Selena Gomez Gone Mexican of the Day

It’s funny that a girl like Selena Gomez spends most of her life making herself as white as possible, so that people don’t see her like Donald Trump pretends to see her, as some lazy Mexican wet back stealing white jobs, in the country because of her parents jumping borders in Texas, when it was probably her grandparents doing that…. But not it’s cool to be ethnic, it’s cool to be diverse, Hollywood needs to cast girls for their ethnicity, rather than for how white they are… So seeing her using the Day of the Dead skull make-up, is as bad as Sombrero’s and TexMex restaurants during Cinco de Mayo or an Office lunch birthday party… But she’s allowed because she’s Mexican, so you can’t yell CULTURAL APPROPRIATION even though she’s whiter than white and trained to be white…even if she was white you could claim this is the black face for Mexicans… Which is just further evidence that cultural appropriation is such a bullshit cause, because everyone is so fucking white now, anything they do, even if it is their own ethnicity seems like a fucking parody… Doesn’t matter. The post Selena Gomez Gone Mexican of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Gone Mexican of the Day

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