Tag Archives: she-remembers

Alena Blohm for Calvin Klein Underwear of the Day

Alena Blohm is a german model and she’s in this 90s throwback Calvin Klein underwear campaign, not that she remembers the 1990s, she was only born in 1993, but forgetting is something the Germans seem pretty good at, because she may be far too young to have killed the Jews in 1940s, only to act like it never happened, with its whole genetic programs to create the aryan race that creates girls like this, but her grandparents aren’t…. That said, all these young hipsters are reliving the 90s hard, companies are re-releasing 90s products, their ads are all 90s, and it makes me feel like it’s a reminder of when AIDS was still a thing, not that any of you were getting laid in the 90s, missing out on all that fun, but you were jerking off to Baywatch…which is almost the same thing… The post Alena Blohm for Calvin Klein Underwear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

See the article here:
Alena Blohm for Calvin Klein Underwear of the Day

Kanye West to Press Charges Against Trespassing Paparazzo

The legal shoe will soon be on the other foot when it comes to Kanye West’s ever-lasting feud with the paparazzi. Hours after footage surfaced of the rapper going ballistic because a reporter approached him at 4 a.m. today and asked how he was doing, sources that West will be pressing charges against the unnamed individual for trespassing on his property. He’s filed a police report and everything. The following video does make it clear that the man confronts Kanye right in front of the artist’s Hollywood Hills residence: Kanye West Goes OFF on Paparazzo Kanye, of course, is typically the one on the receiving end of legal action after a run-in with the press. He’s been charged with battery and grand theft after a July confrontation, but has pleaded self-defense in recently-released court documents. So it looks like Kanye has at least learned his lesson to some extent, as he refrained from getting physical in this latest showdown. In other angry Kanye West news, have you read about his Twitter war against Jimmy Kimmel ? It’s rather awesome.

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Kanye West to Press Charges Against Trespassing Paparazzo

Two-Year-Old Dances to Beyonce, Really Needs Play Date With Blue Ivy

All kids rule, no matter what. But not all of them have rhythm like this one! Check out this video of a two-year-old dancing to Beyonce. She rules. And really needs a play date with Blue Ivy Carter, don’t you think? Two-Year-Old Dances to Beyonce Tianne King, the mom of “that lil dancer in the making,” is based in the Atlanta area and offers classes for kids and adults. We’d say she’s quite good! In addition to being cuter than cute, it’s impressive how she remembers the actual choreography and where she is supposed to be at the right times. Here’s a second video if you want one. Which you clearly do: 2-Year-Old Dances to Beyonce

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Two-Year-Old Dances to Beyonce, Really Needs Play Date With Blue Ivy

Barbara Palvin Is The Cutest Victoria’s Secret Model Ever!

I’ve done a couple posts on Hungarian Victoria’s Secret model Barbara Palvin by now, but I understand if you don’t recognize the name, there’s a lot of Victoria’s Secret hotties to keep track of. Still, you’ll want to keep an eye on this one, because I’m convinced Barbara’s going to be the Next Big Thing. First off, she looks amazing in her work clothes , and secondly, those rumors of her dating Justin Bieber were fake. Which means she fits the two most important criteria for the HollywoodTuna Stamp of Approval. I just hope she remembers to thank me after her career takes off. Photos: PacificCoastNews

Originally posted here:
Barbara Palvin Is The Cutest Victoria’s Secret Model Ever!

Hot Blonde Chick Waiting for her “DrunkenStepfather” Gets Excited for Me of the Day

Don’t be jealous. You can’t get hot blonde chicks writing your name across their topless stomachs too. All you need to do is launch a website 6 years ago, update it everyday, beg everyone you can for traffic, and promise low level fame in exchange for it…. I am not sure if it is my ego talking, cuz I have pretty low self esteem, thus resulting in no ego, but seeing some hot pussy with my site written on them being is pretty pornographic on some dominance level reminiscent of cumming on a bitch you just met’s face after fucking her without a condom to make sure she remembers you, even though she’s asleep. Or maybe I just like half naked chicks who write on themselves cuz I never had markers as a child, or it could just be that cock teasing whores always fuck with my emotions when they hide their tits and pussy and tell me I can look, but can’t touch cuz I am not worthy….because rejection is all I know… Either way, this was a nice find in my email today, I suggest more of you start sending in shit like this, cuz it is a shortcut to my heart….and penis… Via SOCAL

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Hot Blonde Chick Waiting for her “DrunkenStepfather” Gets Excited for Me of the Day

Laurence Leboeuf in Some Sex Scene of the Day

This is a pretty rare opportunity that happens pretty much never, when the girl I am writing about happens to be someone who I know on a personal level because 5 years ago, she used to drink at the same parties as me.


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Laurence Leboeuf in Some Sex Scene of the Day