Tag Archives: really-garbage

Nina Agdal Fucks Leo with a Strap On and Models Bathing Suits of the Day

Nina Agdal is some big and burly, possibly intersex, model from the internet, or from Sports Illustrated, who has done very little of substance in her career, but not in terms of dicks she’s put in her vagina along the way, because there are some many less downs syndrome faces, with hotter bodies, who may not be in Sports Illustrated Swim, a magazine with a lot of hype, but not a lot of substance, at least not in terms of the models or the shoots they book the last 5 years since internet has taken over….but who still put the names of some girls on the map…at least enough to be Kate Upton, or to marry pro athletes, or to get invited to events…like it’s a credibility, they are actual “published models” for a mainstream brand – that may not matter – but that still has the strength of it’s brand name behind them… Now, I’m going to assume Agdal, who thinks she’s the biggest deal ever, but who is really garbage, I’ve seen her in person and know, she’s real garbage…probably makes 100,000 dollars a year as a model, but so much more in her escorting, you know fucking rich guys who pay her bills that she pretends isn’t escorting…. But we all know she doesn’t matter but matters enough to get in with Leo DiCaprio, who credible sources have told me fucks dudes, which makes sense, allowing her to increase her profile as everyone likes the celeb association…and here she is pushing 30, trying to get pregnant by a rich guy like Irina, while being totally uninspiring, boring, garbage…throw her out like a newborn at prom…yet she remains here….the worst. The post Nina Agdal Fucks Leo with a Strap On and Models Bathing Suits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nina Agdal Fucks Leo with a Strap On and Models Bathing Suits of the Day

Claire Danes See Thru Dress at Some Premiere of the Day

Claire Danes tit has always bored the fuck out of me. She’s always been flat cheseted and has never worn a bra and it’s been about as exciting as being a straight man hanging out in the gym lockeroom, not that I ever go to the gym, but I did have a free membership at the YMCA back when I was homeless and I would go in there sometimes to shower and shave when I got tired of smelling my own ass but kept it limited because it turns out the YMCA is a place where homos go to hook up and sex offenders go to look at little kids and the whole thing is uncomfortable to me and makes me wonder why the police dont just set up shop there to catch the predator, but not as uncomfortable as Claire Danes’ big nipple on her small tit makes me when I am forced to look at it because bitch finds bras uncomfortable and unnecessary or some shit.

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Claire Danes See Thru Dress at Some Premiere of the Day