Lea Michele let’s her friends grab her tits – but only for an instagram pic becuase it’s her way of saying “I am not just a candy coated plastic character on some PC show that sucks…I am also a hollywood starlet who sucked dick, understands whoring, and loves casual sex for gain more than regular girls”… Or maybe this is her way of mourning the death of her fake boyfriend she didn’t save because she was a bad fake girlfriend, since I know if I had a fake girlfriend for ratings, she would be the first person who knows I am on a bender, unless of course my fake girlfriend is too into her fucking self, her career, and figuring out how to get her next million, but more importantly what dress to wear and whatever the next event she must attend, instead of doing what she really needs to do – a nose job – to notice I was about to die… Either way, I approve girls who delve into slutty to get ahead…even when they look like this ball off bar mitzvah….troll.
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Lea Michele Getting Felt Up of the Day