Kaia Gerber Being Age Appropriate of the Day

Kaia Gerber is the 16 year old daughter of Cindy Crawford and now billionaire Rande Gerber thanks to his George Clooney Tequila scam he pulled… She’s been exploited by her mom to be a model, because it feels like the right thing to do, it feels good for her ego now that she is old and fat, and like a mom who put her kid into dance because the mom was into dance, she’s throwing her into modeling, a drug filled,, vapid and disgusting industry you’d expect to not want your kid to be a part of, despite the easy money and the great parties and access the kid would have regardless… In some sick way, she probably thinks it’s teaching her responsibility, work ethic, at 16, this is not “be a lifeguard cuz i was a lifeguard and had a great summer”…this is throw yourself in cocaine covered pretentious shit, travel for free even though we are rich and can afford it…. It’s surround yourself with and attention seeker, famewhore, mooches..as they leverage the family name and connections the MALIBU friends and neighbors… I just think being a model would be reason enough to not make your daughter a model, and wait til she’s 18 to be a model, instead of cashing in now. The world is sick.

Kaia Gerber Being Age Appropriate of the Day

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