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Source: Splash / Splash News The oppressive, cruel, and occasionally demonic attributes of Whiteness came out in full-force this week thanks to well…White people. The most viral moment involved an indigenous elder, Nathan Phillips , who had to stand inches away from the moist MAGA breath of a bratty teen. According to Today , Phillips was on the grounds of the Lincoln Memorial for the Indigenous People’s March. Meanwhile, the March For Life anti-abortion rally was going on around the same time, and it was full of MAGA hat teens from the Covington Catholic High School in Kentucky. Nick Sandmann was the teen who confronted Phillips face-to-face in the now viral video. According to him, some Black Hebrew Israelites were taunting him and his classmates before the confrontation with Phillips took place. The high school students tried to drown out the Hebrew Israelites with school chants, but naturally that didn’t ease tensions. So according to CNN , Phillips stood between the students and the Hebrew Israelites, banging his drum and singing a Native American protest song. According to Phillips, this is when Sandmann stepped in his face and wouldn’t let him move. Phillips says Sandmann’s classmates proceeded to mock his song, and he even said he heard teens yelling “build that wall.” You can watch the video for yourself below. The incident was, once again, another symbol of White oppression. It wasn’t just Phillips against Sandmann, it was a small indigenous group against a crowd of young White MAGA supporters. White teens seized the opportunity to take up space on land that was acquired with the onslaught of indigenous people. The Make America Great Again hats were the cherry on top for how White people can flaunt their dominance even if they’re not consciously doing so. Thus, Phillip’s only form of defense and integrity in the moment was to continue banging his drum and singing his protest song. A subtle clapback, yet powerful one. Hit the next pages to peep some more noteworthy (and hilarious) clapbacks to the ignant White folks.
Pale Politics: This Week’s Best Clapbacks To Ignant White People
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