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Source: Tawni Bannister / Courtesy of Quan Michelle Name: Quan Michelle IG: quanmichelle_ Agency: Dorthoy Combs Models Claim to Fame: Michelle was one of the faces in Universal Standard’s groundbreaking athletic attire campaign. As a young girl growing up in Baltimore, Maryland Quan Michelle thought a model was someone who “exuded confidence.” Sadly, despite having a longstanding desire to join the industry, that description did not apply to her. “I wasn’t confident growing up at all. I got teased a lot for my height, my weight, I was a bigger girl, taller,” explained Michelle in an exclusive interview with Hello Beautiful. View this post on Instagram Thankful for all that transpired during the past two months. Learned more about this industry, myself, elevated my career and my inspiration is VIVID. The lord holds my hand through tribulations and protects my energy from negativity. I held on to people who wouldn’t blink for me for a long time because I thought I had to. I asked God to remove my enemies and a lot of folks started disappearing. I’m thankful for my mentality, it’s been the hidden gem. Watch company you keep and trust your gut instincts. Some want to use you for selfish reasons that aren’t genuine. Be thankful for those you can trust, confide in and appreciate what you do! Thankful for my home, health, family, tight circle, experiences, contracts and lessons. Blessed to have my blended family who genuinely supports me. Gracious for my team, you all work so hard! To EVERYONE I’ve worked with in 2018 and past. Thank you ALL, you’re all part of my growth! I love you guys and can’t wait to reveal my HUGE SECRET! Xo #Anyways BLESSED X THANKFUL. Periodt . . . . @zacmakeupartist @john___ellis A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Nov 22, 2018 at 8:07am PST “As my journey progressed, I gained that confidence. It’s something I had to teach myself, something I had to learn,” she added. One of the methods she used to accomplish that was seeking out role models she could connect with. One of them was industry veteran Tyra Banks . “I am a huge huge Tyra Banks fan. I used to rush home from school and watch her show,” she said. Not only was it comforting for Michelle to see Banks in the spotlight as a statuesque woman with a shapely figure it was healing to hear someone else give voice to the insecurities she was dealing with. View this post on Instagram Behind the scenes from a recent commercial shoot. Photography: @ayceebrownphoto Hair: @jayjstyling MUA: @dawnmua More To Come ! #PlusModel #ModelsOnDuty #QuanMichelle #BeAnthony #Handbags A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Feb 15, 2015 at 1:59pm PST “It was very refreshing and nice to feel that you know I can relate to someone. She used to speak on her forehead and about being bigger and an African-American woman in the modeling industry. I just listened to how she did not let anyone stop her from fulfilling her dreams . It was very inspiring.” View this post on Instagram So excited to be working with @rainbowshops today!! @msamodels @msacurve #MsaModels #QuanMichelle #Rainbow #CurveModel #WorkingModel #SetLife #FallFashion A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Oct 17, 2017 at 9:55am PDT The inspiration she found in her room on weekday afternoons motivated her to leave not only the city but the state. She was soon making plans to relocate to New York determined to see if like her idol she was capable of making her dreams come true. View this post on Instagram Gotta keep it caliente, feel me?! A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Dec 23, 2017 at 12:08pm PST “I was like ‘You know what? I can do this! I am gonna do this and I’m doing it!” As she began to peek out of her comfort zone, she was surprised to a bit of additional inspiration closer to home. “There’s a model from Maryland as well, her name is Liris Crosse . She’s obviously given me such good advice. I really appreciate her support. There are some catty models in the industry, but you focus on the good and people like Liris are the reason why. she’s such a beautiful spirit I can ask for anything anytime and she’s always wiling to help.” View this post on Instagram Asked God, he said “Grind a little harder” @john___ellis @makeupbylucas @statemgmt . . . . . . . #NycModels #Statecurve #BeastMode #SmokingIsBadDontSmokeLol #BlondeHair #CurlyHair #QuanMichelle #SkinGlow #CurlyModels #LAModels #Portrait #Beauty #CurveModel #editorialphotography A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Jan 18, 2018 at 4:27am PST With the warm welcome she received from Crosse and other models Michelle has been able to build a support system that’s encouraged her as she booked major campaigns and fit modeling jobs for brands like ELOQUII , Rent The Runway and Swimsuits For All. View this post on Instagram Cute as a button! @renttherunway @helenreavey @yukihayashi89 @tawnibannister @statemgmt @stateartistmgmt @draperjames @reesewitherspoon @eloquii #XOQ #MyRTR #reesewitherspoon #QuanMichelle #StateMgmt #StateCurve A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on May 9, 2018 at 2:31pm PDT The opportunities she earned as a model allowed her to finally have her mother visit her in the city. “I took her out to dinner at Essex on the Lower East side and I cried at the table. I was so embarrassed! It was a very special moment for me. She told me that she always wanted to come to New York. She’s never been here, so we got to enjoy New York together and do all the touristy stuff.” View this post on Instagram Yearning for the REAL springtime.. A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Apr 2, 2018 at 10:25am PDT Her mother expressed how relieved she was to see her daughter was able to turn a childhood passion into a full-fledged career . “She is SO proud of me she was so worried when I left the state but now, she’s like okay you got this I see you,” said Michelle. View this post on Instagram A post shared by @quanmichelle_ on Jul 18, 2018 at 9:41am PDT Another benchmark in her career has been appearing in the “liberating” athletic campaign she did with Universal Standard. “I had such a good time on set,” she exclaimed. She described the experience of working with the other models included as one that felt like “a sisterhood.” She worked with the brand to promote their collaboration with Orange Is The New Black’s Danielle Brooks as well. View this post on Instagram What an absolute pleasure modeling for the lovely @daniebb3 clothing line collaboration with @universalstandard on National Television! Any of these clothing pieces make a perfect gift for the holidays! You can shop on Universal's website, or just head over to their instagram and start shopping from there also! Ahhhh, I am elated to share this moment with @jovannaalbino & @bailey.culbreth ! No worries if you missed the show, you know I got the link for this segment in my bio just for you babes! Thank you so much for an awesome experience and what a way to end the year?! Woot, Woot! XOXO . . . . . . #QuanMichelle #JovannaAlbino #BaileyCulbreth #UniversalStandard #DanielleBrooks #CBS #HarryTv #PsModel #CurveModel #MSAmodels #MSAcurve #NYC #USxDB #DaniSweaterDress #DanielleShirtDress #BrooksOveralls #Slay #Slayage #EveryWoman #Designer #Broadway #Actress #Model ps. Lovies I tagged two places for great comfy wide width shoes btw! Oh, you're welcome lol ! A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Dec 14, 2017 at 12:07am PST “It was very nice to show that women plus-size women are active . We don’t sit on the couch. We do work out and we should be included as well,” she continued. View this post on Instagram Keep that new year resolution with @universalstandard athletic wear @yuliagorbachenko . . . . #UniversalStandard #athleticwear #workoutgear #plussize #StateModels A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Jan 23, 2018 at 2:23pm PST While some decry that brands are late to the body positivity party as just seeking coins Michelle is enthusiastic about the garment industry stretching itself. View this post on Instagram Huge thank you to @mrrichardlawson and @mstinalawson for hosting such a lovely event! The @wacotheater is truly a gem. It was an absolute pleasure to be in attendance to see the marvelous art! Congratulations @beyonce for receiving your humanitarian award and #GloriaCarter for the everyday people award. So blessed to be around so much wearable art, people making a difference and beautiful spirits. . . . . . . . . . MUA: @phamousbeauty Dress: TS Couture Custom Head Piece: @photosbysyranno @_themelroseexp @bbmcqueen_ Shoes @csiriano #wacotheater #wearableartgala #wacotowakanda A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Mar 18, 2018 at 5:48pm PDT “I feel like more brands are starting to jump on the inclusion band wagon and it’s nothing wrong with that because we all need representation, we need body diversity.” View this post on Instagram It's GAME time ! . . . . . . . Introducing GAME by @universalstandard ! This is a 5-piece collection of performance #activewear. SPOTLIGHT: Named Armor #Bodysuit. Ultimate freedom of movement in a single piece design with a soft hand feel that creates a next-to-naked sensation. Shop now! Link in Universal's bio as well mine. It's game time, let's tackle 2018! @yuliagorbachenko A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Jan 9, 2018 at 10:02am PST She quickly added, “We need racial diversity as well,” acknowledging the bias Black models encounter daily. View this post on Instagram Thank you to @mrrichardlawson and @mstinalawson for hosting such a lovely event! The @wacotheater is truly a gem. What an absolute pleasure to be in attendance to see the marvelous art! Congratulations @beyonce for receiving your Humanitarian Award and Gloria Carter for the everyday people award. Thank you for all your efforts to give to others! #wacotheatercenter #wacotheater2018 #wearableartgala #wearableartgala2018 #wacotowakanda A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on Mar 18, 2018 at 8:13pm PDT A firm believer that, “your fitness journey starts in the kitchen,” she is working with Dominic Nell of City Weeds to promote healthy and sustainable practices in her home city. She is not only contributing financially to the purchasing of raised plant beds but donating time as well. Her modeling career might be moving in the right direction, but she is still seeking inspiration to take her career to the next level. These days she finds it in in the books she totes with her to castings including Susan Moses’ The Art of Dressing Curves and Crosse’s The World Is My Runway. She doesn’t own a television preferring to spend her time learning. View this post on Instagram I ain’t sorry.. nah #CreateYourLane #honoryourcurves #effyourbeautystandards #thickthighssavelives @lanebryant @dorothycombsmodels A post shared by @ quanmichelle_ on May 29, 2019 at 2:18pm PDT She said, “I pretty much will pick up a book about almost anything if I feel like it will help me with my own personal growth.” Michelle hopes to provide aspiring creatives with the support she received from connecting with Crosse. She is currently working on opening a cost-regulated studio to provide Baltimore residents with a fraction of the creative infrastructure of their New York counterparts. “There are so many talented people in Baltimore, and I feel like they don’t have the resources all the time to do what they love. I would love to be the person to help them and provide those things.” She believes her status as a Baltimore native will helps her understand the needs of those grinding in the city in a way that way that Crosse understood hers when she was starting out. “It’s very nice to have that support from someone that understands where I come from,” she stated. DON’T MISS: MODEL MONDAY: Aba Forewa Is Going Full Force MODEL MONDAY: Christina Mendez Kept Her Children First On Her Climb To The Top MODEL MONDAY: Hope Kiriisa Wants Everyone To Embrace Everyday Fabulous [ione_media_gallery src=”” id=”3028437″ overlay=”true”]
MODEL MONDAY: Quan Michelle Is Coming Back For Baltimore