Jusin Bieber Stans Are F*cking Crazy.

We still don’t understand all the hype over this lil Justin Beaver character …. Two teenage girls found a creative way to get into Justin Bieber’s room at the Hard Days and Night Hotel in Liverpool, a source tells UK’s Daily Mirror. “The hotel was swamped by fans all desperate to catch a glimpse of Justin, but two girls snuck in through a side entrance and stole housekeeping outfits,” says the source. “After ditching their regular clothes and slipping into their new costumes they got the lift to Justin’s suite and knocked on the door, calling, ‘Housekeeping.’ Having been allowed in, the girls began half-heartedly polishing tables and dusting surfaces.” No one was the wiser, until the fans were left alone and began taking cell phone pics of the 17-year-old “Baby” singer’s belongings and trying to get into his bed. But the source reports that the girls giggling eventually gave them away. “The girls, following a telling-off, were evicted from the premises,” the source tells The Mirror. Bieber, who was not at the hotel at the time, was reportedly “furious” and checked out. The Hotel told the paper they have no knowledge of the incident. A Merseyside police spokesman tells UsMagazine.com that no reports were filed. SMH. Source

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Jusin Bieber Stans Are F*cking Crazy.

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