Tag Archives: iza goulart

Iza Goulart’s FItness of the Day

A video posted by Izabel Goulart (@iza_goulart) on Sep 2, 2015 at 4:08am PDT Skipping, or really any fitness in a bkini rather than in fitness clothes, or an oversized pair of sweat pants and baggy t-shirt, because girl just wants to sweat it out, is a pretty clear “I’m posting porn, really softcore porn, to my instagram”… Or maybe she’s a bikini model, and girl just can’t get out of a bikini, because it’s either graphed to her robot body, like a doll you get at the dollar store for your doll fetish…who you just can’t get the skirt off .. Either way, she’s pretty fucking fit…so fit that you may be into dudes…if you like it too much…not because I’m against fit girls, who are 6 feet tall, but because she’s got higher testosterone than me from this hanging onto modeling nonsense.. The post Iza Goulart’s FItness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Iza Goulart’s FItness of the Day

Iza Goulart Fitness of the DAy

A video posted by Izabel Goulart (@iza_goulart) on Apr 24, 2015 at 12:56pm PDT Here’s a little Iza Goulart showing her ripped fucking stomach as she jumps around to Kris Kross, since that song only just came out in Brazil, or maybe because she’s a funny little brazilian and this is her Brazilian sense of humor…even though real brazilian sense of humor comes into play when the chick you’ve been dancing with pulls out her boner that is bigger than your dick when you get her back to your hotel and you’re forced to decide whether to finish off the blowjob she started or if it is more gay when you know she has a dick than when she was doing it with her dick tucked in her panties… Not that Iza is that kind of Brazilian…but she may be…and her abs aren’t really telling much of a different story…here she is… The post Iza Goulart Fitness of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Iza Goulart Fitness of the DAy

Iza Goulart’s Fitness Porn of the Day

A video posted by Izabel Goulart (@iza_goulart) on Jan 13, 2015 at 1:29pm PST Iza Goulart is the master of fitness porn…you know exhibitionist videos for her instagram showing off just how fit, ripped and amazing she is….almost giving me a boner, even though my boner is broken, because strong women excite me, especially when they are lingerie models… I guess she does this to show the haters who call her too skinny, that she works out everyday to justify the millions she makes, while Brazilians around her are dying from poverty…you know to ease her guilty conscious… Or maybe, it’s just a fetish she knows guys get off to…and she likes the views it gets…it makes her feel more than just a half naked model..she now has an actual purpose… Either way, it’s good….makes me want to get arrested for jerking off at the gym…but girls at my gym…never look like this..

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Iza Goulart’s Fitness Porn of the Day