Katy Perry Military Lesbian for GQ Germany of the Day

Katy Perry is dressed as a militant lesbian for GQ Germany, because based on my experience with Germans and my knowledge of Germans, cold, hard faced, miliant lesbians is kinda their thing, you know when they aren’t shitting in each other’s mouths in bootleg porn, or covering up a genocide scandal that hit back in the 30s and 40s when they let a criminal mastermind run their country…. I generally don’t like lesbians, but only cuz they hate me for having a penis…..seriously they always look at me funny, like that they want to turn me into a woman, but maybe that’s cuz I turn them on so much it fucks with all they have worked so hard to suppress….but more importantly, I hate Katy Perry, cuz she’s a fucking lie of a human….talentless, ugly and thanks to GQ Germany, pantsless….unfortunately. Here are the pics…

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Katy Perry Military Lesbian for GQ Germany of the Day

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