If you don’t find a Mexican Bi Polar disney kid pop star to fat 12 year olds like Demi Lovato hot… Maybe you’ll like seeing pics of her doing her best Jon Benet Ramsey…a fetish to anyone weird enough…. I mean if Jon Benet was a chubby Mexican pushing 30 in a push up bra and in hair and make-up for attention on her social media… Which she’s not…since she’s dead… The post Demi Lovato Channels Jon Benet Ramsey of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
40 year old Michelle Monaghan is probably best known for a bunch of random movies she’s been in. She’s been a mom for over 9 years, which isn’t that hot to me, because being a stepfather is pretty disgusting, but she is in a bikini, despite her shortcomings, for her social media because why not show off your body when you can, especially when upside down so that the effects of gravity don’t actually offednd everyone watching her….not that it would because she’s so obscure of an act the only people watching her would be happy seeing her anyway half naked….even after a huge meal while hunched over…sexy.. The post Michelle Monaghan Bikini Cartwheel of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
I feel like I’ve posted this already…Lady Gaga hires Terry Richardson to follow her around…and she ends up doing “artistic” topless pics and half naked videos with him…you know to be edgy…and the whole thing…bores the fuck out of me…even if it involves a half naked girl…who is probably not a girl…because based on her face…she’s got a fucking dick…but for the sake of this post she just looks that way…cuz she was born that way… She’s SHE’S TOPLESS ALL THE TIME …cuz that’s how she stays relevant…and seen as innovative by her loser fans that relate to her because she is a loser too…and the whole thing would be better if she was attached to a sex machine… I mean you wanna pretend you’re dominatrix and S&M…fucking be dominatrix and S&M and make it fucking count… She’s the fucking worst…
Madison Magazine has reminded me what I used to masturbate to Cindy Crawford in the 90s….cuz I’d masturbate to her now….if my penis was able to perform such tasks…but hard living and a disgusting wife has made us our very own circus performer…one that can’t perform tricks…unless being impotent is a trick…but I feel like if I really focus and forget all the smut I’ve digested over the years leading to someone who can’t really get into anything….Cindy Crawford may be the one to save me….yep…she’s fully clothed and I felt something move….you see cuz that’s her fucking super power… I’m into it, even if I generally like more exposed Uterus in my retired model pics.
Ashley Tisdale is notorious for not being hot….but more importantly, for having people think she’s hot, when clearly her asymmetrical face, botched nose job, and 30 year old, pretending to be 25 wrinkles that her Disney Peter Pan serum didn’t fix….tell a different fucking story…..one that starts with her realizing her shortcomings…and hitting the gym to work on something she can control…cuz there comes a time in every man’s life when they will chose a hot body over a hot face…cuz when you’re fucking a bitch from behind, she doesn’t even have a fucking face…if you know waht I mean…and based on these leggings pics..I’m gonna assume Tisdale knows exaclty what I mean… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
RITA ORA is some relatively new, young, chubby pop tart everyone is giving tons of attention to, at least in Europe, who I have POSTED ON A FEW TIMES BEFORE ….. She’s being pegged as the next Rihanna, she’s 21, and the hip hop world is fucking loving her, probably cuz they are black and love a fat white ass that is down to use them to social climb…cuz a girl who uses a motherfucker, is usually willing to get used in order to complete her using….it’s an amazing perpetual circle that always ends with orgasms and/or tears…. She’s apparently opening for Coldplay on their summer tour, so you’ll be seeing more of her, and as of today, you can say that you know what that girl’s nipple looks like, in color, shape and size, everytime you do….thannks to her costume and more importantly her not using pasties like some cock tease whore who didn’t have to suck dick to get where she is today….something Rita Ora is not. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
Emily VanCamp is someone who I have never heard of, which is pretty fucking unfortunate, because before she was on TV, some show called Revenge I’ve never heard of, which isn’t saying much, cuz I don’t watch TV….she was living in Montreal…..and I live in Montreal…meaning I could have crossed paths with her at the Canadian national dogsled games, or at the igloo building ceremony, or at the ice wall dance party….I coulda flashed this bitch my cock on public transit after school, you know before she was fucking famous…but I fuck up all opportunities…and it usually takes a photo of a vagina in dolphin position in the pool to make me realize my shortcomings by not cumming, failure at life. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK
Edward Norton is marrying some troll looking bitch, who happens to be a high school dropout from Canada, she also happens to be a movie producer involved with Judd Apatow, who’s best joke has been that he’s managed to pull this runnin’ comedy scam, when I’ve seen him do stand-up and he fucking sucked….and according the Wikipedia, Apatow pretty much states that she is the reason for anything good in his shitty fucking movies: Apatow has called her “the rare woman who always wants to take the joke farther than any man wants to go. All nudity in my films is a result of Shauna pushing me and calling me a wimp.” I should send her the script for my biopic. I always figure I’m one mainstream movie away from being relevant…. Here she is one step closer to being relevant cuz she got in a bikini….a bikinis, despite career, education, or even looks always puts a bitch on the map, even when I think she’s got the hottest personality Edward Norton has met, cuz last I checked, every single bitch in the world would marry Ed Norton even if just for his fame, money and lifestyle….ending up with this is a bit of a disservice to his dick….Let’s hope she lets him cheat thanks to an awareness of her shortcomings….that are directly related to his short cumming. Good. One.
Is Oprah a religious icon? No, seriously, I’m actually asking this. I can’t believe that I am actually asking this, but I am, because according to the New York Post , a Yale professor who has studied almost every episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show show from the last 12 years says the enormous success of the talk show queen is down to one thing and one thing only; “she has transformed herself into the equivalent of a religious icon.” Yale religion professor Kathryn Lofton writes in her new book, “Oprah: The Gospel of an Icon”; “By using the techniques of a preacher, Oprah has been able to create a new “gospel” that goes beyond just being a simple daytime TV show.. Gospel is a word that means ‘good news,’ Oprah says that the good news is ‘you.’” Thus, the professor is arguing that “Oprah” is effectively a religion icon. No, I’m not kidding. Lofton isn’t arguing that Oprah’s followers admire her as a sort of god, (which, judging by the way some of her audience members act, is probably very true), instead she is arguing that Oprah herself gets her message across, by using the language and trappings of traditional religion. The New York Post note that; “a mix of southern preacher’s rhythmic speech patterns with a sermon-like structure for each show, [meant that] Oprah could tackle subjects ranging from spousal abuse to the best pair of Ugg boots.” Lofton believes she can pinpoint the moment Oprah went from being a successful talk-show host to a religious icon in 1994. At that time Oprah said; “The time has come for this genre of talk shows to move on from dysfunctional whining and complaining and blaming… I have had enough of people’s dysfunction.” Lofon argues that this “spiritual revelation” was converted into a “corporate makeover” with her show becoming “Change Your Life TV.” Lofton told the Post; “As a part of this new look and focus for the show, she began to develop her brand, including, eventually, the book club, the magazine, the Web site, and her Angel Network.” Lofton argues that the message of Oprah’s shows became “a consistent gospel, The Gospel of You” She argues that her shows were geared toward the discovery of yourself as the source for change; in yourself and in the world. She says; “Oprah says, first, you don’t have to be perfect; and second, she gives endless advice so you might try to be [perfect].” It is these elements which (at least in the professors mind) provide the successful formula for her religion. She says; “the double whammy of being forgiven for your shortcomings and simultaneously being shown what you ought to be doing; reading books, giving to charity, etc, is the secret of Oprah’s success” Yeah, I don’t get it either. Oprah To Charge $1 Million For Commercial On Show Finale Oprah’s Secret Diaries Reveal She Wanted “To Die” Over Relationship Oprah’s OWN Network Ratings Fall Within First Week