Chrissy Teigen is fucking trashy attention seeking and annoying, so this pic of her milking her cow self is not that surprising to me, to see her playing the Holstein / Jersey heifer is as offensive as any bitch with fat tits to go with her fat mom body can be…which is not offensive at all but rather amazing….and a sign of an unstable person who got lucky on Twitter and tricked the lazy media to write about her like she was relatable and relevant…all while putting herself and her dirty laundry and I guess dirty tits out there….. This is her trying to keep up momentum, in a where can she turn to next…. I don’t know how this wallet fucking, who invested in the queer pianist harder than Liberace’s HIV invested in him, pretty much just fucking terrorizing the pianist from the inside out, forcing him to give her a career riding his fame, becoming some “American Sweetheart”…who gets work, praise, for being so real…despite being a strategic and manipulative… I am not a fan, she fucking annoys me and I wish those complaints of suicide were less complaints and more plans she put into action, rather than this plan of being relevant like Ellen…on Ellen being put into action and working… The internet is fucking weird… The post Chissy Teigen is a Dairy Cow of the Day appeared first on .
Lady Gaga released a new album and in doing press the only way she’s ever really known how…to be scandalous, half naked, an exhinitionist putting herself out there… We all know that Lady Gaga – without the Lady Gaga part of her – I don’t know what her birth name is – but that girl…independent of celebrity and her bullshit…is someone inseucre becasue no one fucked her when she was weak chinned and growing up…and her career is just a reflection of that feeling unaccepted, weird and like a failure… You know, her whole performance art angle, that isn’t art – because she’s not an artist, she’s a dancing monkey doing dancing monkey things…for money.. She’s not an artist, but rather a talented at writing commercial bullshit songs that her label positioned as art – because idiots believe everything they are told…and idiots get her paid… So withouth Lady Gaga, she is someone you wouldn’t really want to see naked, the kind of girl in your neighborhood or high school or working your local drug store that you’d be “put on some damn pants you pig, save the hot clothes for the hot girls…”..but when it’s Gaga…it’s like “keep being half naked, we’ll stare and maybe people will write about you and buy your album, which is your goal in all this, because you’re not rich enough, if you were you wouldn’t be skimming off the top of your Gaga charity…you garbage pile of sloppy chick shit… Nice outfit though… The post Lady Gaga is Repulsive in Short Shorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I am pretty mean to Kelly Brook, a lot of people would say that I am mean to all these bitches, and that instead of just letting them do their thing, I feel compelled to shit on them, and not because I have a feces / german scat fetish, but because I’m some angry impotent, small penis, loser who doesn’t leave my house and I am jealous girls like this won’t fuck me, or that girls in general won’t fuck me, even though I’m a miserably married man to an obese woman – and I think all I’m doing is calling out someone who makes a living, or barely a living but a living nonetheless, by putting herself out there, despite being 40, as a titty model like EMRata, who wants a legit career – you know take the tits to the mainstream or whatever… I lacked empathy when she had announced she was pregnant – and engaged and so happy a bunch of years ago, then was no longer pregnant and moving to LA to take her titty modeling to hollywood….I laughed and laughed at the “miscarriage” and really rode that storyline I call the ABORTION years… for absolutely no reason….but then I met UK Rugby players who told me a bunch of them fucked her and laughed and laughed about how fat she was – and I felt like I wasn’t so bad…I mean people who actually no her think she’s the worst and make fun of her…I’m just pointing out the obvious – and I only point out the obvious because people don’t seem to care when these big tits are also fat – it’s like big tits erase all flaws and hypnotize you into seeing just tits – and tits – is all she has – so it works out for her – it must she’s always got new boyfriends….like the slut she likely is… The post Big Girl Kelly Brook in a Bathing Suit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
If you’re wondering who or what Rita Ora is or where and why she exists…she’s made a point of sending out this reminder to the world…in “I have tits, tits with nipples, tits with nipples that producers and executives fucking love, tits with nipples that DJs and producers and even a Kardashian loved, tits with nipples that want to be Rihanna so bad – they pretend to be Rihanna but aren’t Rihanna, despite being tits that are better than Rihanna’s because tits may make a girl who has nothing to offer but tits don’t just make a girl, there are many great tits out there that we like to look at but that are just great tits, not all great tits are superstars…even if their tits in and of themselves are..”… I don’t know why I find Rita Ora a bottom feeder, but I wouldn’t mind feeding off her bottom…probably high in nutrients… The post OMG…..Rita Ora Has Nipples….of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Yes…we get it…own your fat…but I think shoving it down all of our throats is offensive. We get it…fat girls can get naked and be half naked. We’ve all been there and know that some fat chicks are the loud ones flashing their tits at the bar. Not all are self-hating, reserved fat chicks, eating pints of ice cream with their cats.. We get it…some fat chicks own being fat chicks as they make you take them to the all you can eat buffet to down all the fucking cake their diabetes can handle before having a leg amputated.. We get it…some fat chicks like showing you how massive her shits are, or how bad her farts are… We get it…there are bathing suits made for fat chicks, because fat chicks go to beaches even though they should go to temperate climates as to no strain their already strained hearts.. We get it….you can fit into any shower curtain that’s been cut into a trendy shape because brands know fat chicks is a huge market, so give them fat chicks fashion so they will buy you clothes.. But why this is celebrated, or empowering makes no sense to me, other than that people are scared to call a fat chick a pig, or an elephant, who should cover up – TAKE THIS BATH ROBE PLEASE…..people are scared to say “I fuck fat chicks at 3 am when no one else wants to show off their mouth skills, and trust me fat chicks have mouth skills, on my dick”… Other fat chicks and BBW / BBQ fetishists, into the whole feeder things are celebrating what DOCTORS have told us all is high risk and nothing to celebrate…. But Graham can brag that she’s got no health issues, she can brag that we aren’t her doctor, she can also wear a damn bikini in private, but why would she do that…she’s making money…getting famous…good for egos that may make her lazy ass feel good enough to start eating smaller portions…because clearly, she’s been over served whether you want to admit it or not, whether you want to say the BMI obesity scale is wrong…I know, and you know, eat less and exercise means don’t be a fat bitch… The funniest thing in this fat chick movement of fat chicks who hardly move – is that in the process of celebrating being able to gain weight while being healthy as they claim – to be a voice / face or body with a gunt that eats bathing suits because some fatty girls are that they are shaming skinny girls, who are healthy and work out, for being skinny…in reverse bullying…in a world that makes zero fucking sense.. Yes, let everyone do what they want to do….which includes me thinking fat chicks in bathing suits is more a circus act of a better time then what should be a celebrated norm…but then again…I am a renaissance man. That said, I fuck fat chicks…especially the big titty ones…but I am the worst scum of society…who doesn’t mind looking at their assholes…because I have no standards…but I don’t think society as a whole should follow my lead and have no standards…it’d make for a low of deadbeat garbage leeching off the system…who thinks “fat chicks really give good head, it must be their neck fat jiggle a skinny girl can’t do”…because that’s truth. The post Ashley Graham Gunt Eats Bathings Suit and Everything Else in Some Offensive Body Positive Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
I try to ignore the Karadashians, but every now and then, mainstream media do a photoshoot, if you can consider a photoshopped Kim Kardashian a photo, when it’s more of an artistic interpretation of Kim Kardashian…and I have to ask why… I guess business is slowing down for Kim Kardashian during her pregnancy – she’s pregnant isn’t she? Or maybe this is her post pregnancy, I’ve never seen the show, I stopped following her bullshit when she released the sex tape that made me a lot of money, so thanks Kim, best business partner I’ve ever had….unfortunately.. She’s decided to release some naked enough images.. that probably took years to edit, but that she’ll pretend is her casual and 60 pounds lighter than she was when pregnant…. Thanks GQ for knowing exactly what GENTLEMAN want…because I don’t know one man who wants Kim Kardashian naked, not even Kanye, he’s more into using her to get men into him…. She obviously has this as part of some promo tour, she’s putting herself out there, naked enough, but we could argue that if they are of Kim Kardashian’s face they are naked enough – because this bitch is overexposed, and irritating…the fucking worst.. We can all agree that she is garbage, no one I know likes her…we all know it – yet people still like her – people still buy into her shit – and her social media / reality star contrived bullshit is a leader to a hopeless generation of half retards… There’s no point to hate on her, she exists, and we allow it…but at least she still whores in all her success for some media hits to make some noise around herself, when regular porn bitches end up dead… THE REAL QUESTION IS – IS GQ DESPERATE PUPPETS – OR AM I! The post Kim Kardashian Naked for GQ of the DAY appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Safe to say Kim Kardashian is done basking in her pregnancy glow and back to her (unfortunately) familiar pattern of having a rough go of it. The 34-year-old, who had a notoriously difficult pregnancy with North West, and then battled for so long to get pregnant again, is cracking. Kardashian broke down crying recently over her pregnant body, which is reportedly starting to bloat, and her drastically fluctuating weight. “Kim was desperate to do things right second time around,” says an insider. For the E! star, that meant going above and beyond “not put on too much weight like Jessica Simpson did with her second baby” (ouch). Of course, she’s eating for two, so that’s tough, and “she’s gone over her rigidly planned weight gain program … she’s furious at herself.” Come on Kim. You’re a super hot, famous mega-millionaire. We know pregnancy isbrutal physically, and that you’ve had some real health complications as well, but if this is just a vanity thing? The next few months will be over before she even knows it. “Her friends hate that she’s putting herself through this,” says the source, echoing that sentiment. “She’s setting herself up for a tough time.” “Kim hates her body with a passion,” continues the insider. “She is convinced she’s going to have an even worse time than with North.” In any case, regardless of whether Kanye West hates Kim’s pregnancy body or it’s all in her head, this time is it for Kim carrying kids: “She told Kanye if he wants any more it will be via surrogate … She’s vowed she’ll absolutely never go through all this again.” Soldier on, Kim. The occasional bad pic is worth it.
Her name is Frida, she is the Swedish model who I guess has worked with Victoria’s Secret, she’s only 22, which is a lot younger than me, and makes her hot…but she’s also over over 6 foot tall, and thus scary as fuck but perfect for runway shows, because people love tall as fuck models… I guess if that didn’t work out for her, she could have always work at IKEA, taking cheap, practical designed things off high shelves for the motherfuckers who aren’t over 6 foot tall… SHe’s naked for fashion, which is the only way I like fashion…and I guess she’s putting herself out there more and more to get more and more money and that work ethic is nice to see, it’s the reason I got to most strip clubs… These shoot is pretty good, but I can never hate on nipples….so don’t take my word for it…I’m bias. The post Frida Gustavsson Titties for Fashion of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Chantelle Houghton was a low level Glamour Model from the UK, but in her defence, they are all pretty fucking low level, who bottom fed her way into getting some level of publicity, that she probably from being some skinny fake tit Paris Hilton type without the trust fund staging up skirts but now she’s taken that “big brother trash”…to the next level of putting herself out there, this time showing off her fat ass body, that may be broken down thanks to being a mom, or that just may be broken down thanks to being a broken women who’s dreams and aspirations of being a top level fame whore, rather than a low level fame whore, never panned out… All this to say, this new “I’m fat look at me half naked and talk about me so I can pretend I take ownership on it, even though my entire existence has been a vapid superficial cunt with plastic surgery, and this fat thing is just an angle to get noticed”…publicity stunting is the fucking worst for those of us who like our fame whores fit. It’s funny when the fake face, tan, make-up, hair, body, comes off, you really see how ugly this girl is and you get why she tried so fucking hard… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE
A few weeks ago…I said that I was tired of Candice Swanepoel…that her amazing Victoria’s Secret body was boring, and repetitive, and that she was old and over exposed…that Victoria’s Secret shoved her down our throats too many times…and that I was done with her and ready to move my obsessive compulsive disorder onto new models…but then today, I went to her instagram…and I learned to love again, she’s so solid…that her body should be what all girls look like…you know the mainstream average measurements…instead of all the genetically modified shit you see every time you leave your house…it would be a far better world to live in…. Here’s another video…. She is amazing…