How about some Miley Cyrus doing fitness looking pretty fucking dumpy but doing fitness nevertheless in her leggings and sports bra….celebrating the feminist she is by trying to maintain some level of social norms or body norms because she doesn’t want to be fat as girls will tell you fat is disgusting and even fat chicks hate themselves for it no matter how much they get paid to pretend they like it….no one wants to be fat… I mean I guess her in her DOCS would make you think she’s not actually doing fitness, but is like all those vapid suburban moms in their fitness gear on Sundays, doing their Self Care, Me Time Sundays, being all comfy on Sunday…because Miley is just that, a near 30 year old suburban rich person….who is not edgy, hip, or interesting, but a song and dance act that manipulates us…through her nudity… ANd I for one – appreciate taht nudity…
See the article here:
Miley Cyrus Fitness Erotica of the Day