Tag Archives: save-the-oceans

Gabby Epstein Still Topless of the Day

I heard Gabby Epstein and every other girl on instagram trying to be hotter than they are – is getting fat sucked out of their stomach, injected in their asses, so they have that Kardashian waist to hip ratio, despite the Kardashians being dudes…they also get their faces filled with fucking plastics, while promoting the end of single Use plastics to save the oceans as an angle in their stupid fucking storylines that are all the same, zero inspiring, with content that is interchangeable…. But the scam works, they make a living, more than a bartender or bottle service girl they were destined to be, and they get to travel the world and do cool shit to document on their feed for perverts and people who can’t fake their IG numbers to get free trips as well as these ones do… I don’t find this one hot, weird face, but it’s a girl doing travel content like she’s in SI and will likely end up in SI cuz they are trying to stay alive using the IG girls out there…. And really how can we hate travel content that’s got vagina definition and that is slutty as fuck when pretending to not be slutty….bikini pics all day motherfuckers I’m ready to look at it… CLICK HERE TO SEE HER EPIC PUSSY DANCE THROWBACK JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gabby Epstein Still Topless of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gabby Epstein Still Topless of the Day

The Punk Patriot Fixes the USA Economy

You're Welcome added by: asherp

World Premiere: "Plastic Beaches" – A Documentary

Here are links to parts one and two of “Plastic Beaches,” an original video that documents a volunteer group's efforts to find, collect, measure, and analyze plastic debris that is washing ashore in Oregon and Washington. This debris, ingested by sea birds and other animals, contains toxins that kill. MIcroscopic pieces of plastic are making their way into the food chain and threaten human health, as well. The spearhead group for this effort, Sea Turtles Forever, is trying very hard to raise awareness (and money) so that it can continue to work to save the oceans and the shorelines from this pervasive and insidious pollution. The total length for the videos at these links is 19 minutes, so please take a few moments to watch, especially if you live near water. seaturtlesforever.org would greatly appreciate your interest. Thanks. Part One: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZvTqDgk9d0 Part Two: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNgu4OQpqec added by: Progresshiv