and bunch of yelling and excitement! All the extras and cast started coming down, and then we saw the Range Rover. Justin jumped right out and started signing and was being TRAMPLED by these crazy people. We stayed back to give him some space but was eventually pulled into the crowd. Susanna gave Justin her phone and he took a picture with her and then looked at me, came over to me, I held his jacket (people were shoving me) and smiled , he was kinda rushing so he didn’t know where to put the phone, so I grabbed his hand and I took it from him. He legit looked me in the eyes 4-5 times and SMILED AT ME. MY HEART, AH! I told him, “Justin, you are so sweet!” and he said, “Aw thank you!” He had jumped right back into his car with Selena, but the car wasn’t moving. My friend Asia was crying because she didn’t get to meet him. Me, Susanna, and Jade ran over to Scooter and was like, “Scooter, shes been here since 9am! She didn’t meet Justin!” And eventually she met him before they left. Justin if you’re reading this or watched my video, I can’t wait to see and talk to you again, your crew as well! You are so amazing and just, ah! You mean so much to me. I love you. I’m so blessed to be able to write about my FIRST Bieber Experience. *Watch my video for full stories and more about the shoot and Justin!*  -@angelina_heart   Continued here: *Short story, click to watch full story in this video!Susanna…

*Short story, click to watch full story in this video!Susanna…

My name is Asia and this is my Bieber experience.  The day it…

My name is Asia and this is my Bieber experience.  The day it happened, Saturday April 21st, 2012 and I was with my friend Jade (@LABeliebs). We were originally planning on going to a concert that day, but we decided to skip it so we could go to the Boyfriend video shoot and try to see Justin. We arrived there at 9 A.M. and we were the only fans there at the time. We walked around the perimeter of the shoot for a while and came across Justin’s sexy matte black Range Rover . It actually said ‘Stealth Rover’ on the front. Swag. We saw this guy and he looked like he was calling the paps or something. We tried to talk him out of it but he refused.  Then we walked away. We noticed that everyone was on the roof of a parking structure and that is where they were shooting the video. I’m guessing they were re-shooting the whole entire thing. Luckily, the parking garage that we had parked our car in was right across from the one Justin was at. We went up to the roof and there were a bunch of cars filled with paps, but we were the only fans there so we stood on the roof and watched. When we saw Justin shooting some scenes that looked like a burnout in his gold spray painted supras and blue jean vest, we almost passed out. After he was done shooting that scene he was walking our way with Fredo and Kenny to go back downstairs. He smiled at us at first when we yelled all of their names, and then smiled bigger when we yelled, “WE’RE BELIEBERS, NOT PAPARAZZI” lol. Luckily the paps got a picture of him smiling at us. (x)   Then we saw Ry Good go down the stairs too, we said, “HI RYAN” and he said “HELLOOOO” in a really weird voice. We decided to go back downstairs to see if we could catch a closer look at Justin, and we ended up running into Vanessa (@ThatLadyV) and we had a short conversation. I complimented her on her sick sunglasses that apparently Justin bought for her. We also met two super nice Beliebers named Susana and Angelina. After that we went back up to the roof but there were more paps this time and more fans too. Selena had also arrived on set as well. At that time, Justin was angry. He got into his Range Rover and then that was when Scooter intervened. He yelled across the way, Justin said he wasn’t going to leave his car unless all of us left because he didn’t want to tape the shoot if the paps were just going to videotape the whole thing. The paps were being stubborn and said, “We’ll leave if you give us one more shot” and at that point I was yelling at them, telling them they need to leave. They had been there since 6 A.M. and they had enough shots already. They wouldn’t listen so Justin came out of the car and gave them the last few shots. My friends and I were screaming, “WE LOVE YOU JUSTIN” and he said, “Thank You!” and waved. We went down to the floor beneath the roof and sat in the car. We met this really nice lady who works on set named Patsy, and she thanked us for being respectful, so she helped us work our way around and still get to see the shoot. About a few hours passed and we got back downstairs and waited some more. Then we went BACK up. (It was a lot of back and forth) and we were watching again on the roof. It was just us and the security. They agreed to let us stay on the roof as long as we ducked down when they were shooting certain scenes. Things died down a bit and none of us were paying attention to Justin, we were all flirting with this really hot extra on set, we called him ‘Yellow Shirt’. He got into the elevator and it was see through, so I kept waving and he was crouched down waving back like a cutie. After that, we went back downstairs by his trailer and he actually came out. He ran towards us and these stupid people were bum-brushing him, but he promised to come back and take pictures with us when he was done shooting. At that time, I couldn’t even fangirl because I was just speechless. A few moments later Scooter came over , and I went up to him and said hi. Then he left after taking pictures with my friends. A little while passed and Fredo walks by. We call his name and he tells us to go up to him. Let me just say, he is so cute, I’d f@#$s with it LOL. Naw, he was super nice and I gave him a hug and we took a picture.  I told him I created a cupcake after him and he said, “See this is why I love you, can I get one of those?” and I said I would DM him about it. That was that, and he left. Now we waited for another 2 hours until Justin was done. In the mean time, this annoying family who claims they were Beliebers were just being so obnoxious. In fact, they didn’t even know who Alfredo or Scooter were, and they said that Justin’s new album is going to be called ‘Never Say Never’ -dead- Now the time had come. We could hear the directors say, “And that’s a RAP” and a bunch of cheering flew off of the roof in a loud roar. His Range Rover emerged from the garage, and out of the car he came. The stupid family and a bunch of other fans totally rushed Justin, and it was chaotic. Jade and I stood behind patiently waiting our turn, trying to be respectful of Justin’s space and safety.  Then we realized that he was going back to his car. He said he had to go, and right then and there my whole entire world just about shattered into pieces . We waited for 12 hours, through 100 degree weather and I was sick too. We were the first fans there, and the last fans there. All of that waiting and we weren’t going to meet him. I broke down. It hit me so hard. I was sobbing and the security guards who we had been with all day long were actually really surprised that I had missed my chance with Justin. It was the worst feeling in the whole entire universe and I wouldn’t wish it upon anybody. Then my amazing friends yelled to Scooter that I was crying. He saw she was talking about me, and I guess that did it. He came over and grab my hand and pulled me to Justin’s car. I was still sobbing though. Scooter knocked on his window, and Justin rolled it down. I waved to Selena too but she just kinda smiled an awkward smile. Oh well.  Scooter said to Justin, “This is one of the best Twitter follower accounts in the whole world. I know who she is, she helps us every single day, she’s the one who puts together video campaigns for you all around the world.” Justin grabbed my hand and looked straight into my eyes. I just melted right then and there. He literally is, (no exaggeration) PERFECT. He doesn’t look real, he looks like a life size doll. Like he would break if I touched him. Almost porcelain. I know it sounds cheesy, but he had the most sympathetic look in his eyes and it felt like he was staring into my soul. Justin asked for my name and Twitter. He told me he had definitely seen that. Scooter then said, “Her username used to be iAmBieberConda.” I was blushing like crazy, I wanted to just die. He rubbed my hand and then asked if I wanted to take a picture. Of course I said yes. I was still somewhat crying. He sat up and stuck his arm out of the window and put it around my shoulder. After the picture I took his hand again, and said, “Thank you so much”. He said, “You’re welcome, have a nice night” and then all of these fans swarmed in. I ducked out of the crowd and went over to Scooter and gave him a hug for making my dream come true. Of course, after that I went over to my friends and started bawling. It was the best experience of my life. I wouldn’t have wanted to meet him any other way. When I got home, he then tweeted me saying “ @DazzlingJustin nice meeting u. dont cry. appreciate u”. I broke down again because I couldn’t believe it. Justin Drew Bieber, my idol for almost four years, asked me for my Twitter and took the time out of his day to say that to me. No other artist has a heart as genuine as his. I don’t care what anybody says. Thank you Justin, for being so amazing. I will never ever forget that night. I never thought in a million years that I would be that fan that cries when they meet Justin, but there I was. Sad tears turned into happy tears, thanks to my world, Justin Bieber. -@DazzlingJustin Here is the video meeting Justin Go here to see the original: My name is Asia and this is my Bieber experience.  The day it…

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My name is Asia and this is my Bieber experience.  The day it…

Jon Stewart Defends Republicans From Claims They Planted Alvin Greene

Going mysteriously opposite to contentions by some liberal media members, comedian Jon Stewart on Monday actually defended Republicans from claims they planted the hapless Alvin Greene in the South Carolina Democrat primary.  After a lengthy discussion concerning the absurdity of Greene’s victory, “The Daily Show” host played clips of media and Democrats alleging this was all a GOP plot. “This is the Republicans’ fault?” Stewart asked satirically. “This is the political equivalent of running yourself a warm bath, falling asleep next to it with your hand in the tub, wetting yourself, and then blaming the Republicans” (video follows with transcript and commentary, h/t Right Scoop ): JON STEWART, HOST: So out of nowhere a mysteriously uncommunicative man wins the Democratic primary for Senate in South Carolina with 60 percent of the vote. He crushed the other guy. I wonder how the Democrats in South Carolina are going to explain this. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) UNIDENTIFIED CNN REPORTER: Allegations that a winning candidate was planted by Republicans. STATE REPRESENTATIVE BAKARIA SELLER (D-S.C.): I think that there’s something nefarious maybe going on. DICK HARPOOTLIAN, FORMER SOUTH CAROLINA DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIR: The problem here is not going to be in how the votes were tallied. It’s going to be how he got into the Democratic primary. REPRESENTATIVE JAMES CLYBURN (D-S.C.): I saw in the Democratic primary elephant dung all over the place. (END VIDEOTAPE) STEWART: Welcome to South Carolina. This is the Republicans’ fault? Really? Even if they fronted the patsy, y’all voted for him. They didn’t trick you. They didn’t enter a guy with a misleading name like Grit Gravy Biscuit or Nascar Johnson or Robert E. Leebowitz. It was Greene, Greene versus Rawl and 100,000 Democrats walked into a polling place and said, “I don’t know either of these guys. I guess I’m ill-informed and I could easily not vote BUT f–k it, I like the color green more than the color rawl.” Did the Republicans spend a lot of money on ads for Alvin Greene? No. Did they spend any money on ads for Alvin Greene? No. Did they ask Alvin Greene to leave his father’s basement once during the campaign? No. This is a prank? No. This is the political equivalent of running yourself a warm bath, falling asleep next to it with your hand in the tub, wetting yourself, and then blaming the Republicans. Isn’t it fascinating how an admittedly liberal comedian can understand the absurdity of Democrats blaming the Republicans for this matter, but a cable news network not only didn’t get it, but also propagated the Left’s pathetic claims with straight faces? Of course, maybe this explains why so many liberals believe they’re getting “news” when they watch “The Daily Show.” After all, despite the humorous content, Stewart regularly shows that the REAL JOKE on cable is MSNBC. 

See the original post here:
Jon Stewart Defends Republicans From Claims They Planted Alvin Greene

Lacey Brown Thinks Lack Of ‘Energy’ Led To ‘American Idol’ Exit

‘Even though I’m a bubbly, happy person, not every song that I sing is gonna be uptempo,’ she says. By Katie Byrne Lacey Brown Photo: FOX Lacey Brown had an “American Idol” Cinderella story. In season eight, she just missed the cut for the top 36 when the judges opted for another quirky singer, Megan Joy, instead. Well, this was her year. Not only did she get past Hollywood Week to the top 24, she even made it to the top 12 and the big stage. Unfortunately, her performance of the Rolling Stones’ “Ruby Tuesday” didn’t cut it, and she was the first finalist to get the boot . We caught up with the 24-year-old Texan on Thursday (March 18) to talk about why she decided to try out again this year, the judges’ conflicting advice and what’s next. Q : The judges have been offering a lot of conflicting advice this season. Do you think that made it harder to show America what kind of artist you want to be? A : It’s difficult with the criticism this year, because it has been a little bit confusing, and therefore I would change things week to week, which can leave the audience kind of questioning who I am. I would say I’m a very different artist. I have a very different voice that’s not suited for a lot of different genres, but I really see myself doing more of a pop/folk mix. I definitely can see myself making an album soon. I would love to do that, if I get the chance to. I just want to give people the chance to hear something that’s fresh and new and different. There’s not a lot of voices like mine right now on the radio, so I kind of take pride in the fact that I’m a lot different. I’ve always been a little bit more unique and individual, and I try to embrace that, and I tried to show that in my performances. Hopefully people can get that, and hopefully they like it. I’m looking forward to writing some new music that fits my voice and that people really like. Q : What made you come back this year after making it so far last season? A : I’m one of those people that gets very competitive. [ Laughs. ] And I decided that it’s way too much of an experience to not try again, to try to get further. If I would have made it into the top 36 last year, I wouldn’t have been able to come back this year. So I’m really glad I got a second chance. I’m really glad I decided to come back, because I needed to work on a couple things and come back and get further in the competition. That wasn’t a hard decision at all, because everybody that’s involved in this show — all the contestants, all the relationships — everything about this has just been a blast for me. So I just decided, “I’m gonna do it twice!” [ Laughs. ] Q : Can you pinpoint your downfall in the competition? A : I would probably have to say energy. They kept asking for energy in my songs, and I kept trying to give it, and they kept saying it was a sleepy performance. They wanted to see a little bit more energy, because [I have] a happy and bubbly type of personality, and they just wanted to see that transferred into my music. The issue that I was having is, I really love to sing ballads. I love telling a story with a song. I love the emotion of the song. I’m very artsy, so that side of me comes out when I sing. I think I kept picking songs that I really loved to sing and really felt, and maybe it didn’t transfer as well onstage. Maybe that was it. But I wouldn’t have changed any of it, because that’s who I am. Even though I’m a bubbly, happy person, not every song that I sing is gonna be uptempo. Q : Did you get a chance to talk to the judges after the results show? A : All the judges came up afterwards. I think they genuinely care about the contestants. Sometimes it’s hard to hear their critiques, but they’re there to help you. It’s a fine line between taking what they say personally and taking what they say and applying it to fix yourself and work things out that you need to work out. When they came up afterwards, they had nothing but nice things to say, things like, “This is just another step into your career. You have great vocals. You’re very unique.” They’re just full of compliments, because they want to see us succeed. And they don’t want us to feel like all hope is lost, because it’s not. I’m in the top 12 right now, and even though I got voted off, this is not the end-all for me. This is a great opportunity to jump-start my career. I think that’s the point they were trying to make. Q : Who are some of your musical influences, and would you ever like to work with them? A : I have a lot of influences right now. One of my biggest influences is Patsy Cline. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to work with her. I learned a lot from her performances, like how to tell a story in a song to make you feel like you’ve fallen in love again or make you feel like your heart’s broken. She was a great performer. … Also, there’s new and upcoming people who I’ve been following for a couple years like Pete Yorn, who’s just an amazing musician and singer that has a great vibe, and not a whole lot of people know who he is yet, but I think he’s an upcoming huge deal. I have a lot of indie bands that I like, and I got a couple country bands that I really like right now. I’m finding influence from everywhere. Were you sad to see Lacey go? Will you follow her post-“Idol” career? Let us know in the comments below! Get your “Idol” fix on MTV News’ “American Idol” page , where you’ll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions. Related Videos Meet The ‘American Idol’ Top 12 ‘American Idol’ In 60 Seconds Related Photos ‘American Idol’ Season Nine Performances ‘American Idol’ Top 12 Party

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Lacey Brown Thinks Lack Of ‘Energy’ Led To ‘American Idol’ Exit

Lacey Brown Profile: Can Her Sometimes-‘Sleepy’ Performances Stand Up To The ‘Idol’ Competition?

‘American Idol’ Top 12 cheat sheet looks at Brown’s strengths and weaknesses. By Jim Cantiello Lacey Brown at the “American Idol” top 12 party Photo: Jesse Grant/ WireImage On Thursday night, “American Idol” revealed its Top 12 Finalists for the ninth season of the hit show. MTV News “Idol” expert Jim Cantiello whipped up a handy cheat sheet for each finalist, breaking down each candidate’s journey thus far. He also got the “Idol” hopefuls to weigh in when he caught up with them at Thursday night’s Top 12 Party in Hollywood. Lacey Brown With her fiery red hair, icy cool blue eyes and a flair for animal prints, “American Idol” contestant Lacey Brown stands out in a lineup. And when she opens her mouth, Lacey gets even more interesting. In a 90-second performance, Brown’s high-pitched tone can recall everyone from Patsy Cline to Gwen Stefani to Cyndi Lauper. Best Performance : Lacey’s recent Brandi Carlile performance proved that the girl with the squeaky voice is capable of quiet triumphs. Sitting still on the side of the stage, crooning “The Story” like she lived every word, Lacey finally showed America why she deserved a spot in the Top 24. Weakest Performance : A bout of nerves turned Lacey’s “Landslide” into a natural disaster. “Idol” is lucky Fleetwood Mac didn’t call and ask for their song rights back. Sad Backstory : Lacey just missed out on being part of the eighth season of “Idol,” where she was cut in favor of another offbeat pretty girl, Megan Joy. ‘American Idol’ Top 12 Party Why She Will Win : Lacey’s ability to play to the camera is effortless. Her hypnotic gaze and irresistible smile lull you in and make you forget you’re watching “American Idol.” Why She Will Lose : Lacey Brown’s performances may be too subtle for the “Idol” stage. When Siobhan Magnus is wailing like a banshee, Lacey’s sleepy offerings run the risk of putting viewers to sleep. What She Should Sing : I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. Lacey should study Yael Naim’s music-box version of Britney Spears’ “Toxic.” On Her Strategy To Navigate The Upcoming Theme Weeks : “What I try to do is stay true to myself, stay true to my voice … pick songs that I really like to perform and be creative with the arrangements and really just do it for the people watching, because that’s what’s really important.” Get your “Idol” fix on MTV News’ “American Idol” page , where you’ll find all the latest news, interviews and opinions. Related Videos Meet The ‘American Idol’ Top 12 ‘American Idol’ In 60 Seconds Related Photos ‘American Idol’ Top 12 Party ‘American Idol’ Season Nine Performances

See more here:
Lacey Brown Profile: Can Her Sometimes-‘Sleepy’ Performances Stand Up To The ‘Idol’ Competition?

Jessica Simpson Is Absolutely Fabulous

Filed under: We’re Just Sayin’ Here’s former singer Jessica Simpson at some event in L.A. on Tuesday (left) — and actress Joanna Lumley as Patsy in the British TV sensation “Absolutely Fabulous” (right).Cheers, darling.We’re just sayin’. See Also Matisyahuiu — This Is How He ..

Jessica Simpson Is Absolutely Fabulous

Kelly Clarkson Fans Turn New York Concert Into A Giant Karaoke Party

Singer performed songs from her latest album, All I Ever Wanted, as well as her older songs and covers of Alanis Morissette, Kings of Leon. By Jim Cantiello Kelly Clarkson performs at Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City on Tuesday Photo: Jason Kempin/ Getty Images Kelly Clarkson brings everyone together: the young, the old, the gay, the straight, the hipsters, the teenyboppers, the Glamberts, the Allen Nation

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Kelly Clarkson Fans Turn New York Concert Into A Giant Karaoke Party

Patrick Swayze Remembered By Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, More

Jennifer Grey, Paula Abdul among celebrities sending their condolences.

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Patrick Swayze Remembered By Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, More

Tributes to Walter Cronkite

A public memorial for longtime CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite was held earlier today at Lincoln Center.

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Tributes to Walter Cronkite