Tag Archives: because-strong

Scary Serena Williams Bikini Pic of the Day

The scariest thing about these Serena Williams boxing some dude on the beach -is that the dude in the pics is actually 6 foot 6….. She’s a fucking monster, a giant, with an ass that is bigger than the average human…making you wonder whether she’s actually a woman, or a product of an opportunist father who wanted his “girls” to destroy the white girls at the tennis club, because strong athleticism is a way to earn respect and a lot of money – and if you start young with the hormones and sex changes – the kids don’t even remember being born with penis….unless they are just big, strong, athletic women…in which case they are terrifying… To like this is to possibly to have a sexual disfunction, or maybe you’re gay and don’t know it…because I have seen trannies who are more feminine than this, and sure trannies have something to prove and are always more girl than girls, it’s part of the transition…and a tranny would never go out looking this masculine in a bikini because they spent money and time trying to transition…. But I do know dudes, regular dudes, who have big black girl fetishes…they just love the massive ass and tits of fertility to smother them…so…ultimately we are all a bunch of faggots with questionable fetishes and to me this is scary…but to all the horny fucks…this could be everything…a huge ass in a bikini dominating a man….some of us like girls who can’t run from us due to weakness – while others like not being able to run away from a woman…whatever works, who cares what you get off to…but this is weird…not the kind of tennis player I’d jerk off to… The post Scary Serena Williams Bikini Pic of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Scary Serena Williams Bikini Pic of the Day

Iza Goulart’s Fitness Porn of the Day

A video posted by Izabel Goulart (@iza_goulart) on Jan 13, 2015 at 1:29pm PST Iza Goulart is the master of fitness porn…you know exhibitionist videos for her instagram showing off just how fit, ripped and amazing she is….almost giving me a boner, even though my boner is broken, because strong women excite me, especially when they are lingerie models… I guess she does this to show the haters who call her too skinny, that she works out everyday to justify the millions she makes, while Brazilians around her are dying from poverty…you know to ease her guilty conscious… Or maybe, it’s just a fetish she knows guys get off to…and she likes the views it gets…it makes her feel more than just a half naked model..she now has an actual purpose… Either way, it’s good….makes me want to get arrested for jerking off at the gym…but girls at my gym…never look like this..

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Iza Goulart’s Fitness Porn of the Day