An inevitable consequence of the ugly Kim Novak/ Artist soundtrack-rape saga had to be that other artists and actors would use the analogy to describe how, unauthorized, new legacies are built or enhanced using elements of their older ones. Right on cue, enter Courtney Love: “Courtney Love believes Kermit the Frog and his gang of Muppet friends ‘raped’ the memory of her ex-husband Kurt Cobain — by bastardizing Nirvana’s ‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ in their 2011 movie … without her permission. But there’s another side to this … We’re told Courtney sold off half of her rights to Kurt’s music to a company called Primary Wave Music. And there’s more … Courtney also gave Primary Wave the exclusive right to distribute Nirvana’s entire catalog.” Mm-hmm . Anyway, isn’t this stuff supposed to be limited to awards season? Better luck next year, Courtney. [ TMZ ]
Originally posted here:
Report: Now It’s the Muppets’ Turn to ‘Rape’ Nirvana