Madonna Says Using The N-Word Was Her Son’s Idea, And Appropriating Black Culture Is White Artists’ Right

Madonna Says N-Word Was Her Son’s Idea, Tells Critics To “Kiss Her A**” Madonna is just churning out those soundbites …and possibly jamming her foot in her mouth in the process. In a new interview , she hides her hands on the usage of the n-word when referring to a boxing photo of her oldest son early last year (which she denied being a racial slur) and says cultural appropriation is a non-concern. Via Huffpost : In January 2014, she posted a photo of son Rocco, then 13, with a caption that included the hashtag “#disn-gga.” The backlash was swift and ended in a rare apology from the very woman who has a new song called “Unapologetic B*tch.” Madonna explains that she only apologizes “when I see that there’s a huge fire that’s about to blaze through the center of the universe and I have to put the fire out — especially if it comes to my children.” In the case of the N-word gaffe, Madonna says it was Rocco who told her how to caption the photo. “It was the one time that I listened to my son,” she says. “It was his idea. I was like, ‘What caption do you want me to put on it?’ And I did. I wasn’t thinking.” But Madonna, who has tried on various cultures and looks throughout her career says that she sees no reason to blast artists for cultural appropriation — a term which she doesn’t seem to believe exists. “Oh, they can kiss my a**,” she says of critics who might accuse her of borrowing other cultures’ fixtures. It’s a topic she seems interested to discuss. “I’m not appropriating anything. I’m inspired and I’m referencing other cultures. That is my right as an artist. They said Elvis Presley stole African-American culture. That’s our job as artists, to turn the world upside down and make everyone feel bewildered and have to rethink everything.” Does seeing a white artist try on another culture to boost their own sales make you “rethink everything” though? Madonna actually contradicts this sentiment a bit when she talks about her motivation for being so controversial over the years: “There’s a part of my character that’s on automatic, that just likes to be a provocateur. And to a certain extent, maybe some of the things that I did didn’t really have any thought process behind them necessarily, but they got attention. I wasn’t really thinking of anything specific. I mean, I could even think of shows that I did on the Lower East Side, when I was first starting in punk-rock bands. I can’t say that every creative decision I made was altruistic or came from the deepest part of my soul or with the best intentions or was really well thought-out or anything like that. Sometimes I just did sh*t, you know? Just to, like, throw a firebomb in the room.” Hmmm…what do you think of what the material girl has to say?

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Madonna Says Using The N-Word Was Her Son’s Idea, And Appropriating Black Culture Is White Artists’ Right

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