Tag Archives: grandparents

Pete Davidson Confirms Ariana Grande Engagement, Shows Off Ring!

So, uh … this whole thing with Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson … It’s a roller coaster ride, and we are 100% here for it. Many, many people think that these two crazy kids are moving too fast , and obviously that’s true. Looking at their relationship timeline will likely make you a little nauseous. But you know how anytime you hear a story about a couple getting engaged fast, and someone pops in with “well, when you know, you know,” or “my grandparents were married twelve minutes after the first met” or something along those lines? Maybe Ariana and Pete just know, you know? Maybe one day, they will be those grandparents in that story, just with more tattoos and more weed. Anyway, today we’re going to be talking about their engagement , because Pete just confirmed it with an Instagram post! He shared this adorable picture: For the caption, he wrote “u know what you’d dream it be like? it’s better than that,” which is really sweet. But let’s be real, nobody is looking at the caption when there’s that ring on Ariana’s finger. It looks like a huge pear-shaped diamond, and it is SO PRETTY, right?!  The jewelry designer that made the ring, Greg Yuna, did a quick little interview about it, and he revealed that the ring is just over three carats, and Pete paid $93,000 for it. “Pete called me at the end of May and said ‘Look, I’m getting a ring. This is what I want,'” he recalled. “And I told him I had the right ring for him.” He said that “He didn’t tell me who it was for but told me to keep it a secret. He didn’t tell me anything about it.” OK, so that’s really interesting — let’s add this little tidbit to the timeline. On May 9th, Ariana announced that she and Mac Miller had broken up , and on May 16th, Pete revealed that he’d broken up with his girlfiend, Cazzie David. A couple of days after that, the rumors really began about a possible relationship between Ariana and Pete, and on May 30th, he shared the first photo of the two of them together, seemingly confirming the rumors. And right around that time was when Pete had the ring made. The very, very first thing that made people think these two could be together was when Ariana attended a Saturday Night Live after-party on May 12th. But when you consider their previous relationships and when those ended, they couldn’t have been together for more than a few weeks when Pete got the idea to propose. And man, how crazy is that? Judging by the comments on Pete’s photo, it looks like the vast majority of people are excited for the engagement, which is nice to see. Besides a few good-natured jokes about how fast things are moving, most of Twitter seems supportive of their love, too. So we’re really doing this thing, huh? Ariana and Pete really are going to get married. Judging by everything else, we’ll be back with wedding details sometime in the next fifteen minutes! View Slideshow: 23 Celebrity Engagement Rings That Will Leave You Temporarily Blind

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Pete Davidson Confirms Ariana Grande Engagement, Shows Off Ring!

13 Hot Irish Celebrities: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

On this day, and indeed all days, we need to take some time to appreciate all the gifts that Ireland has given us. Specifically, right at this moment, we need to appreciate all the hot people who hail from the Emerald Isle. Happy St. Patrick's Day! Enjoy all the beauty! 1. Michael Fassbender Michael here is half Irish, half German. He can speak German fluently, but he grew up in Ireland. He can also rock the hell out of a t-shirt. 2. Olivia Wilde Olivia Wilde, stupidly gorgeous human, has an Irish father — she spent her summers in Ireland as a child, and she even has citizenship there! 3. Jamie Dornan Mr. Christian Grey himself hails from the suburbs of Belfast. 4. Liam Neeson No words. Just heart-eyes. 5. Colin Farrell Could Colin be the MOST famous attractive person from Ireland? It’s a distinct possibility. 6. Jonathan Rhys Meyers Sure, this guy has had gone through some hard times, but still, look how pretty! View Slideshow

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13 Hot Irish Celebrities: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

19 Reasons Grandpa Should Text ALL the Time

We all love our grandparents. They are old and sweet and they love us a whole lot. But that doesn't mean they ought to be permitted to communicate via text message. Just consider the following grandfather texts as evidence that phones should be kept as far away as possible from the greatest generation… … or that they should ONLY communicate this way. These messages are either hilarious or embarrassing, depending on your point of view. 1. TMI, Gramps And may we have: TM… WHY?!? 2. What Now??? Coolest grandpa ever? 3. Yeah, But Otherwise? Get a good nap in today? 4. Hair, Chair… Give me a break, kid. I’m old! 5. Nevermind THIS is the coolest grandpa ever. 6. Grandparent Insight We never thought of it that way, but it’s sort of true, right? View Slideshow

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19 Reasons Grandpa Should Text ALL the Time

Harambe-Shaped Cheeto Sells For $100,000 on eBay

The Internet is losing its mind over an orange, ape-like figure that’s worth way, way too much money. But enough about Donald Trump, let’s focus on this Harambe-shaped Cheeto. In case you forgot, or somehow missed it, our nation’s finest meme-creators spent way too much of 2016 enamored with a late primate named Harambe. The former Cincinnati Zoo inhabitant gained immortality through tragedy after a toddler fell into his enclosure, and authorities made the difficult decision to kill Harambe out of fear that he might harm the child. From those unlikely beginnings, a legend was born: Social media couldn’t get enough of sarcastic tributes to the gorilla. Thousands promised to display their genitals in solidarity for reasons that remain unclear. And a truly embarrassing number of (hopefully) young folks registered  write-in votes for Harambe in the 2016 presidential election. Just when you thought Harambe obsession couldn’t get anymore ridiculous, it went ahead and did exactly that, because this is 2017, and there’s no ridiculousness ceiling anymore. It seems an eBay user made an amazing discovery while enjoying a powdery, Trump-colored snack recently. Behold – the Harambe Cheeto: Yes, the above item was posted earlier this week, and bids immediately went through the roof. See our earlier comment about the absurdity of the year we’re living in. “I opened up a bag of Flamin Hot Cheetos and as soon as I looked inside I came across this unique Cheetos that looks like Harambe the gorilla,” reads the item description. “It measures up to about 1 1/2 inches in length.” If your interest is piqued, and feel like you just have to have the ‘Rambe Cheet’ for your very own, we have good news and bad news: The good news is, you’re not alone.  (That is to say you’re not alone in coveting the Cheeto. You’re almost certainly alone in life.) The bad news is, the Cheeto has already been snatched up – for a truly insane sum. According to the product page, Cheeto Harambe sold for an astonishing $99,900. Yes, someone spent nearly six figures on a Flamin’ Hot Cheeto that vaguely resembles a dead gorilla. Somewhere, your grandparents are celebrating the fact that they just locked that “greatest generation” title down cold. View Slideshow: Harambe Mourned, Celebrated by Celebrities Everywhere

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Harambe-Shaped Cheeto Sells For $100,000 on eBay

Alexandra Marzella Feminist Bullshit Photoshoot for Purple of the Day

Alexandra Marzella says “many layers to this art onion”…because she’s a new age feminist who probably rubs her period across her friends faces to let people know just how in tune she is with her womanhood…as she grows out her bush and her armpit hair…because that means feminist when you’re a vapid cunt who is trying to get attention in a world where just your appearance is enough to rope people into your bullshit..when everything else you do with yourself is vain, egotistical, narcissistic and bullshit…it is all just noise, just fluff, just an angle… I’m an official bush lover, I have always been, I would have voted for Bush in the last election, just because his name is bush and I’ve been making girls grow out their bush forever, because I am a man and they do what I tell them when it comes to sex appeal…it’s just more erotic, so to see bitches like this, or the loser, trying to be edgy, groupie liar of a photographer put this shit together try to make it seem like a thing, or a activist protest is hysterical to me.. But thanks for showing me your labia…that the shit I do like…I just wish it had more spread asshole in it…hairy fucking asshole that I can lose myself in..because that’s my fetish…. This does not advance the plight of a woman…I remember being ambushed by this photographer, she’s canadian, for being a misogynist, a term she learned in her woman’s study class before moving the NYC from working at American Apparel, to be a “artist” in the period movement, and talking to her friend, who was so convinced that the photographer getting her period the day of her party was a sign from the feminist gods…and how it was a beautiful experience…and I was like “bitch are you high”…it’s a fucking period…it’s not a fucking beautiful thing, in fact…it is something every girl I know wishes she didn’t get because it sucks…even when used as paint in some period art painting…and the fact that people pander to these idiots is a sign of how stupid the times are… All this nonsense…is not empowering…it’s just garbage….but labia…the key to human life…the labia…that’s what needs to be focused on, not that girl doesn’t shave her armpits, anyone can not shave armpits, in fact it’s easier…a lot easier than shaving armpits…if anything this is just her saying “I’m lazy”… Fuck this noise…like she probably likes being fucked…in BDSM…as every weird feminist artist I know want to be choked out, tied up and violated…so many layers to this fucking onion…. The post Alexandra Marzella Feminist Bullshit Photoshoot for Purple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alexandra Marzella Feminist Bullshit Photoshoot for Purple of the Day

Alena Blohm for Calvin Klein Underwear of the Day

Alena Blohm is a german model and she’s in this 90s throwback Calvin Klein underwear campaign, not that she remembers the 1990s, she was only born in 1993, but forgetting is something the Germans seem pretty good at, because she may be far too young to have killed the Jews in 1940s, only to act like it never happened, with its whole genetic programs to create the aryan race that creates girls like this, but her grandparents aren’t…. That said, all these young hipsters are reliving the 90s hard, companies are re-releasing 90s products, their ads are all 90s, and it makes me feel like it’s a reminder of when AIDS was still a thing, not that any of you were getting laid in the 90s, missing out on all that fun, but you were jerking off to Baywatch…which is almost the same thing… The post Alena Blohm for Calvin Klein Underwear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alena Blohm for Calvin Klein Underwear of the Day

Jeremy Vuolo: SO EXCITED About Marrying Jinger Duggar!

Just a few weeks after we learned that Jinger Duggar and Jeremy Vuolo were courting , the couple hit us with an even bigger surprise… Yes, we now know that Jinger and Jeremy are engaged , and it seems that they’ll be wasting no time in getting to the altar. The couple has been tight-lipped with regard to an exact date, but insiders say preparations are already well under way. Naturally, the whole thing is being documented for Jill & Jessa: Counting On Season 2, and it’s safe to assume Jinger and Jeremy’s wedding will be televised . But if the video message to fans that Jeremy posted today is any indication, that’s about all the info you’ll be getting about the Jinge and Jer’s relationship between now and when the show returns to TLC August 23. Jeremy Vuolo Talks Wedding Plans In the clip above, Jeremy addresses family, friends and fans from outside his grandparents’ home in New Jersey. Yes, Jersey. It’s not exactly Duggar territory, but then Jeremy’s not your typical Duggar dude. While Jill and Jessa both married native Arkansans, Jinger wound with a Philadelphia boy through an odd chain of events. Jeremy first became acquainted with Jessa and her husband, Ben Seewald, while traveling in Texas. They happened to be at the home of a friend of Vuolo’s when he passed through San Antonio. Vuolo hit it off with the Seewalds, even appearing in some of the faith-based YouTube videos they’ve posted. Jessa introduced Jeremy to her younger sister Jinger, but it wasn’t until the two of them wound up on a missionary trip together that they hit it off.  A former pro soccer player, Jeremy is somewhat accustomed to the limelight, but he’s about to be in the public eye like never before. It’s good to see that he’s giving himself a little media training. View Slideshow: Jinger Duggar Photos: From Childhood to Courtship!

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Jeremy Vuolo: SO EXCITED About Marrying Jinger Duggar!

Selena Gomez Gone Mexican of the Day

It’s funny that a girl like Selena Gomez spends most of her life making herself as white as possible, so that people don’t see her like Donald Trump pretends to see her, as some lazy Mexican wet back stealing white jobs, in the country because of her parents jumping borders in Texas, when it was probably her grandparents doing that…. But not it’s cool to be ethnic, it’s cool to be diverse, Hollywood needs to cast girls for their ethnicity, rather than for how white they are… So seeing her using the Day of the Dead skull make-up, is as bad as Sombrero’s and TexMex restaurants during Cinco de Mayo or an Office lunch birthday party… But she’s allowed because she’s Mexican, so you can’t yell CULTURAL APPROPRIATION even though she’s whiter than white and trained to be white…even if she was white you could claim this is the black face for Mexicans… Which is just further evidence that cultural appropriation is such a bullshit cause, because everyone is so fucking white now, anything they do, even if it is their own ethnicity seems like a fucking parody… Doesn’t matter. The post Selena Gomez Gone Mexican of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Gone Mexican of the Day

Selena Gomez Gone Mexican of the Day

It’s funny that a girl like Selena Gomez spends most of her life making herself as white as possible, so that people don’t see her like Donald Trump pretends to see her, as some lazy Mexican wet back stealing white jobs, in the country because of her parents jumping borders in Texas, when it was probably her grandparents doing that…. But not it’s cool to be ethnic, it’s cool to be diverse, Hollywood needs to cast girls for their ethnicity, rather than for how white they are… So seeing her using the Day of the Dead skull make-up, is as bad as Sombrero’s and TexMex restaurants during Cinco de Mayo or an Office lunch birthday party… But she’s allowed because she’s Mexican, so you can’t yell CULTURAL APPROPRIATION even though she’s whiter than white and trained to be white…even if she was white you could claim this is the black face for Mexicans… Which is just further evidence that cultural appropriation is such a bullshit cause, because everyone is so fucking white now, anything they do, even if it is their own ethnicity seems like a fucking parody… Doesn’t matter. The post Selena Gomez Gone Mexican of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Selena Gomez Gone Mexican of the Day

Chelsea Clinton’s daughter Charlotte pictures

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Chelsea Clinton’s daughter Charlotte pictures