Bottom line… if you don’t like it now, you really won’t like it later! A couple years ago I dated a woman who was cute, smart, mature, wore dreadlocks like a pro and with whom I shared an overall life perspective. She was also good in bed and had lots of wifey potential…except she had a young daughter whose physical influence was evident all over her midsection. There was nothing I could do to prevent the squishy, stretch mark-laden mass from bothering me. I even asked my mother if I was being ridiculous: she informed me that if it bothers me now, it probably always would, which should be enough to move on. She was right…it was simply a non-negotiable. This happened a couple of times in my storied dating career: I dated women with many characteristics I desired, but when they were deficient in one or two significant physical or personality aspects, I made an effort but ultimately flew the coop. Initially I always felt like an a$$hole, but I ultimately realized that I should never sell myself short, especially in a city like Chicago teeming with single, cute, eligible honeys looking for a stone and someone to bring home for Easter Sunday. Click Here To Read The Rest At
Here is the original post:
Love & Matrimony-Dom: Don’t Ignore The Dating Non-Negotiables