Tag Archives: blasts-online

BIG Mad: Steve Harvey Slams ‘Punk Azz’ Haters For Trying To Boycott Radio Show

Steve Harvey Blasts Online Boycott To Petition Radio Show The TV host recently shared his feelings after he was dragged to tacky suit hell for meeting with Cheeto Mussolini at Trump Towers reports FOX News . Harvey recently defended why he chose to meet with PEETOUS Trump and called out some of his fans for turning on him: “On a personal note, a lot of ya’ll hurt me,” he said on his radio show. “You really did. I didn’t expect the backlash to be so fierce.” Harvey said he felt it was important to meet with the president-elect Trump but now slams #BlackTwitter for dissing the meeting . The comedian is now blasting folks for trying to petition his radio show following the meeting at Trump Towers and he’s not here for it! Listen to one of his recent shows where he discusses the boycott: The creator of the petition wants Harvey off the radio! Harvey disses political correctness and refuses to bow down to haters who want him to just STFU. Check out the Change petition HERE . YT/Twitter

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BIG Mad: Steve Harvey Slams ‘Punk Azz’ Haters For Trying To Boycott Radio Show