Kelly Brook is a fucking pig of a woman….who I am not going to call fat, because I met a girl last night who I wanted to fuck, who knew about the site, and who told me that all I do is call chicks fat, and when I tried to explain to her that some of the girls are actually fat while pinching her stomach, she told me to fuck myself, leading to me not getting a blowjob in the bathroom….but I bet if I put a donut around my dick, I would of…cuz some girls….like Kelly Brook, can’t say no to sugary fried delights, no matter what the delivery system is…. What I am getting at is, if a girl has DDs, she’s usually gonna have a fat dumpy ass, and I don’t mind calling her out on it, cuz everyone else is sucking her dick-clit….and paying her big bucks that should go to someone who has DDs, isn’t 100 years old, and isn’t sloppy yet…. So repetitive in calling these girls fat or not…it is what it fucking is – I don’t make them eat all that cake – they do it to themselves – and you are the real asshole.
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Kelly Brook is in Lingerie of the Day