*Short story, click to watch full story in this video!Susanna…

*Short story, click to  watch full story in this video ! Susanna and I had heard that there was going to be a Boyfriend Music Video Shoot in Los Angeles on April 21, 2012 from 6:00am-11:00pm. We immediately planned to go. When we got there, we accidentally walked onto set and no one was telling us anything! After walking around and snooping for a little, we decided to try and get on the top of the parking structure that JUSTIN BIEBER was on. When we almost got to the top of the stairs the security guard didn’t let us through. We stayed on the floor right below Justin’s shoot and eventually got yelled at by more security! We went downstairs to these open gates to see if we can see anyone we would know. Thats when we met Jade and Asia, two other beliebers! We stuck together for the rest of the day as well. There were two parking structures right next to each other. One full of the paps and a couple fans, and the other with the crew and music video stuff. You could see EVERYTHING from the parking structure we were on! Long story short, Justin didn’t want to film or get out of his car because of the paps, so Scooter was yelling over to us that if Justin gave them a couple shots for a picture that we would all have to leave. They agreed and Justin came out and started posing. This is when Selena had just gotten to the shoot as well and they were so cute being a couple and all. This SUPER nice lady, Patsy, who was part of Justin’s crew or the filming crew was so nice to us, she kept letting us back on the roof, and ONLY us! Justin even saw us a couple times! We watched him sing and dance and record the video for a long time and got some good pictures! Me, Sue, Jade and Asia were getting kinda tired and was just talking to each other when we look down on the 4 floor of Justin’s structure and notice that JUSTIN WAS TRYING TO TALK TO US BUT WE WERE TOO TIRED TO EVEN NOTICE! Before he got in the elevator we yelled “WE LOVE YOU JUSTIN!” and he smiled at us. So we ran downstairs as fast as we could to go and see him. When he was walking back from his trailer to quickly go back on set to record, only 5-6 fans were outside and he was walking and saying,   “I promise I’ll come back and take pictures and meet you guys! I have to finish this shoot, just give me a couple minutes, I promise!” OMB. I died. We waited for about 2-3 hours, and more and more people started showing up. There was about 30 people now. After a little while I heard, “THATS A WRAP!” and bunch of yelling and excitement! All the extras and cast started coming down, and then we saw the Range Rover. Justin jumped right out and started signing and was being TRAMPLED by these crazy people. We stayed back to give him some space but was eventually pulled into the crowd. Susanna gave Justin her phone and he took a picture with her and then looked at me, came over to me, I held his jacket (people were shoving me) and smiled , he was kinda rushing so he didn’t know where to put the phone, so I grabbed his hand and I took it from him. He legit looked me in the eyes 4-5 times and SMILED AT ME. MY HEART, AH! I told him, “Justin, you are so sweet!” and he said, “Aw thank you!” He had jumped right back into his car with Selena, but the car wasn’t moving. My friend Asia was crying because she didn’t get to meet him. Me, Susanna, and Jade ran over to Scooter and was like, “Scooter, shes been here since 9am! She didn’t meet Justin!” And eventually she met him before they left. Justin if you’re reading this or watched my video, I can’t wait to see and talk to you again, your crew as well! You are so amazing and just, ah! You mean so much to me. I love you. I’m so blessed to be able to write about my FIRST Bieber Experience. *Watch my video for full stories and more about the shoot and Justin!*  -@angelina_heart   Continued here: *Short story, click to watch full story in this video!Susanna…

*Short story, click to watch full story in this video!Susanna…

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