Rikers Island is one of the most dangerou s prisons in the U.S.. Despite having body-scanners, the authorities are having a hard time with prison stabbings and the weapons being hidden in prisoners rectal.
Steve Harvey Blasts Online Boycott To Petition Radio Show The TV host recently shared his feelings after he was dragged to tacky suit hell for meeting with Cheeto Mussolini at Trump Towers reports FOX News . Harvey recently defended why he chose to meet with PEETOUS Trump and called out some of his fans for turning on him: “On a personal note, a lot of ya’ll hurt me,” he said on his radio show. “You really did. I didn’t expect the backlash to be so fierce.” Harvey said he felt it was important to meet with the president-elect Trump but now slams #BlackTwitter for dissing the meeting . The comedian is now blasting folks for trying to petition his radio show following the meeting at Trump Towers and he’s not here for it! Listen to one of his recent shows where he discusses the boycott: The creator of the petition wants Harvey off the radio! Harvey disses political correctness and refuses to bow down to haters who want him to just STFU. Check out the Change petition HERE . YT/Twitter
She’s already got “a lil’ black IN her” , now she wants a lil’ black ON her Ashelee Simpson Wants To Legally Become A “Ross” According to TMZ reports : Ashlee Simpson’s coming out … she wants the world to know … that Diana Ross is her mother-in-law — so she’s legally taking her name, or she’s trying to anyway. Here’s the deal — yes, Ashlee married Diana’s son Evan Ross back in August, but legally his name is Evan Naess … his father’s last name. Now, Evan and Ashlee want to leap into Rossville together. They’ve filed a request to change their last names to Ross-Naess. Why the switch? They are expecting their first child, but since they already have the same last name — Naess — that can’t be it. This appears to be purely about giving mama D some props … officially. A judge will have to sign off on their petition, but not until the end of January because — you can’t hurry name changes. You just have to wait. White people wanting some blackness is all the rage nowadays. *side-eyes Iggy Azalea* Image via WENN
Family Of Girl Who Died In Jail Following “Violent” Police Arrest Demands Investigation The family of an Alabama teen who died in jail following an arrest for disorderly conduct in November is now calling for an investigation into what happened. Family members of 18-year-old Sheneque Proctor reportedly believe that an asthma attack prompted by a “violent” police arrest triggered her yet-to-be-explained death. via Naturally Moi A new petition has been circulating in response to a young woman who is now being called the “female Eric Garner.” The petition is demanding that the federal and state governments investigate the death of Sheneque Proctor. The 18 year old young woman died in police custody at Bessemer City Jail after she was arrested on November 1st. According to Proctor’s relatives, she was at a hotel attending a party with friends when police arrested her for disorderly conduct. Proctor is reported to have complained to the police that she had problems with asthma but her words allegedly fell on deaf ears. The next morning, she was found lifeless in her jail cell. Bessemer City Attorney Shan Paden commented, “I know the case. I know we had a death in the jail. Erring on a conservative side, not to protect the city but to protect the rights of an 18-year-old, the city of Bessemer will not disclose any information.” According to Proctors family, she suffered from asthma and the police were violent with her during her arrest. Proctor’s family is asking that people sign the petition so that they can get some answers about their beloved daughter. We’ll definitely be following this story and will continue to keep you updated as it unfolds. In the meantime, you can read more about the petition HERE . Continue reading →
Heisenberg 1, Florida Woman 0. Late last week, Susan Schrivjer of Fort Myers started a Change.org petition to get Toys ‘R’ Us to remove Breaking Bad action figures from its shelves. The items – which featured Walter White and Jesse Pinkman in Hazmat suits, along with tiny guns, sacks of cash and a bag of meth – are on sale now for $13.99. But it isn’t the price with which Schrivjer takes issue. “Toys R Us is well known around the world for their vast selection of toys for children of all ages,” the documents reads. “However, their decision to sell a Breaking Bad doll, complete with a detachable sack of cash and a bag of meth, alongside children’s toys is a dangerous deviation from their family friendly values.” To date, the petition has over 3,600 signatures. “While the show may be compelling viewing for adults, its violent content and celebration of the drug trade make this collection unsuitable to be sold alongside Barbie dolls and Disney characters,” Schrivjer adds. How does Cranston, a four-time Emmy Award winner for his role on this AMC smash, feel about the flap? This is what he Tweeted in response: “Florida mom petitions against Toys ‘R Us over Breaking Bad action figures.’ I’m so mad, I’m burning my Florida Mom action figure in protest.” HA! We love it. Toys ‘R’ Us, meanwhile, issued its own statement in regard to the petition, addressing Schrivjer and writing: “The products you reference are carried in very limited quantities and the product packaging clearly notes that the items are intended for ages 15 and up. Items from this TV series are located in the adult action figure area of our stores.” That should pretty much put an end to this controversy, shouldn’t it? Unless some toddler is gonna watch Breaking Bad online , why would he or she even want to own a Walter White doll? Seems easy enough in this case for parents to simply not purchase the item for their kids. Offensive T-Shirts We’d Kind of Love To See 1. Religion If Miley Cyrus is God then there’s probably hope for us all.
Why can’t they let Mike be great? Fans Launch Petition To Block Mike Vick From Jets’ Training Camp Hasn’t the man paid his debt to society? At some point you have to let things go. According to NY Post: The Jets’ signing of quarterback Michael Vick remains unpopular with certain segments of their fan base and now a petition has started online in an attempt to keep him off SUNY Cortland’s campus this summer when the Jets hold training camp there. The change.org petition had over 2,000 signatures as of Monday night. The petition is addressed to SUNY Cortland president Erik J. Bitterbaum. It addresses Vick’s crimes. The 33-year-old served nearly two years in prison after pleading guilty to crimes related to a dogfighting ring. “Vick has served a short sentence for bankrolling a dogfighting conspiracy, but animal cruelty charges were dropped in return for his guilty plea,” the petition reads. “This does not mean, however, that his crimes should be forgotten.” The petition details some of the specific charges against Vick and also includes a photo of an abused dog next to one of Vick. “If we welcome Vick onto our campus, we are complicit in his crimes,” the petition reads. “We are sending the message that, for money and publicity, we will turn a blind eye to the horrors of dogfighting.” The Jets signed Vick to a one-year contract last month. He is expected to compete with Geno Smith for the starting quarterback job. Vick played for the Eagles from 2009-13 after being released from prison. Do you think Mike deserves to be signed with the Jets?
Because there’s nothing I like more than a hottie in leggings, here’s Vanessa Hudgens on her way into yoga class and giving us a few nice booty shots while she’s at it. And while I know you guys want to see Vanessa actually using that yoga mat instead of just carrying it around, unfortunately this is as close as we’re going to get for now. At least until I manage to get the Supreme Court to look at my petition to have bringing cameras into yoga classes covered by the First Amendment. Frankly, I’m kind of surprised nobody’s taken care of that already, but hey, I guess I’m just a patriot like that. Photos: Fameflynet
In a “you can NOT be serius…but yet you are” moment, a Change.org petition entitled “BEYONCE CANNOT ATTEND KIM KARDASHIAN’S WEDDING” was created earlier this…