Tag Archives: doing-fitness

Gabby Epstein Still Topless of the Day

I heard Gabby Epstein and every other girl on instagram trying to be hotter than they are – is getting fat sucked out of their stomach, injected in their asses, so they have that Kardashian waist to hip ratio, despite the Kardashians being dudes…they also get their faces filled with fucking plastics, while promoting the end of single Use plastics to save the oceans as an angle in their stupid fucking storylines that are all the same, zero inspiring, with content that is interchangeable…. But the scam works, they make a living, more than a bartender or bottle service girl they were destined to be, and they get to travel the world and do cool shit to document on their feed for perverts and people who can’t fake their IG numbers to get free trips as well as these ones do… I don’t find this one hot, weird face, but it’s a girl doing travel content like she’s in SI and will likely end up in SI cuz they are trying to stay alive using the IG girls out there…. And really how can we hate travel content that’s got vagina definition and that is slutty as fuck when pretending to not be slutty….bikini pics all day motherfuckers I’m ready to look at it… CLICK HERE TO SEE HER EPIC PUSSY DANCE THROWBACK JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gabby Epstein Still Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gabby Epstein Still Topless of the Day

Selena Gomez Sports Bra Tight Leggings of the Day

I guess Selena Gomez was allowed out of her padded room to take on some fitness, you know a casual hike with 40 of her handlers that are hired to keep her away from the Opiates or really anything she can kill herself with, because like Demi Lovato before her, she’ll angle her mental illness caused by being sold to the industry by her mother, as something she is not responsible for…it’s not a mind over matter thing when you’re a lazy mind thanks to having everything given to you all these years…you spoiled fuck….or maybe she can exploit LUPUS that forced her to buy a Kidney from one of her groupies who wanted to an acting career and though Selena Kidney Donor was the way to do it, these people so obsessed with fame they are willing to literally cut out organs to help a vapid psychopath who doesn’t give a fuck about them, because she can’t give a fuck about them, she’s so self involved there’s no way to factor in other people, unless it is to manipulate them into giving her organs…their organs…for her survival.. Well…Mentally Unstable Selena Gomez Doing Fitness with her Fake Tits and Kidney Transplant Scar…dealing with the hardships of being rich enough to retire a few times over….in a Poor Selena Gomez with that Terminal disease….that no one really sympathizes with since she’s fucking won at life and is pretty much done all she needs to do and ready to die off and open some opportunity for other people wanting her fame without being giant whiners about it…. Take it in. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Selena Gomez Sports Bra Tight Leggings of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Selena Gomez Sports Bra Tight Leggings of the Day

Miley Cyrus Fitness Erotica of the Day

How about some Miley Cyrus doing fitness looking pretty fucking dumpy but doing fitness nevertheless in her leggings and sports bra….celebrating the feminist she is by trying to maintain some level of social norms or body norms because she doesn’t want to be fat as girls will tell you fat is disgusting and even fat chicks hate themselves for it no matter how much they get paid to pretend they like it….no one wants to be fat… I mean I guess her in her DOCS would make you think she’s not actually doing fitness, but is like all those vapid suburban moms in their fitness gear on Sundays, doing their Self Care, Me Time Sundays, being all comfy on Sunday…because Miley is just that, a near 30 year old suburban rich person….who is not edgy, hip, or interesting, but a song and dance act that manipulates us…through her nudity… ANd I for one – appreciate taht nudity…

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Miley Cyrus Fitness Erotica of the Day

Do I Care About Danica Patrick’s Panties of the Day

Race car driver Danica Patrick, who is apparently took a selfie in front of the mirror..or maybe this is an actual photoshoot of her in her panties…because we live in a feminist world, where a woman can have what was once considered a man’s job, even though the car does all the damn work, but more importantly, can still sexualize herself like a low level stripper, in attempts to not be slated as a TOM BOY, she couldn’t have that, while she’s got a fit athlete body to show off…you know there’s more to her than an overhyped NASCAR driver, there’s also an ass, pussy and EVEN tits…thanks FEMINISM for reminding us. Here she is doing fitness… The post Do I Care About Danica Patrick’s Panties of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Do I Care About Danica Patrick’s Panties of the Day

Scary Serena Williams Bikini Pic of the Day

The scariest thing about these Serena Williams boxing some dude on the beach -is that the dude in the pics is actually 6 foot 6….. She’s a fucking monster, a giant, with an ass that is bigger than the average human…making you wonder whether she’s actually a woman, or a product of an opportunist father who wanted his “girls” to destroy the white girls at the tennis club, because strong athleticism is a way to earn respect and a lot of money – and if you start young with the hormones and sex changes – the kids don’t even remember being born with penis….unless they are just big, strong, athletic women…in which case they are terrifying… To like this is to possibly to have a sexual disfunction, or maybe you’re gay and don’t know it…because I have seen trannies who are more feminine than this, and sure trannies have something to prove and are always more girl than girls, it’s part of the transition…and a tranny would never go out looking this masculine in a bikini because they spent money and time trying to transition…. But I do know dudes, regular dudes, who have big black girl fetishes…they just love the massive ass and tits of fertility to smother them…so…ultimately we are all a bunch of faggots with questionable fetishes and to me this is scary…but to all the horny fucks…this could be everything…a huge ass in a bikini dominating a man….some of us like girls who can’t run from us due to weakness – while others like not being able to run away from a woman…whatever works, who cares what you get off to…but this is weird…not the kind of tennis player I’d jerk off to… The post Scary Serena Williams Bikini Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Scary Serena Williams Bikini Pic of the Day

Elsa Hosk Doing Fitness of the Day

Elsa Hosk is some old model that Victoria’s Secret pulled out of the nude model scene to replace Candice Swanepoel because they like to typecast, which in and of itself is racist, like most of these PC idiots who try to be inclusive, unless you don’t agree with them, in which case they will protest, disrupt and break shit….in their hometowns, which is better than just being a keyboard Facebook status cowboy…but when it’s in a democratic state like California…or in a city like San Francisco…makes no sense…because the bigotry in a trump campaign speaks to more people in other places in the country…so connect with them you fucking whiners… That said, Elsa Hosk is Swedish. She’s hot while working out in lame, staged, photoshoots..but a reminder of all the nude pics she’s done in the past…which is what all watching a girl workout does for me….it reminds me or makes me think about them nude…like what would a vagina look like in that position….what WOULD the LIPS do…I’m basic. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Elsa Hosk Doing Fitness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Elsa Hosk Doing Fitness of the Day

Katy Perry Ass in Leggings of the Day

Katy Perry has a pretty dumpy ass…a dumpy ass that is totally overrated – over celebrated – but a dumpy ass just the fucking same….and here she is doing fitness with an entourage in thick spandex you think would spanx her into place, but for some reason, she’s rocking serious kanles.. Good times. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Katy Perry Ass in Leggings of the Day

The Naked Trainer Video of the Day

This Sam Jones chick is insane… She has a Youtube series of her doing random things but this one is by far the best. She recruited some naked trainer from Craigslist, let him in her house, and shit is starting to get buzz around the internet, because it’s so fucking weird, awkward, but she handles herself so well through it…and if you don’t care about hearing her talk, you can always stare at her big tits in some leotard…doing fitness moves..cuz if you’re perverted enough, and you are, anything can be made pornographic…

The Naked Trainer Video of the Day

Sophie Reade and Some NUTS Girls Titties of the DAy

Nuts Magazine, the journalistic force behind such genius journlistic coverage as BRITAIN’S BIGGEST BOOBS has put out a spread promoting all the Calendars they are going to be selling this holiday season of your favorite models who have signed their titties to their agency…because shit probably makes them money…as anyone still buying their magazines clearly don’t have smart phone or computer and still see a point for titty calendars like it was 1988……and I’m not complaining, cuz I’ll still look at the pics, of these tits, even if these shoots are always the fucking same…cuz I like tits…and so do you.

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Sophie Reade and Some NUTS Girls Titties of the DAy

Cassie is Lubed Up for GQ of the Day

Looks like Cassie is on a comeback tour….that or GQ ran out of attention seeking celebrities looking for coverage…something that I doubt is possible…there’s just an endless supply of that shit….whether it gets repetitive or boring or not…it just keeps on coming…. So I looked her up, she has a second album releasing in 2012, and this greased up hotness is probably all part of that…..but maybe I just think it is hot cuz she’s doing fitness…or pretending to… Either way, here are the pics…which is better than listening her her wannabe the next Rihanna shit music….

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Cassie is Lubed Up for GQ of the Day