George Lopez aired this picture of Julie Bowen from Modern Family breast feeding her twins….because he is a cable show and I guess they are allowed to get away with that kind of thing…despite seeing two leeches sucking the life out of a breast being disgusting to me….but for some reason thought to be beautiful to mom’s around the world cuz nurturing alien looking things after bringing them to the world is something they think is so fucking amazing despite almost every pussy having a window of opportunity where they are capabale of doing the same fucking thing, It’s like being so proud of your shit that you out of the toilet and dry it out and show it to your neighbors cuz you’re proud, because we all have the fucking capacity to do the shit, some of us ust don’t choose to do it….so there’s no need to fucking brag…. It’s like making babies makes fucking egos…like they think cuz they care so much about it, the rest of the world will, and really I have no problem with a bitch showing off tit under any context or circustance…and that’s part of the reason I take every opportunity I get to watch girls who breast feed in public with deep fucking interest….like enough interest to make them feel uncomfortable when they notice me staring at them, which opens the window for me to say something like “this is such a beautiful sight, it represents life, you are so lucky to be able to do this, it is like your calling in life as a mother” and they usually smile and let me watch til they finish.
See the original post here:
Julie Bowen’s Breast Feeding Picture of the Day
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