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I n less than a month away from the midterm elections, a man who has admitted to not voting or reading books is going to the White House. Yep, after faithfully stroking Trump ‘s ego, Kanye West finally got his invite to the White House to stroke 45 in person. See Also: Bill Cosby Sentenced To 3 To 10 Years In Prison For Sexual Assault Conviction Lyin’ Sarah Huckabee Sanders reportedly said Kanye will have lunch with the president and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner . “West hopes to discuss two key issues during his visit at the White House: job opportunities for ex-convicts and ways to increase manufacturing jobs in and around his hometown of Chicago,” CNN wrote. Oh, please. In what universe would Kanye West have the ability to talk about those issues when he is a “ proud ” non-reader of books, said he believes that slavery was a choice, Malcolm X wasn’t relatable and has r epeatedly admitted to not voting a day in his life ? CNN also reported that “[o]ther topics of discussion will include prison reform, how to prevent gang violence and reducing violence in Chicago, Sanders said.” Maybe Kanye can start with how the president wants to reinforce stop-and-frisk , the unconstitutional police tactic that terrorized the lives of Black and brown people, or his dangerous calls for “more” law and order — a comment he just made a police convention on Monday. At least when his wife, Kim Kardashian , visited the White House, she an agenda to get Alice Marie Johnson out of prison. Kanye’s agenda is clearly himself. Moreover, he got the White House visit that Barack Obama wouldn’t give him . Lastly, if you have never voted a day in your life, you should not be sitting in the White House, especially if you are a rich, privileged celebrity who isn’t affected by the consequences of not voting. SEE ALSO: All The Ways Cops Are Still Trying To Cover Up LaQuan McDonald’s Execution Outrageous! Figurines Of White Cherub Crushing Head Of Black Angel Removed From Dollar Store Meet Jogger Joe, The Man Who Took Racist Cue From BBQ Becky In Tossing Homeless Man’s Clothes [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”3828001″ overlay=”true”]
Kanye ‘I’ve Never Voted’ West Goes To The White House