My name is Emily and on July 15, 2012 I was lucky enough to meet my amazing idol Justin Bieber. I arrived at his hotel in Melbourne at 8 a.m. My friend, my mum and I were the only three there – no beliebers, no paparazzi, nothing! We weren’t sure whether to be excited or nervous. As the hours passed, a couple more girls arrived. By the time Justin arrived there were only 10 beliebers and 2 paparazzi, unfortunately he drove straight into his hotel because as Moshe later told us he was very tired. We were absolutely devastated though, we thought that we had missed our chance. We didn’t even get to see him through his tinted windows. But we didn’t give up, after all it was Justin himself that taught us to never say never. We stuck around and soon things took a drastic turn. The crew arrived. They got out of their cars and had a conversation with us, they were so down to earth and so humble – it was almost unbelievable. We met Fredo, Kenny, Dan and Scrappy. Scrappy even agreed to give our scrapbook to Justin. We were so grateful for everybody that we met and the way they treated us. We were happy for hours to come, nothing could wipe the smiles off our faces. More and more girls started turning up and when the crew (including Justin and Selena) came down to have lunch, we were all basically hyperventilating at the fact that we were standing a few feet away from Justin Bieber and all that separated us was a glass window and a wall. When Justin and Selena stood up, we thought they would just go straight up to their hotel room but no, Justin came out to his beliebers and asked if we wanted some photos. I walked straight up to Justin and he put his arm around my shoulder. I took two pictures with him and said, “Thank you, I love you so much.” I couldn’t believe it, I was in complete shock but tried to stay calm in front of Justin. But as soon as he went inside, I lost it!! I was completely overwhelmed – I was crying hysterically and hugging my friends – I had met Justin Bieber, something I never thought would ever happen. Not only did I meet him but I also got a photo with him, something I would treasure forever. All the hours waiting out in the cold were worth it and I would do it a million times over to relive this experience. I am so, so grateful to Justin for making my dream come true. I never thought that this would ever happen, but it did and it can happen for you as well. Every belieber deserves to meet Justin and someday it will happen. Justin was able to defy the odds and become a world-renowned superstar and you can make the impossible become possible if you just BELIEVE. -@OurBoy_Biebs The rest is here: My name is Emily and on July 15, 2012 I was lucky enough to meet…
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My name is Emily and on July 15, 2012 I was lucky enough to meet…