Nina Agdal is hardly nude for a model hooker who gets nude for money cuz it is her job, but is a story, because it’s a cellphone pic is making me work on a Sunday….Better than the average church, but I prefer drinking on my Sundays to spending 2-5 minutes posting this. Nina Agdal is a bikini model from “not america”. Her getting naked to get ahead is really not a new concept to her, she just normally does it for money and no cellphone pics capture the moment, because most models, at least when they are getting their start are hookers, who get flown to Dubai to get shit on by rich arabs…and the candy coated free modelling they do for Sports Illustrated is really just marketing for that part of job, the part of the job that actually pays. Now I’m not sure Nina Agdal was ever a hooker who slept her way to anywhere, I know nothing about her, but I do know that to get selected amongst the locals in her home, probably involved a little extra push, seeing how so many girls want to get to her level of fame, and they’d do it for free…and they are hotter than her… That’s not to say Denmark breeds model hookers, it’s to say all models are hookers….just ask Adam Levine and Leonardo who pass them around like they are…but unfortunately, don’t pass around pics of their “real work”….because seeing her fuck is better than seeing her text naked.
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Nina Agdal Nude of the Day