My name is Hannah, I’m 14 years old and I’m from…

My name is Hannah, I’m 14 years old and I’m from Manchester, England . When I became a belieber around 5 years ago, I never ever, ever thought I’d be writing a MBE, this is crazy. It all started around June 2012. I had already been promised by my mum that I would one day meet Justin and that I could get Believe Tour tickets, so when the Bieberfever pre-sale came out, my grandad tried to get tickets for me because I was at school, but we had no luck. He tried again and again and again. When the regular sale came out on Ticketmaster, my friends mum tried. She rang us while we was at school and told us she had some tickets, on the lower tier! We were crying and I’ve never been so happy. Little did we know that she was lying and when we got home they were going to surprise us with M&Gs! When I got home my mum just kind of said it. I was like, “Pardon..” with a tear streaming down my face. She said, “I said you’re finally going to meet Justin, I bought you meet and greets.” That was the best moment of my life so far. I was screaming and crying and rang my friends who I was going with. It was perfect. After the long wait of 8 months, everyday taking a loop off my ‘Believe tour countdown chain,’ February 21st was finally here.  Alex, Toria, Olivia and I got the train to the arena. We queued for our bands and M&G packs and they took us into the arena. After waiting a total of 4 hours, (within that time doing chants, meeting Kenny, singing, trying not to cry) we were going to meet Justin. My friends managed to calm themselves down, but there was no way for me to stop crying. The VIP host Ryan said, “Aw don’t cry! Here, have Justin’s guitar pick.” I didn’t stop thanking him. Then all of a sudden from behind the curtain Justin was like, “I’m here guys!” His head popped out of the curtain and smiled at me. I just fell to the floor. When it was my turn, I dropped my bags and ran up to him and hugged him so tight. I held onto him and he held my waist so tight. I never wanted to let go. He was like, “Hi!!!” I was crying and my friend said, “You’re so perfect!” Justin said, “You both look very pretty.” They took my picture and security grabbed me and was pulling me but Justin still had hold of my arm. Then they pulled a bit more till he had hold of my hand, then my fingertips. I got outside and fell to the floor and cried for 2 hours straight. I cried so much I had my head over the arena toilets nearly being sick. I phoned my mum and we cried on the phone together for about an hour, she was so happy for me. We then went into the arena and had a picture with Justin’s vest that a girl won. During the show it was perfect, I’d never seen so many people happy in the same place at the same time. The vibe was unbelievable and the atmosphere was incredible. My Bieber experience was perfect and I only have two people to thank for that, Justin and my mum. Never give up hope on meeting Justin, ever. -@beadlesrxuhl More here: My name is Hannah, I’m 14 years old and I’m from…

My name is Hannah, I’m 14 years old and I’m from…

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