Tag Archives: probably-makes

Olivia Wilde Gets Political of the Day

Here’s Olivia Wilde, who I guess is American and not just by marriage to the dude she had all her kids with, I think she’s got a bunch of kids, I know she’s banging Jason Sudeikis, and I also know that I only write about her because she’s some entitled rich kid who gave herself a stage name and went Hollywood, but then I accidentally watched her in a Christmas movie, you know because I like the Christmas spirit, and I actually don’t mind her, I still like laughing that her name is Cockburn not Wilde, and Wilde is some Oscar Wilde inspired thing, which in and of itself is lame as fuck, just own the cock burn, I know I do. Well, she’s decided to piss off some people, probably excite a lot of people, in her Christmas themed Christmas sweater that reads “IMPEACH’…you know using her platform and the paparazzi to get noticed, or to make a point..that probably makes sense to most people…even if they are supposed to RESPECT their president…and that will likely piss off a lot of people…who probably don’t know how to read anyway. I guess she really is WILDE… I like her face. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Olivia Wilde Gets Political of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Olivia Wilde Gets Political of the Day

Olivia Holt in a Bikini of the Day

Olivia Holt is a Disney Starlet who is 19…straight from the means streets of Mississippi…sold to the executives at Disney who either molested her as you’d assume they do when they cast these girls….you know you have to be some kind of fucking pervert to want to work so closely with kids…in what may not even be seen as work..up on some Michael Jackson kick..where the parents are just so eager to sign that contract…they don’t care what you do to the kid as long as those checks come in… But I could be wrong, maybe she wasn’t sold, maybe she’s totally normal at 19, with great parents who just want her to do the things she likes doing, because every single child star before her have been so down to earth, classy, decent…and not spoiled, entitled, pieces of shit egos who luckily blew themselves up along the way She’s in a bikini seflie, nothing wrong with that. The post Olivia Holt in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Olivia Holt in a Bikini of the Day

Andreea Diaconu for Agent Provocateur of the Day

Andreea Diaconu is some Romanian model. A little gypsy like the gypsy I once tried to fuck…straight from the mean streets of Bucharest, in Montreal for some college exchange….who made it very clear when she was reading my fortune that she would not be sitting on my face at any time in our relationship but I could buy her things like dinner and clothing and take her on vacation…and she wasn’t Adreea Diaconu hot…she wasn’t a Victoria’s Secret model found at the age of 11…she was some chubby thing with a lot of Romanian facial hair…but I have no standards…and youth always prevails… Now this post isn’t about my opinion on Romanians Gypsies or how weird they are in their attempt to scam…it’s not even to say that this tall half naked creature is on some scam…as everyones a fucking scam.. It’s to say that it’s nice to see her protest the evil mall brand lingerie company that gave her that start..and partner up with the Sex Pistol, high end, french inspired, also a mall brand, but a LUXURY mall brand lingerie brand…probably part owned by Victoria’s Secret, but like Gypsies, big business are fucking scammers too…. That said, I do like this shoot, as I always do with Agent Provocateur…They do good stuff… The post Andreea Diaconu for Agent Provocateur of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Andreea Diaconu for Agent Provocateur of the Day

Nina Agdal Fucks Leo with a Strap On and Models Bathing Suits of the Day

Nina Agdal is some big and burly, possibly intersex, model from the internet, or from Sports Illustrated, who has done very little of substance in her career, but not in terms of dicks she’s put in her vagina along the way, because there are some many less downs syndrome faces, with hotter bodies, who may not be in Sports Illustrated Swim, a magazine with a lot of hype, but not a lot of substance, at least not in terms of the models or the shoots they book the last 5 years since internet has taken over….but who still put the names of some girls on the map…at least enough to be Kate Upton, or to marry pro athletes, or to get invited to events…like it’s a credibility, they are actual “published models” for a mainstream brand – that may not matter – but that still has the strength of it’s brand name behind them… Now, I’m going to assume Agdal, who thinks she’s the biggest deal ever, but who is really garbage, I’ve seen her in person and know, she’s real garbage…probably makes 100,000 dollars a year as a model, but so much more in her escorting, you know fucking rich guys who pay her bills that she pretends isn’t escorting…. But we all know she doesn’t matter but matters enough to get in with Leo DiCaprio, who credible sources have told me fucks dudes, which makes sense, allowing her to increase her profile as everyone likes the celeb association…and here she is pushing 30, trying to get pregnant by a rich guy like Irina, while being totally uninspiring, boring, garbage…throw her out like a newborn at prom…yet she remains here….the worst. The post Nina Agdal Fucks Leo with a Strap On and Models Bathing Suits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nina Agdal Fucks Leo with a Strap On and Models Bathing Suits of the Day

Bella Thorne Body of the Day

Bella Thorne brought out her bikini body that she’s created by being an 18 year old who is always in the fucking gym…but that wasn’t enough – she also decided to do a dance to really bring it all home – to make it casual, fun, quirky, weird…and half naked…in a bathing suit, that’s not slutty or porn but can be if enough people jerk of to it… Fascinating…. She tries really fucking hard, but I guess you have to to stand out amongst every other girl fighting for the same fucking thing, it’s cheesy, it’s Disney bullshit, these girls have always existed, there cheesy has become cheesy and half naked cheesy which is the kind of cheesy we all like… Here’s another one of her dances… The post Bella Thorne Body of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne Body of the Day

Bella Thorne Body of the Day

Bella Thorne brought out her bikini body that she’s created by being an 18 year old who is always in the fucking gym…but that wasn’t enough – she also decided to do a dance to really bring it all home – to make it casual, fun, quirky, weird…and half naked…in a bathing suit, that’s not slutty or porn but can be if enough people jerk of to it… Fascinating…. She tries really fucking hard, but I guess you have to to stand out amongst every other girl fighting for the same fucking thing, it’s cheesy, it’s Disney bullshit, these girls have always existed, there cheesy has become cheesy and half naked cheesy which is the kind of cheesy we all like… Here’s another one of her dances… The post Bella Thorne Body of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne Body of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence in a Bikini of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence decided to finally bring it…you know tap into what she is best known for…getting half naked on the internet… I know people are distracted by the constant blockbuster movies she’s in, the constant Oscar nominations, the celebrity…the insane delusional commentary about pay equity and the awkward stumbling, scene causing, super famous but perfectly fucking average super star. Spitting out water with big tits in a bikini is a solid reminder of the glory days of celebrity blogging…back when it mattered…before social Media made it irrelevant… I don’t give a fuck about Jennifer Lawrence but bikinis are bikinis…and at least it’s not her BFF Amy Schumer…because that would be fucking terrifying…. But not as Terrifying as this being the biggest story of the day…..other than Kim Kardashian who is more famous than Jennifer Lawrence, probably makes more money than Jennifer Lawrence, and is unfortunately less dumpy than Jennifer Lawrence…which annoys me because I expect hotter bodies out of the really fucking famous top tier A Listers… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Lawrence in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Lawrence in a Bikini of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence in a Bikini of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence decided to finally bring it…you know tap into what she is best known for…getting half naked on the internet… I know people are distracted by the constant blockbuster movies she’s in, the constant Oscar nominations, the celebrity…the insane delusional commentary about pay equity and the awkward stumbling, scene causing, super famous but perfectly fucking average super star. Spitting out water with big tits in a bikini is a solid reminder of the glory days of celebrity blogging…back when it mattered…before social Media made it irrelevant… I don’t give a fuck about Jennifer Lawrence but bikinis are bikinis…and at least it’s not her BFF Amy Schumer…because that would be fucking terrifying…. But not as Terrifying as this being the biggest story of the day…..other than Kim Kardashian who is more famous than Jennifer Lawrence, probably makes more money than Jennifer Lawrence, and is unfortunately less dumpy than Jennifer Lawrence…which annoys me because I expect hotter bodies out of the really fucking famous top tier A Listers… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Jennifer Lawrence in a Bikini of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jennifer Lawrence in a Bikini of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is Fun of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is the broken, probably not because she’s from Alec Baldwin and Kim Bassinger’s failed marriage….and probably not because her dad’s phone conversation with her went viral when she was a kid…I mean being raised by actors, who double as egotistical, self destructive, sociopaths…doesn’t break a person…it probably makes them a lot of fun… I just think she’s broken, because she wants so badly to be a hot, relevant model and she seems more interesting and compelling than all the other girls her age who are vapid little twats…who have far less significant parents…including BIEBER FUCKING COUSIN HAYLEY Yet she can’t pull it off… To make things worse, she’s 6 foot tall and actually built to model, while those other rich kids are short bitches… She’s gone through being madly in love, to being a lesbian, to rehab…and she’s only 19….or 18…I mean she’s young… But old enough for me to want to save her….with my mouth….18-20 is the fun years…for my mouth. The post Ireland Baldwin is Fun of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Ireland Baldwin is Fun of the Day

I hate Nina Agdal of the Day

A video posted by Nina Agdal (@ninaagdal) on Jun 10, 2015 at 5:34pm PDT If this video doesn’t make you want to punch an overrated Sports Illustrated model who probably makes 10,000 dollars a year, but who acts like she’s a goddess, because assholes like you encourage her, right in her big, downs syndrome looking head….all because she produces shit like this: A video posted by Nina Agdal (@ninaagdal) on Jun 10, 2015 at 5:33am PDT In a thong that showcases her great ass…which is about all she has..and I guess all she needs…then you and I can’t be friends…But I guess we can’t be friends for a variety of other reasons too..like you being an irritating loser, and me hating all people…and never leaving my house… Here she is in a sports bra in NYC if this hasn’t been enough Nina Agdal for you…and it has…because she’s not this interesting..but she does have squirt on her shorts and I guess that counts for something.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post I hate Nina Agdal of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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I hate Nina Agdal of the Day