Tag Archives: party-nation

An Introduction into the Reading of Runes: The History

⟨=en To Learn how to read runes you have to learn the history of the runes FIRST. Like every guide there is an introduction that enlightens the readers on how something was formed or why it was made. In our case we will be learning the mythological history of the runes. added by: Thee_Mystified

Tea Party Nation President Says It ‘Makes A Lot Of Sense’ To Restrict Voting Only To Property Owners

Every week, the Tea Party Nation hosts a weekly radio program, calling itself a “home for conservatives.” Two weeks ago, Tea Party Nation President Judson Phillips hosted the program and discussed changes that he felt should be made to voting rights in the United States. He explained that the founders of the country originally put “certain restrictions on who gets the right to vote.” He continued, “One of those was you had to be a property owner. And that makes a lot of sense, because if you’re a property owner you actually have a vested stake in the community. If you’re not a property owner, you know, I’m sorry but property owners have a little bit more of a vested interest in the community than non-property owners”: PHILLIPS: The Founding Fathers originally said, they put certain restrictions on who gets the right to vote. It wasn’t you were just a citizen and you got to vote. Some of the restrictions, you know, you obviously would not think about today. But one of those was you had to be a property owner. And that makes a lot of sense, because if you’re a property owner you actually have a vested stake in the community. If you’re not a property owner, you know, I’m sorry but property owners have a little bit more of a vested interest in the community than non-property owners. added by: emarston

CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Nixon/Kennedy Debate Took Place in 1962?

Rick Sanchez stumbled again on-air on his CNN program on Monday, getting the year of the famous Kennedy-Nixon television debate wrong by a margin of two years. Sanchez, who was trying to describe South Carolina Democratic senatorial candidate Alvin Greene’s first public speech as the “converse” of the debate, initially guessed 1962 as the year of the debate , but then broadened his answer to ” early ’60s ” . The anchor, who misidentified the Galapagos Islands as Hawaii during CNN’s live coverage of the February 27, 2010 Chilean earthquake, and “joked” that it was too cold in Iceland for volcanoes on April 15, brought on correspondent Jessica Yellin to discuss Greene’s speech. Twenty-one minutes into the 4 pm Eastern hour, Yellin mentioned how she had “talked to the audience [at the speech] beforehand….Every single person I spoke to was a skeptic before, and almost all of them said they’d vote for him afterwards or support him.” This detail surprised Sanchez, who then launched his comparison between Greene’s speech on Monday and the historical Nixon/Kennedy debate: RICK SANCHEZ: Really!? YELLIN: Yeah- SANCHEZ: You know, this is like the converse of the Nixon thing. Remember how people watched the speech there after Nixon- YELLIN: Right. SANCHEZ: Debated Kennedy- 1962? Nineteen-sixty- anyway, early ’60s . Yellin smiled and nodded uncomfortably after her CNN colleague gave that wrong answer, but didn’t explicitly correct his gaffe afterward. Sanchez continued with his recollection of history: SANCHEZ: When Kennedy debated Nixon, everybody who was in the audience said- oh, my God, Nixon killed him- just destroyed him, wiped the floor with him. Yet, everyone at home said- no, Kennedy won that by a mile, and it’s because they could see Nixon’s perspiration, and the camera goes in so tight, and you saw the stubble and the- you know, the five o’clock shadow- YELLIN: (unintelligible) (laughs) Right. SANCHEZ: Well, we were watching this guy here on television and he did come across- jumpy, nervous, jittery, inexperienced, and sweating like he was- like, sweating too much. YELLIN: Right. You know, it was- SANCHEZ: Is that what’s going on here? The CNN anchor, who sparred with this author after the Iceland “joke” back in April, did get a kick out of a Tweet I made after correspondent Brooke Baldwin spilled her secret about her recent engagement, ” stealing [his] thunder ,” as I put it. Sanchez read and displayed my Tweet on-air after a commercial break. Here’s looking at you, Rick!

Here is the original post:
CNN’s Rick Sanchez: Nixon/Kennedy Debate Took Place in 1962?

Matthews to Tea Party: Tear Down Those Racist Signs and Then I’ll Believe You!

Chris Matthews, on Monday’s Hardball, actually reported on two different Tea Party organizations condemning Mark Williams, of Tea Party Express, for penning a racially charged satire, however Matthews wasn’t impressed, as he questioned the sincerity of the Tea Party movement’s commitment to fighting discrimination, and demanded that they do more to remove “racist signs at the next Tea Party rally.” After reciting some of Williams’ “fictional letter” the Hardball host then noted that both the National Tea Party Federation and the Tea Party Nation chastised Williams, but Matthews wasn’t buying it as he commanded tea partiers at the next rally to “Reach over, grab the [racist] sign and tear it out of the guy’s hands, then I’ll believe you.” The following was aired during the Sideshow segment of the July 19 edition of Hardball: CHRIS MATTHEWS: Next the Tea Party reaches its tipping point. It started when Tea Party Express leader Mark Williams wrote a fictional letter in defense of slavery to President Abraham Lincoln. Quote, these are his words, quote: “We coloreds have taken a vote and decided that we don’t cotton to the whole emancipation thing. Freedom means having to work for real, think for ourselves and take consequences along with the rewards. That is just far too much of us to ask of us colored people.” Well that’s, Williams called that satire, the leaders of the National Tea Party Federation called it trouble. Yesterday they expelled Williams. The sentiment continued today. The Tea Party Nation, the group that hosted the big party convention down in Nashville has just put out a statement saying they have quote, “zero tolerance, a zero tolerance policy against racism and they will ban any members who show themselves to be racist.” Okay I’m gonna wait to see just one of those Tea Party people pull down one of those racist signs at the next Tea Party rally. I’m just waiting. Reach over, grab the sign and tear it out of the guy’s hands, then I’ll believe you.

See the original post here:
Matthews to Tea Party: Tear Down Those Racist Signs and Then I’ll Believe You!