Smoke and mirrors – Pornstar turned “Reality” Star “It” Girl – Kim Kardashian, the master of the lie…has decided to share her secret to New Years Resolution of fighting whatever baby weight her plastic surgeon left behind – by posing with a chick who has a fatter ass, probably Brazilian Butt Lifted (that’s where they inject you ass with fat from other parts of your body, a procedure, girls, including Kim Kardashian get to have a fat ass, because for some reason, thanks to hip hop, fat asses are all the fucking rage)… It’s the good old proportionately, next to this fat ass, my ass looks tight, hustle so many girls do on the regular…and who really cares…this is Kim Kardashian we are talking about…the absolute epitome of evil the world has to offer… I just hope she’ll disappear because let’s face it, it’s time…even if it’d be hard for her to disappear since she’s so fucking fat.
See the article here:
Kim Kardashian Makes Her Ass Small of the Day