Tag Archives: being-relevant

Chissy Teigen is a Dairy Cow of the Day

Chrissy Teigen is fucking trashy attention seeking and annoying, so this pic of her milking her cow self is not that surprising to me, to see her playing the Holstein / Jersey heifer is as offensive as any bitch with fat tits to go with her fat mom body can be…which is not offensive at all but rather amazing….and a sign of an unstable person who got lucky on Twitter and tricked the lazy media to write about her like she was relatable and relevant…all while putting herself and her dirty laundry and I guess dirty tits out there….. This is her trying to keep up momentum, in a where can she turn to next…. I don’t know how this wallet fucking, who invested in the queer pianist harder than Liberace’s HIV invested in him, pretty much just fucking terrorizing the pianist from the inside out, forcing him to give her a career riding his fame, becoming some “American Sweetheart”…who gets work, praise, for being so real…despite being a strategic and manipulative… I am not a fan, she fucking annoys me and I wish those complaints of suicide were less complaints and more plans she put into action, rather than this plan of being relevant like Ellen…on Ellen being put into action and working… The internet is fucking weird… The post Chissy Teigen is a Dairy Cow of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Chissy Teigen is a Dairy Cow of the Day

Gigi Hadid Hard Nipples of the Day

Gigi Hadid is one of those people who you hate because they are entitled rich kids, yet life worked out for them thanks to being entitled rich kids, when you prefer your entitled rich kids to be fucking disasters… It’s like this Arab girl said to her dad at a young age that she doesn’t want to work, but that she wants to be famous on the instagram instead…and he gifted it to her like he did a Pony on her 10th birthday and a car on her 16th. His ego, made him go out there and buy press, by coverage and help his girl make it in America…and it worked, people signed on, bought in and made her a model… No struggle, just a fucking gift and she can coast through life thinking how easy it is….with her nipples hard..it helps keep her relevant…even if the fact that she was ever relevant is fucking absurd…not as absurd as her sister being relevant but almost as absurd… Just cuz they are rich kids, doesn’t mean you have to give them brand deals….like who cares about rich kids, other than most of the instagram users….give me more girls who struggle to make it nipples…they are more meaningful and authentic… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Gigi Hadid Hard Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Gigi Hadid Hard Nipples of the Day

James Franco Has Sex With Himself of the Day

Breaking Sex… AOL is working on being relevant by creating or hiring famous people to produce video content for them, in what I assume they probably spent 1,000,000 dollars on, even though production of this is probably 10,000 dollars at the most, but whatever, they put together the mash-up video that is destined to go viral because it features James Franco, it’s merges two popular shows, and it involves Franco Fucking himself in weirdness. I don’t really love where the world is going, but I’m glad the internet happened to really understand how fucking weird the general public is..in what they like.. The post James Franco Has Sex With Himself of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

James Franco Has Sex With Himself of the Day

Heidi Klum in Lingerie of the Day

Heidi Klum still models lingerie…She also peddles it…which I gues she is modeling it…you know make that money from any angle you can…especially after spending a decade or more being created by Victoria’s Secret…making this her actual talent, while the TV career, is just coincidental or whatever… I still like looking at Heidi Klum in a bikini, because she’s clearly genetically modified, possibly from being a German…and we know all about the German’s research into DNA and ethnic cleansing…trying to create the perfect race…which one could argue, at least based on her aging, that Heidi Klum may be… Not to mention, her vagina is like a circus trick, and not just because she’s in her 50s, but because it’s been filled with babies after being filled with massive black penis…making her even more interesting to me….like some kind of science experiment, and/or german scat porn… The post Heidi Klum in Lingerie of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Heidi Klum in Lingerie of the Day

Kate Mara for Esquire of the Day

Kate Mara was raped in some movie…and people loved it…not because people like rape…or maybe they do…I know a lot of girls I talk to have Rape fetishes…along with Gangbang fetishes…I also know I am asked by girls to choke, fuck, and pretty much beat them when we fuck…you know getting spit in their face and spanked, even punched…I’m not into that shit…but they are…. I mean, the other day a girl, a normal fucking girl, was asking me how she could get raped…my answer “Go to South Africa”…not a message sponsored by the oursim board…just based on 2010 national AIDS rate stats… Oh wait….that was her sister…ROONEY MARA….oops Well, this one’s been in movies and clearly in a new movie, showing what could be nipple on Esquire…because showing nipple is key…to being relevant in this nipple obsessed world… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kate Mara for Esquire of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Mara for Esquire of the Day

Cara Delevingne Changing for Nowness Magazine of the Day

Cara Delevingne is a heroin addict, rich brat, socialite who has tricked her way into being a relevant model by hanging out with the right people, and I guess not being fat..and co-signed by leaders of fashion industry…and as vile and disgusting as her bi-sexual attention seeking ass is..she takes a good pic, or in this case, video of her changing. I find it hot, and hate myself for that. This has nothing to do with Christmas, but if there is a Santa, maybe he’ll giver her a drug overdose for Christmas, but maybe she’ll just get another year of winning by being relevant…when she has no real business being who she is, but then again who really does…

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Cara Delevingne Changing for Nowness Magazine of the Day

Bambi Northwood-Blyth for Wild Heart of the Day

Bambi Northwood-Blyth is some it girl from Australia who is dating some dude who owns a pretty major clothing line…because that’s what climbing the ladder is all about for a young girl trying to make it as a model..either you go for millionaire brand owners, or you go for trendy photographers, or you go for people in bands, because all those things will help make you relevant and being relevant is what gets you booked…just ask Emily Ratatatatatatatakowski…she gets it…and so do all the other models you hear about getting jobs… I’m not complaining, because she shows her tits, and even though all models show there tits, I still get happy when I see it…cuz I know…it’s just struggling to get ahead in the easiest possible job around…I mean people pay you to get your picture taken…are you fucking kidding me…pathetic really…if I wasn’t jerking off to it…feeling even more pathetic than these bitches as they win.

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Bambi Northwood-Blyth for Wild Heart of the Day

Fergie in Poses with Fat Chicks to Make Her Look Skinny in Some Shorts of the Day

Here are some pictures of Fergie in a timeless move girls everywhere have been doing for decades and decades since the beginning of time, and that’s standing next to a fat chick to make herself look skinny…. It is the fat chick in every group of friends that I always seem to get stuck talking to on the night she decides her hot friend I start chatting up gets too much mail attention and bitch starts crying for her moment, cuz I look like a guy who would fuck them, and I usually am…but it is nothing I am proud of. What I am proud of is the day I slipped fergie my card and she never called or emailed me to fuck because it reminded me where I stand in the world. Thanks for that Fergie, you meth pussy I want to fingerbang with my tongue

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Fergie in Poses with Fat Chicks to Make Her Look Skinny in Some Shorts of the Day

Edward Norton’s Fiance in a Bikini of the Day

Edward Norton is marrying some troll looking bitch, who happens to be a high school dropout from Canada, she also happens to be a movie producer involved with Judd Apatow, who’s best joke has been that he’s managed to pull this runnin’ comedy scam, when I’ve seen him do stand-up and he fucking sucked….and according the Wikipedia, Apatow pretty much states that she is the reason for anything good in his shitty fucking movies: Apatow has called her “the rare woman who always wants to take the joke farther than any man wants to go. All nudity in my films is a result of Shauna pushing me and calling me a wimp.” I should send her the script for my biopic. I always figure I’m one mainstream movie away from being relevant…. Here she is one step closer to being relevant cuz she got in a bikini….a bikinis, despite career, education, or even looks always puts a bitch on the map, even when I think she’s got the hottest personality Edward Norton has met, cuz last I checked, every single bitch in the world would marry Ed Norton even if just for his fame, money and lifestyle….ending up with this is a bit of a disservice to his dick….Let’s hope she lets him cheat thanks to an awareness of her shortcomings….that are directly related to his short cumming. Good. One.

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Edward Norton’s Fiance in a Bikini of the Day