Here’s a video of a dude robbing a jewelry store in some other country, with a knife….he gets the jewelry, but the owners of the store follow him out, fuck with his BMX, which is a good escape vehicle when you are 10, and dude ends up dropping his stash…pretty funny… If you don’t like that…here’s a dude on a bike eating shit…because we like seeing people fail… Here’s a huge fail…that resulted in the death of a kid…who dropped a fire cracker into a sewer only to be blown up by the methane…when it exploded…life lesson…of the day…don’t fuck with sewage systems in the third world… Here’s a weird wedding fail…that resulted in one death…where people were in a weird decorative thing on a crane, only to have the crane slam to the ground, because that’s what you get when you try to be creative in weddings…RIP
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Robbery Fail and other Crazy videos of the Day