Tag Archives: never-happened

Fyre Festival’s Andy King Doesn’t Want To Be Known As The “Blowjob King Of The World” [Video]

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Andy King has seen all of your FYRE Fest memes — and he loves them! pic.twitter.com/mCNgDoHpjW — Netflix US (@netflix) January 29, 2019 If you watched Netflix’s Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened there were definitely some key moments that stuck out. Andy King , for instance, was thisclose to giving a custom official a blowjob in exchange for drinking water…at the behest of fraudulent Fyre founder Billy McFarland . Going viral in what are some of the most hilarious memes to ever hit the internet, King says he’s seen all the commentary and doesn’t want to be known as the “blowjob king of the world” — but would like to use all the attention to somehow help the local Bahamians who were cheated out of tons of cash. “I just don’t want to be necessarily known as the blowjob king of the world,” he informed Netflix in a follow-up interview, adding “I’m blown away with the response of the documentary. Completely blown away. I’m now a noun, a verb, an adjective. It’s mind-boggling.” Hilariously, King didn’t even know what it meant when someone reached out to tell him he was “trending.” “One of our biggest goals” he continued, “is paying back everybody in the Bahamas…if I can drive positive influences and a lot of positive energy towards social and environmental impact, which is what I base my business on, then I think I can utilize this moment to do a lot of good.” Watch the quick clip up top.

Fyre Festival’s Andy King Doesn’t Want To Be Known As The “Blowjob King Of The World” [Video]

Fyre Festival’s Andy King Doesn’t Want To Be Known As The “Blowjob King Of The World” [Video]

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Andy King has seen all of your FYRE Fest memes — and he loves them! pic.twitter.com/mCNgDoHpjW — Netflix US (@netflix) January 29, 2019 If you watched Netflix’s Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened there were definitely some key moments that stuck out. Andy King , for instance, was thisclose to giving a custom official a blowjob in exchange for drinking water…at the behest of fraudulent Fyre founder Billy McFarland . Going viral in what are some of the most hilarious memes to ever hit the internet, King says he’s seen all the commentary and doesn’t want to be known as the “blowjob king of the world” — but would like to use all the attention to somehow help the local Bahamians who were cheated out of tons of cash. “I just don’t want to be necessarily known as the blowjob king of the world,” he informed Netflix in a follow-up interview, adding “I’m blown away with the response of the documentary. Completely blown away. I’m now a noun, a verb, an adjective. It’s mind-boggling.” Hilariously, King didn’t even know what it meant when someone reached out to tell him he was “trending.” “One of our biggest goals” he continued, “is paying back everybody in the Bahamas…if I can drive positive influences and a lot of positive energy towards social and environmental impact, which is what I base my business on, then I think I can utilize this moment to do a lot of good.” Watch the quick clip up top.

Fyre Festival’s Andy King Doesn’t Want To Be Known As The “Blowjob King Of The World” [Video]

Brooke Shields in Some Magazine in her Underwear of the Day

Brooke Shields is the reason I thought Andre Agassi was a homosexual…because for the majority of her life and career she’s been a big burly dyke… Brooke Shields has only really been good in her underwear in Blue Lagoon when Hollywood made erotic movies with teens, and didn’t go to jail, what the fuck was that sex offense about…weird…I can’t imagine that ever happening today…which is a good thing…we don’t need more perverts jerking off to underage girls.. But we also don’t need more perverts jerking off to Brooke Shields, she’s had her time, even if she’s got this new face thanks to botox and a body I guess she works out cuz she’s got nothing better to do.. It’s some shameless ego nonsense that could have been “aging gracefully”…but I guess all these people like to be clickbait, it’s part of being famous….or “once famous”… I’m not into 60 year olds in panties or bathing suits ever..not even on tropical cruises…shit terrifies me…but also makes me feel young and fit…comparatively…but these are pictures and not a cruise, and they should have never happened…that’s all. Spread eagled too? What?! The post Brooke Shields in Some Magazine in her Underwear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Brooke Shields in Some Magazine in her Underwear of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski Roughing It

Emily Ratajkowski is one of those models who is just popular because she got naked in a very racy music video, but I wonder where she’d be if that video never happened? Probably Playboy Cyber girl. Anyway, here are her latest Instagram posts and Snaps. Enjoy.           Continue reading

Alena Blohm for Calvin Klein Underwear of the Day

Alena Blohm is a german model and she’s in this 90s throwback Calvin Klein underwear campaign, not that she remembers the 1990s, she was only born in 1993, but forgetting is something the Germans seem pretty good at, because she may be far too young to have killed the Jews in 1940s, only to act like it never happened, with its whole genetic programs to create the aryan race that creates girls like this, but her grandparents aren’t…. That said, all these young hipsters are reliving the 90s hard, companies are re-releasing 90s products, their ads are all 90s, and it makes me feel like it’s a reminder of when AIDS was still a thing, not that any of you were getting laid in the 90s, missing out on all that fun, but you were jerking off to Baywatch…which is almost the same thing… The post Alena Blohm for Calvin Klein Underwear of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alena Blohm for Calvin Klein Underwear of the Day

Christina Milian Breaks Silence On Karrueche Kiss, But Gets All Tongue-Tied When Asked About Lil Wayne

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According to Miss Milian, a true kiss never happened but she has hooked up with women before.

Christina Milian Breaks Silence On Karrueche Kiss, But Gets All Tongue-Tied When Asked About Lil Wayne

Kelly Rohrbach is the New Pam Anderson of the Day

A video posted by @kellyrohrbach on Jan 4, 2016 at 11:26am PST Convenient day for Kelly Rohrbach to announce her A List break-up that never was… Kelly Rohrbach was clever enough to date Leonardo DiCaprio publicly, even though she likely didn’t ever date Leonardo DiCaprio, but rather just fucked him as he fucked other girls, she as just the one clever enough to say “make me public girl number 1″…until she cast CJ Parker in Baywatch, also known as Pam Anderson, perfect for a blonde with big tits with celebrity ties, who hung out in the right circle, who will probably help destroy this idea of Baywatch as a redux for something that didn’t need a redux….because it was a late night show, we used to jerk off to…before internet porn…nor really something we were emotionally tied into because of the story… Either way, the rumor is she and Leo are broken up, she looks so devastated by it, mainly because it never happened…and she’s on her own hustle.. I am just glad Pam Anderson didn’t try to take the role back…and more importantly…I am glad they didn’t go with Charlotte McKinney or Emrata…..since they are clearly bottom feeding producers…with bottom feeding ideas speaking to low tier bros in their 40s…that would have made sense…but instead they did Sports Illustrated model…for the win.. I guess what I am saying is big tits chicks are interchangeable, have no sustainability, so make those tits count when you can… Hookers. A video posted by @kellyrohrbach on Jan 4, 2016 at 11:44am PST More…. A video posted by @kellyrohrbach on Jan 4, 2016 at 11:38am PST Here are some pics of her in bikini…because that’s her thing… To See Where Pam Anderson is At…Here she is on New Years Eve… CLICK HERE The post Kelly Rohrbach is the New Pam Anderson of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kelly Rohrbach is the New Pam Anderson of the Day

The Tits from the Blurred Lines Videos of the Day

The tits from the Blurred Lines videos…exists… She’s gone to Fashion week…and she brought her tits…. It’s funny when a nude model, who wasn’t even a model, but more a girl with fake tits who got naked for one dude, landed a music video…where she showed those fake tits cuz she’s got that shit down…she can handle the whole getting topless…it’s easy, she’s practiced… Now, she frowns on that past, like it never happened, because it’s convenient, and no one likes admitting they are nothing more than a set of tits, especially when they are just a set of tits..she’s above that, because she’s scammed her way into movies because of her tits…and can pretend they are big stars…big titty stars.. Fuck this garbage… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post The Tits from the Blurred Lines Videos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The Tits from the Blurred Lines Videos of the Day

Frida Gustavsson Titties for Fashion of the Day

Her name is Frida, she is the Swedish model who I guess has worked with Victoria’s Secret, she’s only 22, which is a lot younger than me, and makes her hot…but she’s also over over 6 foot tall, and thus scary as fuck but perfect for runway shows, because people love tall as fuck models… I guess if that didn’t work out for her, she could have always work at IKEA, taking cheap, practical designed things off high shelves for the motherfuckers who aren’t over 6 foot tall… SHe’s naked for fashion, which is the only way I like fashion…and I guess she’s putting herself out there more and more to get more and more money and that work ethic is nice to see, it’s the reason I got to most strip clubs… These shoot is pretty good, but I can never hate on nipples….so don’t take my word for it…I’m bias. The post Frida Gustavsson Titties for Fashion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Frida Gustavsson Titties for Fashion of the Day

Courtney Stodden’s Cameltoe is the One that Got Away of the Day

Courtney Stodden is posing strategically – yet fully exposed…in a bikini – reminding me why I like Courtney Stodden. She’s just this balance of fame whore, clown with silly circus sized tits, who pretends to be 18 or 19 and married to an old dude, when she’s really probably in her 40s, and the whole Courtney Stodden experience is just some marketing lie she came up with smoking cigarettes in the back room of the stripclub she probably worked at with her mom…. She has fallen off the map, out of the tabloids because he act wasn’t sustainable enough, she is the sex tape that never happened…but should of and probably wil… But she hasn’t fallen out of my heart…..My one life regret in recent years was being invited to her Halloween party last year, and not going… She’s an angel… The post Courtney Stodden’s Cameltoe is the One that Got Away of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Courtney Stodden’s Cameltoe is the One that Got Away of the Day